878 Banff/Canmore Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets
PO Box 8033
Canmore, Alberta
T1W 2T8
June 11, 2005
Thank you to all who managed to attend our 25th Anniversary and Banquet. We know that not everybody got the news and we are certainly sorry you could not attend.
We invite you to join the Alumni Association we are forming. The intent is to let each other know where we are and what we’re doing now! Only your name and general information will be placed on the alumni website, indicate below if we may publish your email and contact information. Other Alumni can contact you through a request to the webmaster who will forward that request to you.
Current Rank or Title
/ i.e. Mr. Ms, CaptainFirst Name
Last Name
Maiden Name / Previous
Rank attained / With 878 or indicate other unit
Years / Joined / quit / retired
Military Service / CIC / Reserves / Reg
Current Mailing Address
Province / State
Postal / Zip Code
Career / Accomplishments?
Can we publish your information on the website?
Photos and information from the Reunion/ACR will be published on the Squadron Website (www.878squadron.ca) This document can be faxed to the squadron or emailed ()