JSA Board Meeting
June 21, 2014
Board members present: Myria Shakespeare, Jodi Neil, Garry Remsberg, Dave Hays, Sandi Branum, Mike Lopez, Pete Christensen,
Absent: Katie Damian, Barb Murray, Danielle Larson,Kyle Scholl,Brodie Anderson, Jane Sebens
Players present: Butch Carber
Meeting called to order: 9:30am
Approval of board minutes from May 17, 2014: The minutes from the May 17, 2014 board meeting were approved with no objections or amendments.
New Business
Update on Coed Tournament:The board agreed to split the tournament into 4 divisions as there were enough teams to have four competitive divisions.
Classification of teams for Coed Tournament:
Division 1:Ballaholics
AK Communications
Harbor Bar (Petersburg/Juneau team)
Division 2:Guts, Bones, and Balls
Foodland Hammer n’ Ales
Valley Liquor Fireballs
Bad News Bears
AK Seaplanes
Division 3:Off the Cuff
Haz Gas
Big Red
Division 4:Pirates
Delta Western
PND Wolves
Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe
Volunteers to help set up/clean up for Coed Tournament on Friday night/Sunday afternoon:Board members volunteered to meet at the field on Friday at 4:30pm to set up for the tournament, as well as help clean up after the tournament on Sunday.
Alternative to data entry for stats (no one available to input data):Bob reported that there is no one available to enter the stats during the Coed Tournament this year. The board agreed to have team managers select All Tournament players.
Discussion of rule to allow tagging at home plate: A motion was made to amend the JSA rule to allow tagging at home plate in Coed. The motion passed with no objections or discussion.
Committee reports:
Concessions: Sandi reported that she will oversee hiring high school students to work the concession stand during the tournament.
Marketing: The marketing committee reported that they have lined up 3 sponsors for the Coed Tournament, in addition to AK Outdoor Wearhouse & Embroidery who gave JSA a discount on tournament award printing and Kappler Computer Services who have agreed to assist with tournament scheduling.
A motion was made to purchase an additional tournament banner that can be displayed at all of the tournaments each year. The banner will have the JSA logo and say “Juneau Softball Association Tournament”, but will not have a specific tournament or date included. The motion passed with no objections or discussion.
Discussion on 2-out walk rule in Coed: A suggestion was made to either amend or eliminate the current rule that states that in a 2 out situation, if a man is walked the woman following in the lineup can also walk. The board agreed to table the discussion until the next meeting.
Discussion on use of batting helmets: An issue was brought up concerning runners getting hit in the head by errant throws while running to first base. A suggestion was made to either require that helmets be worn by all batters at least to first base, or have JSA purchase some helmets and make them available to players during games for those players who wish to wear them. The board agreed to table the discussion until the next meeting.
Next Board meeting:July 5, 2014JSA office, 9:30am
*Rainball Tournament classifications