Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick

Part One


Draft of April 12, 2015

*= not fully implemented as of this date


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick shall protect the church building and grounds from fire and other sources of physical hazard consistent with state and local safety codes.

  1. Entrance and Egress
  • The Church shall provide entrance and egress for the church building consistent with state and local fire and safety codes, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
  • The Church shall maintain all entrances and egresses free from obstructions. All entrances and egresses shall be clearly marked with lighted exit signs.
  • *The Church shall provide maps for emergency egress in every room.
  1. Protection from Physical Hazard
  • The church building and grounds shall meet state and local fire and safety requirements. The Board shall arrange for periodic inspections of the church building and grounds.
  • The Church shall provide reasonable protection against hazards caused by inclement weather, electrical outages, flooding, poisons, and faulty entrance and egress.
  • The Church shall provide and maintain first aid kits.
  1. Protection from Fire Hazard
  • The Church shall maintain panic doors on all exits to the out of doors and all doors marked with exit signs.
  • Seating in the sanctuary shall have a minimum of two aisles, the width of which meets Brunswick fire code.
  • The Church shall provide and maintain a fire alarm system that includes an early detection device, a notification device, a manual pull system, a main alarm panel, and a notification to the Brunswick Fire Department.
  • *The Church shall provide fire extinguishers and smoke detectors throughout the church building. In addition, it shall maintain annual servicing agreements with a qualified inspection company, and shall designate someone within the church to inspect fire extinguishers monthly and smoke detectors annually.
  • The Church shall designate the Brunswick Fire Department to be the skilled users of fire extinguishers in case of a fire emergency. Thus the Church’s first response to such emergencies shall be to help people leave the building and to call the Brunswick Fire Department for immediate assistance.
  • *The Church shall develop a responsible procedure for dealing with fire emergencies, including specifying who shall communicate with the congregation in such emergency and exactly what to say.
  • *The Church shall establish fire drill procedures that are consistent with state and local guidelines and shall conduct fire drill training in accordance with requirements of the Brunswick Fire Department.
  1. Communicating in Emergency Situations
  • The Church shall provide methods of summoning emergency police, fire, safety, ambulance and medical help. The primary method shall be 911.
  • *The Church shall provide emergency communication throughout the building, including sanctuary, community room, kitchen, offices, nursery, RE classrooms and other meeting rooms.
  • *The Church shall install a video camera to allow the office to see who is at the front door.
  1. Occupancy
  • *The Church shall post the maximum occupancy of each meeting space on the walls, as determined by the Brunswick Fire Department.
  1. Use of Hazardous Materials
  • The Church shall restrict the use of candles to religious purposes. Candles are not permitted in RE classes.
  1. Americans With Disabilities Act Requirements
  • The Church shall stay current with ADA.

Part Two


Draft of April 12, 2015

*= not fully implemented as of this date


The Personal Safety Policy is adopted to protect all those who use church facilities and attend programs on church property from harmful people, events, situations, interactions and relationships.

