April Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2012 6:30 PM
850 Third Avenue, 14th Floor
New York, NY
ATTENDEES: Scott Morrison, Arthur Katz, Gregory Arenson, Charlen Chuang, Aaron Koffman, Michael Johnson, Dominic Ricci BY PHONE: Karen Ho
Dial-in available at 1-877-520-8687, access 2759431#.
Topic Areas & Brainstorming: (5 mins)
Examples of Some Themes include:
Identifying Venues for the Club
Recognition of Club Members and Officers
Themes of Events
Demographic Data Collection
Venues with a Logistic Director
Attracting Patron Membership
Directory of Membership
Employment Opportunities for Alumni
Event post-mortem for networking
Kick off - More unique and special to the Club
Membership package - Value package
Board and Volunteer succession planning
Broadening MIT Club events for Families
Guide for Volunteers:
Local engagement NYC focus
Civic and government involvement
Planning for the New MIT President
MITx - interest among memberships
Partnerships within MIT and non-MIT partnerships
Record keeping for current and future planning (e.g. minutes, financial statements)
Retain existing levels (membership churn)
Alumni leadership and content -taking advantage of human capital
Provide information and resources to applicants to MIT
After hour events with MIT Speakers
Connecting Alumni and allowing them to create events
Lease a MIT Club house
Taking control of the scholarship
Project tied to our K-12 initiatives
Life-Long learning
Social Relationships
Volunteerism and Community Engagement
Professional Development
Discussion on the Bylaws
All members needs to be informed 2 weeks in advance if By-laws are being changed.
Executive committee is in charge of management. The Advisory Board provides guidance to the club based on experience and knowledge of Club and Alumni Association.
Scott will hold a special conference call for any questions or comments after groups has reviewed the bylaws. Arthur suggested that any questions or comments be directed to him as well.
Dom - CC coordinated an inter-club event with Duke and club to be named. Last Wed or Thur of June. Mixers - 100- 150 persons projected. Recommended to allow in principle the event.
May 19 - 5 and 5 (4 signs ups from the Club)
Scott voted to approve - Michael 2nd - Dom's event in principle in June - Approved
Topics to discuss - Top Five:
Identifying Venue space - Michael
Better serving clubs - Sara
local engagement with MIT and Brand Management - Jeremy
Making use of alumni base for Content