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Minutes of ADRA Board Meeting of 9/21/12




Southern University Campus

Augustus C. Blanks Hall, Faculty Lounge

September 21, 2012

10:00 A.M.

  1. Call to Order: Roy Baas, Chairman
  2. Roll call; set quorum: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer
  3. Public Introductions and Representation
  4. Approval of July 30, 2012 Minutes: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer

a)July 2012

b)August 2012

  1. Public Questions or Comments
  2. New Business

a)Renewal Fee and Refund Request: Maria A. Simons

b)State Background Check Waiver Request: Tom Rowan

c)Approval of Applicant to be Credentialed

d)Prevention Systems Committee: Code of Ethics related to Substance Abuse Prevention Professionals

e)CIT Guidelines Comment Review

f)CIT Guidelines Approval

  1. Old Business

a)Review of Credential Upgrade Request: Blakely Brown-Warren

b)Impaired Professional Program Update – Bernadine Williams

c)ATI Guidelines Update

  1. Executive Director’s Report: LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

Adjourn Meeting: Next meeting date: Friday, November 16, 2012; 10:00 a.m. @ ADRA Office:

4919 Jamestown Avenue, Suite 203 Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Approved and Adopted: Roy Baas, ChairmanX


Regular Meeting of Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority Board

Friday, September 21, 2012 at 10:00a.m.

Held at:

Southern University Campus

Augustus C. Blanks Hall, Faculty Lounge

September 21, 2012

I.Call to Order

The September21, 2012, regular meeting of the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority Board was called to order to by Roy Baas, LAC, CCGC, CCS, Chairman, at approximately 10:00a.m. The meeting was held pursuant to public notice, each member received notice, and notice was properly posted.

II.Roll Call (Attachment 1)

Members Present:

Roy Baas, LAC, CCGC, CCS, Chairman

Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGC, Vice-Chairman

Marilyn Smith, LAC

Jean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer

Kevin James, RAC, CCS

Dr. Louis Cataldie, M.D.

Members Absent:

Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS

JoAn Brown, LAC

ADRA Staff Present:

LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

Lauren Lear, Assistant Director

Pamela Richards, Administrative Assistant

III.Public Introductions


Marolon Mangham

Dawn Diez

Murielle Harrison

Missy Graves

Ellis Roussel

Brittany Henry

Kinyettia Carter

Leslie Freeman

David Dickson

Binky Picard

Lisia Jones

Mariana Montero

Christopher McKernin

IV.Approval of July30, 2012 Minutes (Attachment 2)

A draft of the July30, 2012 Board meeting minutes was presented for approval. A motion was made to approve the minutes with suggested changes by Kevin Smith, RAC, CCSand seconded by Marilyn Smith, LAC. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

V.Treasurer’s Report (Attachment 3)

The July and AugustTreasurer’s Reports were presented by LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director andJean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer; copy attached. A motion was made by Marilyn Smith, LACand seconded by Kevin James,RAC, CCS to accept the report as given. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

VI.Public Questions or Comments.

  1. Guests

None at this time.

VII.New Business

  1. Renewal Fee and Refund Request: Maria A. Simons

Supporting documentation was presented to the board by LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director in regards to Ms. Simons’ request. It is the board’s recommendation that the ADRA refund the late fee. The processing fee is non-refundable and non-transferable as clearly stated on the application Ms. Simons completed. Marolon Mangham offered that the application processing fee be refunded to Ms. Simon by the professional organization. A motion was made by Jean Hartzog, CPP and seconded by Marilyn Smith, LAC. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. State Background Check Waiver Request: Tom Rowan

The board cannot waive a requirement that is outlined by law. The recommendation was made by the board that Mr. Rowan obtain a copy of his state background check from one of the organizations he has recently submitted it to and have it notarized and then submit that copy to the board.