  1. Physical Hazards and Emergency Communication
  • The Church shall provide protection from physical and fire hazards, and provide for emergency communication, in accordance with Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Part 1, Building Safety Policy.
  1. Religious Education
  • *The Church shall require ongoing Religious Education (RE) volunteers to read and sign the Covenant For Those Working with Children and Youth and the Affirmation By Those Working With Children and Youth whenever the volunteer begins working with the RE program. (Attachments A and B)
  • The Church holds parents and guardians responsible for the supervision of their children before and after religious education classes and activities.
  1. Transportation
  • The Church shall take all reasonable safety precautions when transporting children to events.
  • The Church shall require all drivers of children participating in religious education activities to have automotive liability insurance.
  • The Church shall not allow youth to transport children or youth to church sponsored events off church property.
  • The Church shall require permission slips and medical release forms for all field trips, youth gatherings, vehicle rides, and sleepovers. Permission slips must contain emergency contact information as well as pertinent medical information.
  • The Church’s insurance policies shall not cover youth group members providing transportation to other youth group members to on-site youth group meetings. Such transport must be arranged and agreed to by parents or guardians, in advance.
  • The Church shall require every child or youth whose transport is arranged by the Church to wear age-appropriate restraints as required by law – a car seat, booster seat, or seatbelt.
  • The Church shall require at least one adult and two or more youth or children to be present when transporting children or youth to and from outings, conferences, meetings, or other church activities. In situations where only one child or youth is being transported two adults shall be required.
  • The Church shall require participants to use appropriate safety equipment for outings and transport (e.g. bicycle helmets).
  1. Selection of Staff and Volunteers
  • *The Church shall require staff who work with children and youth on an ongoing basis to undergo a background check prior to employment. Members and friends of the church must fill out the Religious Education Program Volunteer Reference Sheet prior to volunteering with children and youth. (Attachment C)
  • Members and friends who have attended the church for at least six months are eligible to volunteer for the RE program. Exceptions to this policy may be made for cause by the Director of Religious Education.
  • The Church shall supervise all those who work with children and youth.
  • The Church shall not allow adults, youth and children who are known to have criminal charges pending, or known to have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, child sexual or physical abuse, to work with children or youth.
  • *The Director of Religious Education shall be responsible for checking long-term RE volunteers against the Maine Sexual Offenders Registry.
  • *The Church shall encourage all staff to be certified in first aid and CPR. The church shall pay any fees associated with acquiring and maintaining this certification.
  1. Training of Volunteers and Staff
  • *The Director of Religious Education shall lead a required safety training workshop for volunteers who work with children and youth on an on-going basis, which shall include an understanding of: (1) the location and use of fire extinguishers, (2) emergency evacuation plans and procedures; (3) the definition of child abuse, (4) sexual and physical abuse symptoms; (5) the definition of inappropriate conduct; (6) Church policies that govern working with children and youth; (7) reporting procedures for observed or suspected misconduct; and (8) State of Maine mandated reporting laws for suspected child abuse.
  1. Use of Alcoholic Beverages
  • The Church shall prohibit the serving or use of alcoholic beverages by church members or by any group using church facilities, except at wedding parties and other celebrations for which wine toasts are customary. At such occasions alternate non-alcoholic beverages shall also be made available.
  1. Child Care and Religious Education Activities
  • The Church shall require that two volunteers and/or staff members be present with each RE group, class or the nursery. One of these volunteers/staff must be 18 years of age or older. Exceptions to this policy are discouraged, but may be approved for cause by the Director of Religious Education, Minister, or Religious Education Committee.
  • *The Church shall require all youth who work with nursery children to complete the American Red Cross babysitting course or submit a resume to the Director of Religious Education.
  • The Church shall require appropriate children-to-caregiver ratios as determined by the RE Committee.
  1. Preventing and Responding to Abuse
  • *The Church shall adopt accepted definitions of physical, sexual and mental abuse and communicate this information to parents, congregation and staff.
  • The Church shall require people at risk of incident to covenant with the Minister and Director of Religious Education concerning their participation in the church.
  • The Church requires people at risk of incident to refrain from contact with children and youth in our church community.
  • The Church shall follow the Maine Mandatory Reporting Law Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect. (Attachments D and E)
  • The Church shall follow the Maine Mandatory Reporting Law Regarding Adult Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation. (Attachment F and G)
  • *The RE program shall periodically provide age-appropriate abuse education to children registered in the religious education program.
  • The Minister shall be the designated person for reporting all cases of, and allegations of, abuse on behalf of the Church.
  1. Dealing with Disruptive Behavior
  • The Church shall act promptly and decisively to address perceived disruptive behavior, including any behavior that: (a) negatively affects the physical or emotional well being of any adult or child, (b) disrupts church activities, (c) is considered dangerous, disruptive or offensive by the church community.
  • The Church shall address disruptive behavior on a case-by-case basis. Response to such instances may include no action, mediation, warning, or suspension of membership. All such decisions may be appealed to an ad hoc committee of at least 5 members selected by the Board of Trustees.
  1. Registration and Information about Children and Families
  • The Church shall require all parents and guardians to fill out registration forms in order for their children to participate in religious education programs on an ongoing basis. Required information shall include: allergies, emergency contacts, medical information and photo release permission.
  1. Administration
  • The Board of Trustees shall oversee the implementation of these policies.

Attachment A

Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick


Adapted from UUA’s Code of Ethics for Persons Working with Children and Youth, 1986.

The care and education of our children and youth are sacred tasks. Wishing you great joy in it, and thankful for your participation in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick’s programs, we are obligated to remind you that the parents of this church trust you to abide by this Covenant in your work with their children.

Our church is a voluntary association of people who gather for the purpose of religious fellowship. The relationships which develop within our church thus more resemble friendships, with their attendant risks and rewards, than professional relationships. The potential for intergenerational friendship and learning at our church is unique and important to the spiritual life of all concerned--adults, children, and youth.

Since there is an inherent power differential between adults and young people, it is important for adults to exercise good judgment and maturity in their influence upon children and youth, and to refrain from using young people to inappropriately fulfill their own needs. Young people are vulnerable, in that they may find it difficult to speak out about the inappropriate behavior of adults or even to recognize such behavior as inappropriate.

Therefore, your signature at the bottom of this document is a promise to:

1. refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with children and/or youth,

2. refrain from harassment or behavior which constitutes verbal, emotional or physical abuse,

3. refrain, while working with our children and youth, from being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any other substances which impair your judgment or your ability to function effectively in a leadership role,

4. read, affirm, and sign the Affirmation By Those Working With Children and Youth, and

5. report any future action that may bear on your fitness to work with our children and youth.

In cases of any violation of this Covenant, appropriate action will be taken.

I understand and hereby agree to abide by this Covenant.


Signature Date

Attachment B

Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick

Affirmation by Those Working With Children and Youth

Name ______Phone ______

Address ______

I have read and understand the Covenant for Those Working with Children and Youth. I agree to uphold these principles in my work with the children and youth of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick.

I affirm that I have never been accused of, convicted of, or pled guilty, nolo contendere or taken an “Alford” plea to, a charge of sexual misconduct, or been determined to have engaged in any form of child abuse in any civil, criminal, administrative, or ecclesiastical forum, or any other forum.

If there are any facts or circumstances in my background that might call into question my being entrusted with the supervision, guidance and care of children or youth, I have met to review this information confidentially with the Minister and Director of Religious Exploration.

Signature ______Date ______

Attachment C

Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick



Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer in the Religious Education program of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick. As a child-serving program, the RE program is concerned about the safety and welfare of all our children and youth. For this reason we feel it is important to obtain some information about our volunteers. Please fill out the following information sheet and return it to the Director of Religious Education, together with the signed Covenant for Those Working with Children and Youth and Affirmation By Those Working with Children and Youth. We appreciate your support in providing a safe and secure environment for all the young people of our church.

Volunteer’s Name


First Middle Last

Address ______

Home Phone: ______When is the best time to reach you at home? ____

Work Phone: ______May the DRE phone you at work? _____ If yes, when? ______

If you have not lived in your current town for 5 years, please list the cities and states where you have lived for the last 5 years. ______


Please list two references who have known you for at least two years and are familiar with your character as it pertains to your experience with children and/or youth.

Name ______Phone ______

E-mail Address______

Name ______Phone ______

E-mail Address______

I authorize the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick to contact references to obtain information about my background. I authorize references to provide such information about me. This information will be available only to those responsible for screening or participating in a response team, or as required by law.

Signature ______Date ______

Attachment D


Title 22, Chapter 1071, Section 4011-A

As amended effective October 9, 2013

1. Required Report to Maine Department of Health and Human Services. The following adult persons shall immediately report or cause a report to be made to the department when the person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected or that a suspicious child death has occurred:

A. When acting in a professional capacity:

(27) A clergy member acquiring the information as a result of clerical professional work except for information received during confidential communications;

B. Any person who has assumed full, intermittent or occasional responsibility for the care or custody of the child, regardless of whether the person receives compensation; and

C. Any person affiliated with a church or religious institution who serves in an administrative capacity or has otherwise assumed a position of trust or responsibility to the members of that church or religious institution, while acting in that capacity, regardless of whether the person receives compensation.

Whenever a person is required to report in a capacity as a member of the staff of a medical or public or private institution, agency or facility, that person immediately shall notify either the person in charge of the institution, agency or facility or a designated agent who then shall cause a report to be made. The staff also may make a report directly to the department.

2. Required report to district attorney. When, while acting in a professional capacity, any person required to report under this section knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected by a person not responsible for the child or that a suspicious child death has been caused by a person not responsible for the child, the person immediately shall report or cause a report to be made to the appropriate district attorney's office.

3. Optional report. Any person may make a report if that person knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected or that there has been a suspicious child death.

7. Children under 6 months of age or otherwise non-ambulatory. A person required to make a report under subsection 1 shall report to the department if a child who is under 6 months of age or otherwise non-ambulatory exhibits evidence of the following:

A. Fracture of a bone;

B. Substantial bruising or multiple bruises;

C. Subdural hematoma;