All Stars Club
Job Description
Job title:Deputy Supervisor for All Stars Club.
Responsible to:Supervisor.
Responsible for:All Stars Club Practitioners and Trainees.
Purpose of the job:Running the All Stars Club.
Safeguardingrequirement:All Stars Club iscommittedtosafeguardingandpromotingthewelfare of childrenand young people. It is arequirement of all staff thattheysharethis commitment and followthe prescribed policyand procedures to continuouslypromote aculture ofsafeguardingacross the wholeorganisation.
- To be responsible for the day to day management, staffing, organisation and smooth running of the All Stars Club.
- To contribute to the strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation and development of All Stars Club.
- To create a welcoming and family friendly environment where children are at ease and able to develop a sense of ownership of their surroundings.
- To ensure that the All Stars Club is a safe environment for children, staff and others, that equipment is safe, standards of hygiene are high, safety procedures are implemented at all times.
- To maintain an environment which fosters positive interactions between children of varied ages (range 3-11) attending the All Stars Club.
- To liaise closely with parents/carers, encouraging dialogue about the All Star Club and its timetable.
- To ensure that child protection concerns are always acted upon appropriately and immediately.
- To ensure that children attending the All Stars Club receive balanced and healthy snacks and meals where these are provided.
- To ensure that staff are appropriately supported to carry out their role confidently and effectively.
- To clearly define and uphold the vision and values of the club, ensuring that these are fully understood and embodied by all staff members.
- To be aware of the All Stars Clubs policies and procedures and ensure these are adhered to at all times; including Safeguarding and whistle blowing.
- To maintain awareness of your own personal development and training needs and to keep up-to-date with current legislation and practice.
- As a qualified First Aider to administer first aid and medication as required and ensure that appropriate records are completed.
- To attend reasonable out-of-working-hours activities, including training, staff meetings, committee meetings and special events.
This job description is not an exhaustive list of duties and the post holder will be required to undertake any other reasonable duties discussed and directed by the Supervsior. The post holder is also expected to be flexible and adaptable in their approach to fulfilling their duties.