WCVA Jobs growth wales
Guidance on completing WCVA Jobs Growth Wales Direct Employment (DE) Forms
WCVA Jobs Growth Wales Direct Employment pack is made up of 8 forms outlined below:
Form Code / Form Title / Brief DescriptionJGW1a / Employer Application Form / To advertise a job with WCVA
JGW1b / Additional Job Information / To advertise a job with WCVA
JGW2 / Terms and Conditions / SLA to work with WCVA
JGW3 / Eligibility Form / Confirmation of job offer to a participant
JGW5 / Public Sector Jobs / Additional check form if your organisation is public sector
JGW6a / Mentoring Log / To record monthly mentoring meetings with the participant and any qualifications gained
JGW6b / Destination Form / To record the destination of the participant once WCVA Jobs Growth Wales funding ends after the initial 26 weeks
JGW7 / Claim Form / To claim participant wage and NI’ER costs from WCVA
Each form must be completed at various stages and the purpose of the guidance is to ensure all organisations/employers are aware of the timeframe and requirements of each form.
If you would like to advertise a position with WCVA Jobs Growth Wales this form must be completed and sent to WCVA (in conjunction with JGW1b and JGW2).
Section / Field / Description1 / Organisation Name / The name of the Organisation
1 / Organisation Address / The address of the Organisation
County / The county of the Organisation
1 / Postcode / The postcode of the Organisation
1 / Contact Name / The name of the contact in the Organisation
1 / Tel / A contact telephone number of the Organisation
1 / Email / An email contact of the Organisation
2 / Job Title / The job title of the position to be advertised
2 / Contracted Hour per Week / The number of hours per week the participant will be working. These must be between 25 – 35 and once submitted can not be changed.
2 / Wage rate per hour / The hourly wage rate. It must be noted that Jobs Growth Wales will only reimburse minimum wage and NI for the relevant age group
2 / Paid Weekly/Monthly / Indicate if the participant will be paid weekly or monthly
2 / Line Manager / The name and position of the line manager within the Organisation designated to the position
3 / Size of Organisation / Indicate the size of your Organisation
3 / Organisation Type / Please tick one sector which represents your organisation. Please note that if you are a Public Sector organisation you must complete the JGW5
4 / Bank Name / The name of your bank
4 / Account Number / The account number of your bank
4 / Sort Code / The sort code of your bank
5 / Additional Criteria / Read each statement and tick if you agree or disagree. All statements must be answered. If you answer disagree to any of the statements then the application process with stop
6 / Declaration / Sign, print and date the form
7 / Office Use Only / This is to be completed by WCVA
Once Form JGW1a has been completed you must complete JGW1b and JGW2 prior to submitting the forms to WCVA.
JGW1b – Additional job information
This form is to be completed per job that has been identified on the JGW1a. If you have indicated 3 jobs are available then 3 JGW1b forms must be completed and submitted.
Section / Field / Description1 / Organisation Name / The name of the Organisation
2 / Job Title / The job title of the position to be advertised. This must reflect the job title on the JGW1a
2 / Occupation / An occupation must be chosen from the list at the end of this guidance
2 / Green Job / Is the job considered a Green Job? The definition of a Green Job is: Jobs within agricultural, manufacturing, research and development, administrative and service activities that contributes to preserving or restoring environmental quality. Specifically, but not exclusively, this includes jobs that either: help to protect ecosystems and biodiversity; reduce energy, material and water consumption; de-carbonising the economy; and, minimise, or although avoid, the generation of all forms of waste and pollution.
2 / Sick Pay / WCVA JGW will not reimburse costs relating to sickness absence of the participant unless the employer's usual terms and conditions pay the employee's full rate of pay during sickness absence
2 / Holiday Pay / The employer's terms and conditions of employment including standard holiday entitlements shall apply to participants
2 / Welsh Spoken / Indicate the level of spoken Welsh required for the position
2 / Welsh Written / Indicate the level of written Welsh required for the position
2 / Closing Date / The closing date for applicants to apply for the position. This must be in date format
2 / Vacancy Description / A 200 word description of the vacancy
2 / Desirable Personal Qualities / A 100 word description of the type of personal qualities you are looking for
2 / Special Qualification Required / Are there any qualifications required for the role, if not then tick the box. Please be aware that qualifications required must not be above NVQ Level 2
2 / Job Location / This is where the job will be based and must include the County
2 / Start Date / What is the estimated start date of the position. This must be in date format
2 / Interview Arrangements / Are there any specific interview arrangements that you would like potential candidates to know about
Once form JGW1a and JGW1b are completed, JGW2 must be completed prior to all three forms being submitted to WCVA.
