Department of State Growth
##This section cross-references Sections 166 and 175.
If any of the above sections are relevant, they should be included in the specification.
If any of the above sections are not included in the specification, all references to those sections should be struck out, ensuring that the remaining text is still coherent:
This section specifies the requirements for the design, and erection of falsework required to facilitate construction of the permanent works and the subsequent dismantling and removal of falsework.
(a)Australian Standards
Australian Standards are referenced in an abbreviated form (e.g.AS3610).
AS1170Parts 1 and 2 ‘Loading Code’
AS1720Timber structures
AS3610Formwork for concrete
AS4100Steel structures
AS5100Bridge Design Set.
(b)Additional Documents
Work Health and Safety Act 2012
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012.
Falsework: The temporary structural system required to support the formwork, the permanent structural components, material, plant, equipment and personnel required in the construction of the works. The temporary structural system comprises foundations and all structural members supporting the formwork, or supporting permanent structural components.
Falsework shall conform to the requirements of AS3610 and this specification.
HPThe Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for review, detailed drawings and specifications of the proposed falsework design and foundations not less than 2weeks prior to the commencement of erection of falsework.
The falsework design shall be certified by a design engineer who is a member of Engineers Australia and with a minimum of 5 years experience in the design and construction of falsework of similar complexity. The falsework design shall be verified in accordance with the Contract to confirm that the design satisfies the assumptions and the performance requirements of the falsework. The Design Engineer shall provide a statement that its obligations under Section 22 of the Work Health and Safety Act2012 have been satisfied.
The falsework design shall also be proof engineered by a Proof Engineer who is independent of the design consultant’s firm and is prequalified at Level PE under the VicRoads’ prequalification scheme or approved by the Superintendent.
Proof engineering shall be based on the construction drawings and specification and without reference to the design engineer’s computations.
HPThe Proof Engineering Certificate of Compliance shall be forwarded to the Superintendent not less than five working days prior to the commencement of fabrication of the falsework and at least two days prior to the construction of any falsework foundations. The Proof Engineering Certificate of Compliance shall be in accordance with the form included as AttachmentA to this section.
Evidence of the Proof Engineer’s detailed check and acceptance shall be indicated on every drawing and the specification issued for construction.
The design certification by the Proof Engineer shall state that the design of falsework and all falsework documentation conforms to the performance requirements of the Contract and this section including the Australian Standards and additional documents listed in Clause613.02. Any amendment to the design after the issue of the Proof Engineering Certificate of Compliance shall be referred to the Proof Engineer for review and written confirmation that the Certificate of Compliance remains valid.
Falsework shall be erected and dismantled in strict conformance with the design drawings, specification, erection and dismantling procedures and instructions. A copy of all drawings, specification, procedures and instructions duly certified by the design engineer shall be kept on site.
Erection and dismantling of falsework shall be performed by personnel experienced in the erection and dismantling of falsework, to ensure that it is performed in a safe manner and without risk to personnel and property.
All proprietary falsework shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and shall comply with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act2012.
All falsework shall comply with the requirements of all relevant Codes of Practice approved under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012.
Falsework shall be designed to withstand all forces resulting from the loads as specified in this clause or from the loads specified in AS3610 and AS1170 Parts1and2, whichever produces the greater effect, and any additional loads that may be imposed on the falsework during construction. The design shall take into account the magnitude, direction and duration of these forces individually and collectively to ensure that on completion of the permanent structural components, the line, levels and dimensions of the constructed component comply with the requirements of the Contract.
The design loads (other than those specified in AS3610 and AS1170) shall be:
(a)Dead Load
This shall include the mass of forms, falsework, wet concrete, reinforcement and any other embedded material. The density of wet concrete, including reinforcement, shall be taken as 2700kg/m3.
(b)Superimposed Load
This shall include the mass of workmen, plant, equipment and runways, stacked material and an impact allowance equal to 25% of the all up weight of any mechanically operated plant.
In no case shall the superimposed load be less than 2kPa (plus the mass of stacked material) on the plan area of the finished concrete or a single isolated load of 2.5kN applied at any point of the structure.
(c)Wind Load
This shall be 2.4kPa minimum acting on the exposed area of falsework, formwork and any object supported by the falsework or formwork.
(d)Other Loads
These shall include any special conditions likely to occur during construction, including the redistribution of load due to the effects of prestressing or early application of prestress, construction stages and staged removal of falsework. The falsework design shall also allow where required the effects of stream flow, traffic impact, flooding and any other applicable conditions.
(e)Horizontal Loading
This shall include wind loading, horizontal surge loading equal to 25% of the all up mass of any mechanically operated plant and loading occurring during construction.
In no case shall the design value of the horizontal load acting in any direction be less than 1.5kN per metre applied at the edge of deck or 3% of the total dead load, whichever is the greater.
The design of all falsework members and connections shall comply with AS3610, AS4100 and AS1720.
Guardrailing and access requirements shall comply with AS1576.
Falsework members shall be designed and constructed to limit deflections to prevent cracking or settlement of previously cast sections due to subsequent casts. Deflections of beams and dimensional changes in other members and connections shall be limited to ensure that the finished concrete is within the specified tolerances for line and level.
All permanent structural components which are adjacent to or surrounded by falsework shall be protected to prevent any damage during the execution of the works.
Falsework shall not be supported or braced from completed permanent structural components unless it can be demonstrated that such temporary loading will not affect the structural integrity of the relevant component or the stability and integrity of the overall falsework system.
The Contractor shall carry out a site specific geotechnical investigation in addition to the geotechnical investigation required for the design of the permanent structure, to establish the appropriateness of the existing ground conditions for the design and construction of the falsework system.
Where the falsework settles under load such that the allowable dimensional tolerances on the permanent structural components are exceeded, a non-conformance shall be raised and the falsework shall be modified such that the finished permanent structural components comply with the requirements of the Contract with regard to dimension, position and tolerances.
Where required, the falsework design shall include hydrologicandhydraulicdesignparameters to assess thepotentialforscourandbankerosion and allow for suitable protective measures.
The drawings submitted to the Superintendent shall state all design assumptions and shall include a statement of the loads and any dimensional changes due to loading in all members of the falsework. The drawings shall be fully detailed including all member sizes and materials, dimensions, levels, erection procedures and other relevant details including bracing, connections and foundations, to ensure that erection and inspection of the falsework can be undertaken without reference to any other documentation.
The falsework shall have provision for making adjustment to level.
The structural members of the falsework shall be designed for loads which may result from longitudinal or lateral movements caused by temperature effects or shrinkage of concrete. Alternatively, provision shall be incorporated in the falsework to permit these movements.
Adequate bracing shall be provided longitudinally and transversely to ensure that the falsework is stable and that significant horizontal movements resulting from the applied loads are limited.
The foundations of the falsework shall be designed to prevent excessive settlement and rotation of supports and to ensure that the tolerances for the finished structure are satisfied. Individual footings and groups of footings shall be designed also to satisfy stability criteria. Where the foundation material may become saturated with water, allowance shall be made for possible reduction in bearing capacity, consequent changes in stability, and increased settlement or heave of the foundation. Bearing surfaces of footings shall be horizontal. Footings shall not be founded directly on filled ground.
Footings for falsework shall not be founded directly on abutment fills. Footings on cut batters will only be permitted if the stability of the individual footings or groups of footings on the cut slope, and the stability of the cut slope as a whole, are adequate and incorporate the normal safety factors against possible failure.
The Contractor shall arrange for the design engineer who certified the falsework drawings and the Contractor’s Engineer to carry out an on-site inspection and any other activities necessary to certify that the falsework has been erected in accordance with the certified falsework drawings and specification.
The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent a Certificate of Compliance – Falsework Inspection for the constructed falsework, signed by the Contractor’s Engineer and the Design Engineer who certified the falsework drawings, and shall be in the form shown in AttachmentB to this section.
The Certificate of Compliance – Falsework Inspection for the constructed falsework shall be submitted to the Superintendent not less than two clear business days prior to the application of any dead load.
HPThe application of any permanent load shall not proceed until the signed Certificate of Compliance - Falsework Inspection of the constructed falsework has been reviewed and accepted by the Superintendent.
The Contractor shall ensure that the erected falsework is not subjected to any loading that exceeds the loading permitted by the design and as marked on the falsework drawings.
The Contractor shall provide adequate drainage for stormwater to prevent scour of falsework foundations. Foundations on batters shall be protected against scour by directing drainage away from the falsework.
All drainage trenches, pipes and diversion channels shall at all times be adequately maintained by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall provide access at all times through the falsework in accordance with Section166 or as specified.
HPThe Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for review, details of the proposed method of release of the falsework not less than two weeks prior to commencing this operation.
Provision shall be made to permit an even and gradual release of the falsework. Where shown on the drawings the Contractor shall provide for the release of defined sections of the falsework.
After falsework has been dismantled, temporary piles shall be cut back to a depth of 300mm below ground level. Temporary piles under proposed road pavement shall be cut back to at least 500mm below subgrade level. All temporary footings shall be removed and all excavations associated with the falsework shall be backfilled in accordance with the specification.
(Form to be used by the Proof Engineer at intermediate stages and final completion of designand construction)
I ...... certify that I have:
(1)undertaken an independent engineering review in relation to the design represented by the drawings and specifications provided by the Contractor as listed in the attached schedule;
(2)carried out a detailed check of individual structural elements and the structure as a whole including the specified material properties;
##(strikethrough (3), (4) and/or (5) below if these aspects are not included in the specified scope of proof engineering):
##:(3)reviewed the Site Conditions Information Report in accordance with AS5100 – Bridge Design, the appropriate foundation investigation, the recommended design values, material properties and possible failure mechanisms;
##:(4)reviewed the hydrologic and hydraulic design parameters including design flood discharges and levels, stream velocities and afflux as well as evaluation of potential for and protection against scour and bank erosion;
##:(5)reviewed the proposed construction procedure and the aspects of temporary works critical for structural integrity and safety.
In performing the function of Proof Engineer I have used due skill, care and diligence and from my review and in my opinion as a professional engineer I consider that:
A.all relevant design actions and design criteria are covered by the design and that these actions and criteria and overall concept meet the requirements of the Principal’s Project Requirements;
B.the strength, stability and serviceability and other Limit State requirements as defined in the Principal’s Project Requirements are met; and
C.the construction drawings and specifications accurately describe the following matters critical to the structural integrity–
##(strikethrough (c) below if these aspects are not included in the specified scope of proof engineering)
:(a)the detailing and dimensions,
(b)the required material properties, and
(c)the construction procedure and temporary works.
SignedName(please print)
On behalf of / (Company)
I...... , the undersigned
(Please print person’s name)
am responsible for supervising the construction of falsework detailed on the following listed final drawings and specifications certified by the Proof Engineer. Using due skill, care and diligence, I have reviewed the relevant geometric surveys and test reports and made inspections during the construction of the falsework and certify that the completed falsework complies with the certified drawings and specifications.
On behalf of (Company)......
I...... , the undersigned
(Please print person’s name)
am responsible for the design of falsework detailed on the following listed drawings and specifications certified by the Proof Engineer. Using due skill, care and diligence, I have made an inspection of the completed falsework and certify that it complies with the certified drawings and specifications.
On behalf of (Company)......
Contractor to Schedule all Drawings and Specifications of falsework certified by the Proof Engineer, applicable to this joint Certificate of Compliance.