December 1, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Russell L. Cowan.
A roll call was taken which showed council members Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme, present. Mayor Cowan stated that the meeting was a specially called meeting and that notice of the time, place and agenda of the meeting had been provided to the local news media and to each member of the governing body.
Others present included City Manager Brad Hancock, City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken, Jean Liddell, Roger Eschler, Justin Johnson, Andre Salvail, Dave Labrum, Dustin McGee, Ron Winterton, Rick Harrison, Barbara Price, Kim Farley, Brad Farley, and Craig Labrum.
Opening prayer was given by City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken.
A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 19, 2009, after revision. Motion was seconded by Councilman Guy Coleman. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion was carried unanimously.
Dustin McGee came before Council seeking authorization to purchase an out-of-city water connection located within the Cedarview/Montwell Water District just north and east of the Bob West residence. Mr. McGee had been instructed to get a letter from the Cedarview/Montwell Water District stating they had no problem with Mr. McGee hooking onto Roosevelt’s line as their District is unable to serve Mr. McGee at this time. Mr. McGee presented this letter to Council. Council discussed that this location will become a subdivision in the future although it has not been platted as such at this time. In consideration of the future plans, Council advised that the tap into the main line be 8” line to accommodate future growth. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Robert Yack to approve this request with Mr. McGee paying the cost to go underneath the road over and above the cost of the out-of-city connection including all labor and materials. Motion seconded by Councilman Dave Wolstenhulme. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Council reviewed Resolution 2009-236, approving submission of a Utah Enterprise Zone Application for Duchesne County, to include the cities. After discussion, a motion was made by
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Councilman Guy Coleman to approve Resolution 2009-236. Motion seconded by Councilman
Lane Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Roosevelt City has been asked to pass a proclamation supporting the 2010 Census effort. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Vaun Ryan to authorize Mayor Cowan to sign this proclamation. Motion seconded by Councilman Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Council reviewed a business license application from Kevin Griffin for Trans-Tech International Chemicals, LLC. The business license for Club 40 has been postponed for further review. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Guy Coleman to approve ths application. Motion seconded by Councilman Lane Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Council has received a proposed multi-jurisdiction tribal agreement for review and comment. This agreement updates a previous agreement that Roosevelt City did not sign.
Council discussed vandalism of the clock at the Old Mill Park. A motion was made by Councilman Lane Yack to offer a $1,000 reward for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of perpetrators of vandalism to any public property in Roosevelt and have signs posted warning that city property is under 24-hour surveillance. Motion seconded by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to go into an executive session to discuss personnel matters and at the end of the discussion, return back into regular session. Motion seconded by Councilman Vaun Ryan. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
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Duchesne County Commissioner Ron Winterton came before Council to discuss animal control services issues between Roosevelt City and Duchesne County. The current contract expires the end of this month. It was determined that Commissioner Winterton is not getting all the information he needs to make decisions regarding this issue. As a result, a copy of the monthly animal report will be sent to Commissioner Winterton and Roosevelt’s representative, Dave Woolstenhulme will meet periodically with Commissioner Winterton. An agreement will be prepared between Duchesne County and Roosevelt City and periodically reviewed to see if this new arrangement will work more beneficially for both parties.
A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to go into an executive session to discuss personnel matters and at the end of the discussion, return back into regular session. Motion seconded by Councilman Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Cart Hanger Rental – A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to have all cart hanger rental fees invoiced in January of each year with payment in full made by April 1st of the same year or a $50 fee will be added to the amount due. Motion seconded by Guy Coleman. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Private Golf Cart Stickers – A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme that all private golf carts be required to display a sticker on the front of the drivers side upon payment of the private golf fee. Motion seconded by Councilman Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
Season Golf Passes - This motion clarifies the intent of a motion made at last weeks Council meeting. A motion was made by Dave Woolstenhulme that all season passes for the golf course be sold at the Roosevelt City offices when the golf course is not open for the season and during the regular golf season, the passes will be sold at the golf clubhouse. Motion seconded by Robert Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Guy Coleman. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Vaun Ryan, and Dave Woolstenhulme. Motion carried unanimously.
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Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Russell L. Cowan, Mayor
Carolyn Wilcken, Recorder