JGW2 – TERms and conditions
The Terms and Conditions must be read and agreed prior to WCVA processing jobs onto the Careers Wales website.
Section / Field / Description1 / Organisation Name / The name of the Organisation
1 / Organisation Address / The address (including county) of the Organisation
1 / Postcode / The postcode of the Organisation
2 / Employer signed / Sign, print and date the form
3 / WCVA signed / WCVA will sign the agreement once received
Once the form has been signed it (along with JGW1a and JGW1b) must be posted to WCVA on the below address:
Employability Team
Morfa Hall
Bath Street
LL18 3EB
Once received we aim to process all jobs onto the Careers Wales system within 48 hours and it is estimated that the position will become live on the system 24 hours after processing.
When a position has become live a WCVA Employability Employment Support Officer will be allocated to your organisation and they will monitor the position online. Any applicant who applies for the position will be forwarded to the potential employer once the closing date has passed.
The employer will then be able to view the basic details of the potential applicants and once the relevant people have been chosen for interview the Employability Employer Support Officer will invite them to interview.
Once interviews have been conducted and a candidate chosen the employer must complete the JGW3 form.
JGW3 – ELIGIBIlity form
The JGW3 form tells WCVA that you have chosen and offered the position to a candidate and must be submitted with a week of the participant being offered the position.
Section / Field / Description1 / Title / The title of the successful participant
1 / Name / The name of the successful participant
1 / Address / The house name/number, street and town of the successful participant
1 / County / The county of the successful participant
1 / Postcode / The postcode of the successful participant
1 / Tel / The telephone number of the successful participant
1 / Email / The email address of the successful participant
1 / Gender / The gender of the successful participant
1 / Ethnicity / The ethnicity of a participant. A participant must choose one from the ethnicity list found at the end of this guidance
1 / Date of Birth / The date of birth of the successful participant
1 / NINO / The National Insurance Number of the successful participant
1 / Highest Qualification / The highest Qualification the successful participant has based on NQF levels. Please refer to the end of this document for the NQF Level list. This must be displayed as an NQF level and not as GCSE or A-Level etc
1 / Time Unemployed / The length of time a participant has been unemployed in length of days and months
1 / Progression from any other employability or WG programmes / If the participant has progressed from another programme then give details, otherwise tick No
1 / Is the Participant a graduate / Indicate whether the successful participant is a graduate
1 / Preferred Language / Indicate which is the preferred language of the successful participant
1 / Welsh Language / Indicate the Welsh ability of the successful participant
1 / Disability / Participants should be asked whether they consider themselves to be a disabled person because of the barriers (attitudinal, environmental and organisational) which prevent them from participating fully in all areas of life
1 / Lone Parent / A lone parent is a person living with a dependent child (whether related to the child or not) in a household with no other people. A dependent child is a person aged 0-15 or 16-18 and in full-time education. Participants should be asked if they have sole caring responsibility for a child/children
1 / Migrant Worker / A migrant is classed as a person who has changed their country of residence for a period of at least a year to the UK, but is not a citizen of the UK. An EU Migrant is a person from another EU state (other than the UK) and a Non EU Migrant is a person from outside of the EU
1 / Organisation / The name of the Organisation
1 / Title of Job offered / The job title of the position. This must reflect what was submitted on the JGW1a form
1 / Job Reference No / The Careers Wales Job Reference number which should have been given to you by WCVA Employability Team
1 / Start Date / The date the participant is intending to start the position
2 / Eligibility Criteria / The participant must read through and answer each statement in section two. If the participant answers No to any of the statements they are not eligible to come onto WCVA Jobs Growth Wales
3.1 / Participant Declaration / The participant must sign, print and date to confirm that the form is correct and accurate
3.2 / Validate and Declaration / The employer must take a copy of valid ID and indicate which form of ID has been taken prior to signing, printing and dating the form
At interview stage the eligibility of the participant should be checked to allow an informed and accurate decision to be made whether to offer a post to them.
The form must then be posted to WCVA where it will be processed.
JGW4 – young person direct progression appl.
This form is not relevant to WCVA Jobs Growth Wales and so has been taken from the pack.
JGW5 – public sector jobs
If you have indicated that your organisation is part of the public sector, then along with the JGW1a, JGW1b and JGW2 you must complete this form as an additional check against the jobs that have been created in the public sector.
Section / Field / Description1 / Public Sector Body / The area your organisation is in, ie NHS, Local Authority
1 / Organisation Name / The name of the organisation
1 / Proposed Positions / The positions you are proposing and the duties that will be involved
1 / Hours / The number of hours the positions will be for
1 / Total number of Jobs / The total number of positions that will be created
2 / Additional Criteria / The organisation must read through and answer each statement in section two
3 / Disclaimer / The organisation must sign, print and date to confirm that the form is correct and accurate
Once the form has been completed it must be sent to and not sent in to WCVA.
JGW6a – Mentoring log
The JGW6a form is a document to be used internally for the duration of the 26 weeks that a participant will be paid via WCVA Jobs Growth Wales.
It is split into two sections. The first section deals with the conversations that have been had with the participant on a month by month basis. These are usually one-to-one sessions and a summary is to be recorded of any actions that may be needed etc.
The second part to the form is a record of any qualifications undertaken during the 26 weeks of WCVA Jobs Growth Wales. These can be accredited qualifications along with informal internal qualifications and be displayed with the equivilent National Qualificatiion Framework.
These forms are not to be sent to WCVA but kept on record with the employer and will be viewed by WCVA Employability Employer Support Officer during their visits.
JGW6b – Destination Form
The JGW6b form is to be completed towards the end of a participant’s 26 week WCVA Jobs Growth Wales paid employment or when a participant leaves due to their contract being terminated early.
Section / Field / Description1 / Name / The name of the participant
1 / Participants Unique Learner Number / The ULN of the participant
1 / Employer where the participant was placed / The name of the employer where the participant was placed
1 / Date left participant JGW / The date the 26 weeks finished
1 / Participant Status / The status of the participant. Choose one from the Participant Status list at the end of this form
1i / Destination / Where the participant has moved on to post the 26 weeks
2A / Organisation Name / The name of the Organisation
2A / Contact Name / The name of a contact within the Organisation
2A / Organisation Address / The address of the destination Organisation along with county
24 / County / The county of the Organisation
2A / Postcode / The postcode of the Organisation
2A / Tel / A contact telephone number of the Organisation
2A / Email / An email contact of the Organisation
2Ai / Evidence from Employer / This section must be completed by the Organisation. If the employer will not sign or cannot then move onto section 2Aii
2Aii / Accepted Evidence / If section 2Ai is not completed then this section can be used with the relevant evidence identified. If section 2Ai and 2Aii are unable to be completed them complete section 2Aiii
2Aiii / Evidence from Participant / If section 2Ai and 2Aii are not completed then this section can be used for the participant to self certify that they are commending employment on a specific date and sign
2B / Start/Proposed date / The date the participant will or is due to start the Apprenticeship
2B / Name of Apprenticeship Framework / The title of the Apprenticeship Framework the participant will be joining
2B / Name of Provider / The name of the provider who is delivering the Apprenticeship
2B / Declaration / The current employer must complete to confirm the participant is moving onto an Apprenticeship
2C / Start/Proposed date / The date the participant will or is due to start the further learning
2C / Name of Provider / The name of the provider who is delivering the further learning
2C / Declaration / The current employer must complete to confirm the participant is moving into further learning
The form should then be posted to WCVA where it will be processed.
It should be noted that the JGW6b Destination form will be included in reviews undertaken by the Welsh Government’s Provider Assurance and Governance Service (PAGS).
The PAGS review will consider the veracity of evidence provided. PAGS may issue guidance on the minimum standards to ensure evidence is authentic and robust and this guidance may change from time to time.
For any further information or help with WCVA Jobs Growth Wales then please contact 0800 2888 329 or email .
JGW7 – CLAIM form
The claim form is made up of 2 worksheets. Each sheet contains cells with notes in to explain the information required.
The claim is to be returned to within the first two weeks of a new calendar month, below is the preferred deadlines for claims:
Claim Period / Received by dateJuly 2012 / 17 August 2012
August 2012 / 14 September 2012
September 2012 / 12 October 2012
October 2012 / 16 November 2012
November 2012 / 14 December 2012
December 2012 / 18 January 2013
January 2013 / 15 February 2013
February 2013 / 15 March 2013
March 2013 / 12 April 2013
April 2013 / 17 May 2013
May 2013 / 14 June 2013
June 2013 / 12 July 2013
July 2013 / 16 August 2013
August 2013 / 13 September 2013
September 2013 / 11 October 2013
Claims will be audited and evidence of expenditure must be available to correspond with costs submitted.
If claims require amending then this will be agreed between both WCVA and the Contracted organisation prior to processing.
Definition Lists
As some parts of the forms require the applicant to choose from a predefined list we have provided (below) the list for Ethnicity, NQF Levels and Job Sectors.
OccupationAccounting Technician
Administration Assistant
Advertising Assistant
Air Traffic Controller
Alternative Therapy Technician
Architectural / Town Planning Technician
Audiology Technician
Bank / Building Society Work
Beauty Therapist
Body Repair Technician
Building and Civil Engineering Technician
Business Administration
Call Centre Work
Cardiology Technician
Care Assistant
Carpenter / Joiner
Carpet Fitter / Floorlayer
Catering Assistant
Catering Management
Chef / Cook
Computer installation, repair and maintenance
Conservation Work
Construction Trades
Costume Design
Countryside Ranger
Crematorium Technician
Customer Services Assistant
Demolition Work
Dental Nurse
Dental Technician
Design Technician
Domestic Appliance Repair
Electrical / Electronic Technician
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Installation
Engineering Technician
Environmental Health Technician
Environmental Officer
Financial / Mortgage Adviser
Fire and Rescue Services
Fitness Instructor
Floor and Wall Tiler
Forestry Work
Funeral Director
Gallery Work
Gardening and Groundwork
General Maintenance
Glazier / Window Fitter
Graphic Design Technician
Health Care Assistant
Highway Maintenance
Hotel Management
Housing Assistant
Insurance / Actuarial Work
Interior Design
IT Operations and User Support Technician
IT Technician / Telecommunications
Kitchen Assistant
Lab Technician
Learning Support Assistant
Legal Executive / Paralegal Work
Logistics Manager
Make Up Artist
Marketing Assistant
Mechanical Engineer
Media Technician
Motor Vehicle Technician
Museum Work
Nail Technician
Nursery Nurse Assistant
Occupational Therapy Technician
Operating Department Technician
Optical Technician
Painting and Decorator
Personal Assistant
Pest Control Officer
Pharmacy Technician
Photography / Camera Technician
Physiotherapy Technician
Plumbing / Heating Engineer
Police and related work
Port / Harbour Work
Prison Service
Production / Assembly Worker
Radiology Technician
Recruitment Consultant
Refrigeration Engineer
Renewable Energy Plumber / Engineer
Retail Assistant
Royal Air Force
Royal Navy and Royal Marines
Sales Representative
Set Design
Small Animal Care
Social Work Assistant
Sound Technician
Sport / Active Leisure
Sport and Leisure Assistant
Stable and Stud Work
Tailor / Dressmaker
Telecommunications Technician
The Armed Forces
The Army
Theatre Technician
Trading Standards
Traditional Hand Crafts
Transport Manager
Travel / Tour Guide
Travel Agency Work
Tree Surgery
Upholstery Work
Veterinary Nursing
Voluntary Work
Website Design
Window/Door Technician
Youth and Community Work
Zoo Work / Wildlife Parks
Black British
Black English
Black Irish
Black Scottish
Black Welsh
Any other Black background
Asian British
Asian English
Asian Irish
Asian Scottish
Asian Welsh
Any other Asian background
White British
White English
White Irish
White Scottish
White Welsh
Any other White background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other dual heritage background
Any other background
National Qualification Framework (NQF) Levels
Below NQF Level 2
Up to 4 O levels, GCSE grade A*-C, CSE grade 1 or equivalent; GCSE grade D-G, CSE grade 2-6 or equivalent; 1 AS level; GNVQ foundation; BTEC; RSA other; City and Guilds other; YT, YTP certificate; Key skills qualification; Basic skills qualification
NQF Level 2
Intermediate Welsh Baccalaureate 1; A level, or 2/3 AS levels, or equivalent; Trade apprenticeship; GNVQ intermediate, RSA diploma; City and Guilds craft; BTEC; 5+ O levels, GCSE grade A*-C, CSE grade 1 or equivalent; Other qualifications
NQF Level 3
Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate 1; International Baccalaureate 1; GNVQ Advanced; 2+ A levels, 4+ AS levels or equivalent; RSA advanced diploma; OND, ONC, BTEC etc. national City and Guilds advanced craft; Access to HE qualification 1; Trade apprenticeship; Other qualifications
NQF Levels 4-6
First degree, Other degree; Diploma in HE; HNC, HND, BTEC etc. higher; Teaching (further, secondary and primary education, foundation stage 1 and level not stated); Nursing etc.; RSA higher diploma; Other higher education qualification below degree level
NQF Levels 7-8
Higher degree
Participant Status
Employed – same employer
Employed – different employer
Unemployed on benefits
Further learning
This programme is part financed by the European Social fund through the Welsh Government.