  1. Approval of Applicant to be Credentialed

A motion was made by Kevin James, RAC, CCS to approve the applicants listed as credentialed and seconded by Jean Hartzog, CPP. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. Prevention Systems Committee: Code of Ethics related to Substance Abuse Prevention Professionals

Dawn Diez gave a brief presentation about some of the particular discrepancies within the Practice act was modified in 2004. They have outlined some inconsistencies in some of the language; such as the code of ethic. Prevention Professionals do not have relationshipswith clients. Classes are taught to participants to educate on prevention methods. The Prevention Systems Committee would like to discuss with the board what they can do to assist in creating a model of best practices for prevention professionals.

Jean Hartzog, CPP made the recommendation to allow the Prevention Systems Committee to present suggested changes and revise the appropriate documents for presentation to the board.

  1. CIT Guidelines Comment Review

The board recommended that a committee be formed to review the comments received. This committee will consist of all available board members and the meeting will be made public for comments and input. Committee meeting for the purpose of reviewing comments for CIT Guidelines scheduled for October 19, 2012.

  1. CIT Guidelines Approval

A motion was made by Kevin James, RAC, CCS and seconded by Marilyn Smith, LAC delay final approval until the November board meeting. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

VIII.Old Business

  1. Review of Credential Upgrade Request: Blakely Brown-Warren

A motion was made by Jean Hartzog, CPP and seconded by Kevin James, RAC, CCS to approve the credential upgrade application for the CAC designation. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. Impaired Professional Program Update – Bernadine Williams

LaMiesa presented for Bernadine the most recent change to the Impaired Professional Program. The language was added that the costs incurred are to be paid by the participant. A motion was made by Jean Hartzog, CPP and seconded by Kevin James, RAC, CCS to approve the Impaired Professionals Program Guidelines as amended. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. ATI Guidelines Update

Roy Baas, Chairman suggests that we reactivate the development of the ATI Guidelines. Bernadine Williams and Jean Hartzogwere volunteered to complete this. It is at their discretion to solicit advice and outside assistance for these guidelines.

  1. Executive Director’s Report: LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

ADRA Executive Director, LaMiesa Bonton, gave the following report:

  1. General Operations Update


We would like to keep the budget the same for the time being. Because of the move, we have some added expensesand we do not have a clear picture of how the year will play out.

Office Closure from Isaac

We observed state recommendations for office closure due to hurricane Isaac. Lauren kept the website up to date with the office closures.

Security System

We have received some quotes from security companies for a security system. Roy suggested that we contact Aspen Alert for a quote.


We are now independent from DHH and have a shared drive set-up. The cost is expensive, so we plan to limit our use of IT support. However, he is available to assist us with any computer or website issues that we may have.

Office Hour Increase

We received confirmation that we can work the 30 hours per week as part-time employees from Civil Service. Extended work hours are now in place.

Opioid Treatment Committee

DHH is requesting 2 names from Regions 8 and 9 to serve on the Opioid Treatment Committee.


Contracts are being processed as multi-year contracts. Our CPA and legal contract will be for 3 years and the court reporter contract is for 2 years



Second newsletter will be sent out to our counselors in November.


LaMiesa attended the Addiction Commission meeting and the Prevention Systems Committee meeting.

Renewal Status Numbers

Expected 341 renewals and we processed 274. However, late renewals are still coming in.

Reports Submitted

Risk management/risk exposure was submitted August 2, 2012. Comprehensive Annual financial report was due on August 30, 2012 but was submitted September 3, 2012. The deadline was extended due to the hurricane. Litigation report was completed by Celia Cangelosi and submitted. Property exposure report is due December 15, 2012.

Works in Progress

Records management and state archives – Roy suggested that we begin scanning the old documents and store them on an external hard drive. We are still planning another meeting with archives to get more clarity on what we need to do. The biggest issue we are having is the old BCSAC files. Because the BCSAC fell under another board that was dissolved, we believe that these files do not belong to us, but to DHH. We will research more into this matter.

Other works in progress are: Operations manual, in-depth review of health standards, and review of past minutes.

Marolon Mangham presented Roy Baas with his Chris French award from the LASACT Conference.

Next meeting date: Friday, November16, 2012; 10:00a.m. @ ADRA Office

A motion was made by Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGCand seconded by Kevin James, RAC, CCSto adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer