Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Telehealth Team Meeting
Doc Active Date: 06/05/10
Doc Review Date: 06/05/11
Cross Referencing: Telehealth Program Guide
Purpose: Facilitate ongoing team communication and review of clinical and financial outcomes using trended data.
Materials: Outcome Tracking Tools, Telehealth Team Topics
Procedure Description
1. Telehealth team meetings are conducted regularly as a method of program review.
· Weekly for the first six weeks to stabilize processes
· Bi-monthly through the first year until process are standardized
· Semi-annually or annually thereafter
2. Meetings are scheduled and coordinated through the Project Manager
3. A standard agenda is utilized to review the program processes
· Intake and Admission
· Installation and client teaching
· Case Management
· Marketing
· Equipment Management
· Outcome tracking data
o Utilization of monitors
o Success Stories (Either patient or physician)
o Number of Emergency Room visits
o Number of readmissions to hospital with admitting diagnosis
o Number of unscheduled nurse visits, physician visits
4. Topics for the meeting may include:
· General
o Are success stories being communicated to staff?
o Are there educational needs among staff?
o Is there a need to order more equipment (monitors or peripherals)?
o Is staff using monitors to take vital signs as part of routine visits?
o Are policies and procedures being followed? Do they need revised?
o Review goals toward Utilization and Referrals.
· Case Management/Care Collaboration
o When are monitors being installed? Is there a delay between obtaining the referral and monitor installation?
o Are installers using the Set-up Wizard in the Genesis DM?
o What are the barriers to a successful installation?
o Is the telehealth model of care being followed? What visit frequencies? What is the number of PRN visits per episode?
o How does communication occur between the Telehealth Clinician and the Case Manager/Field Staff?
o Are reports from LifeStream being used for Case Management?
o Is the telehealth clinician reinforcing disease management teaching using the clinical educational content in LifeStream?
· Data Management
o Is the communication process between the field staff and telehealth clinician working so that patient data is being managed effectively? Does it need revised?
o Does the process for responding to alerts need to be revised? How much time is spent responding to alerts? What is the percentage of red alerts?
o Are the reporting features in LifeStream being used efficiently to eliminate duplication of work?
· Marketing
o How has the marketing plan been adapted to emphasize the telehealth initiative?
o What physicians or community groups are being targeted?
o What marketing materials are being utilized?
o Have success stories been communicated to the physician and community?
o What tracking is being completed to measure the success of the marketing strategies?
o What is the process for obtaining physician and patient satisfaction?
5. Team members contribute trended data for process review and actively participate in program implementation and growth. Members may include:
· Administration
· Program Manager
· Telehealth Clinician(s)
· Telehealth Case Managers (s)
· Intake/Admission Staff
· Equipment Manager
· Quality Assurance/Data Collection Staff
· Marketing Liaison (s)
· Clinical Educator
C4018.01 06/2010 2