Minutes of Aikton Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Rooms on Monday
the 10thof July 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:Councillors:S Collins(Chairman),S Todhunter, N Quayle, S Young, G Benson, K Oliver,
T H Graham, D Fairbairn G Thomlinson.
Also present:E Clark (Clerk) & P MacDonald (Allerdale Borough Councillor) & Angie Boyle (Parishioner)
23/17 / Chairman’s announcementsThe Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Angie Boyle, a prospective parish councillor.
24/17 / Apologies
No apologies received.
25/17 / Declarations of interest on the agenda
No declarations of interest received.
27/17 / Requests for Dispensations
No requests for dispensations received.
Resolved that the minutes of the annual meeting held on the 8th of May 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a true record.
28/17 / Adjournment of the meeting
No questions asked or matters of interest raised.
29/17 / Reports
Report from the Cumbria Constabulary –no report received and it was noted that the crime information database was still not up to date (currently showing April).
Report from the County Councillor– Cllr Fairbairn reported that the County Council’s Annual Meeting had taken place last Thursday when Stuart Young was elected Leader of the Council. HIMS (Highways information Management System), is on the County Council Website and is working well in reporting highway issues, checking how the reported fault is getting on and when it is completed. A map ensures the problem can be pin pointed on the road and a full report including a picture can up uploaded.
The 1.7 million pounds of repairs on the B5305 Penrith road; Street Road Ends to Churchtown has a week or two before it’s finished on that section. Work continues on the A595 with bids going in for crawler lanes at Bothel, going west and Moota, coming east. Discussions are ongoing with regards to wood lorries travelling on the A596 to Iggesund, diverting them onto the A595 which is a longer route and goes through Workington.
Report Report from the District Councillor – Cllr MacDonald advised that she had nothing to report.
Cllr Fairbairn left the meeting.30/17 / Reports from outside bodies–no report received from the parish rooms committee and it was noted that they still hadn’t had a meeting.
31/17 / Payment of accounts & Receipts Received
The payments of the following accounts were authorised:
- Clerk’s salary and expenses £180.46
- HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE £ 37.80
- HM Revenue & Customs – Vat Refund £ 10.83
32/17 /
Financial Statements
The current balances of the Council’s Bank Accounts and the bank reconciliation as at the 30th of June 2017 were noted and approved.33/17 / Planning Matters
There were no new planning applications received since the last meeting.
The following grant of planning application was noted;
Ref No: HOU/2017/0037 – Two storey rear extension – Holly House, Wiggonby –
Mr & Mrs Watters
The following refusal to grant planning permission was noted;
Ref No: 2/2017/0115 – Outline application with all matters reserved for a single dwelling – Land Adjacent to Mill Barn, Wiggonby – Messrs Taylor.
Councillors questioned why this application had been refused and it was agreed that a request be made to planning for a full justification for reasons of refusal including councillors comments.
34/17 /
The following were noted;Connecting Cumbria – Newsletter
CALC – May & June Circular
ACT – Household Emergency Plan Leaflet
Local Government Boundary Comm – Electoral Review: Final Recommendations
CALC –Satisfaction Survey 2017 – clerk to complete.
North West Coast Connections Project - Update
35/17 / Highway Matters
The following highway matters were noted; past the abattoir heading towards Great Orton there are numerous pot holes 2”-3” deep which are breaking up to bigger holes. The white lines at the junction opposite Ashleigh Farm still require painting. The road has been repaired at Thornbyby filling it with soil. Brookside, Aikton, on the side of the houses the road is breaking away.
36/17 / Councillor Vacancy
Angie Boyle was co-opted onto the council and completed the declaration of acceptance of office and pecuniary & other registrable interests forms.
37/17 / Superfast Broadband
An email from Paul Cretney of BT advised the following; there is no plan for a cabinet for Wiggonby at this time. We are adding new cabinets into the network as at present everything is served off Cabinet 7 on the A596 so too distant for fibre broadband. Two cabinets are planned in the next phase for Crofton and for Whinnow and the latter may provide some coverage but that is dependent on the survey and the actual siting of the cabinet. We may well be able to add further cabinets in the next phase after.
38/17 / Parish Land
Cllr Young advised that she had read the parish council minutes in the Carlisle Archives and there was no mention of how the parish council came to acquire the Watering Hole in Aikton. In 1965 there was a record of the parish council registering parish land but no record of the Watering Hole being included. It was agreed that Cllr Fairbairn be asked if he had any recollection of how it had been acquired.
39/17 / First Aid Course
Deferred to the next meeting.
40/17 / Items for Inclusion on the Next Agenda
Parish Land
First Aid Course
Report from Common Land Course
Planning Reply
41/17 / Date & time of next meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of the parish council would beheld on Monday the 11th of September 2017 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm.