1. Conditional Probability Problem--Football
From viewing tapes of previous games, a football coach identifies the following six tendencies regarding the next opponent:
a. 70% of the plays are runs to the right (R).
b. 30% of the plays are runs to the left (L).
c. When the play goes to the right, offensive player X has a balanced stance (B) 20% of the time and
d. a shifted stance (S) 80% of the time.
e. When the play goes to the left, offensive player X has a balanced stance 90% of the time and
f. a shifted stance 10% of the time.
Write each item above in probability notation, using the letters R, L, S and B
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
Create a probability table with columns R and L, and rows S and B. Fill in all the numbers.
Compute the following probabilities:
P (L | B) =
P (R | B) =
P (L | S) =
P (R | S) =
Are X's stance and play direction independent? Explain.
You coach the defense: "Always expect a right-side play." What percentage of the time will they be correct?
You coach the defense: "If player X is balanced, expect a left-side play; if player X is shifted, expect a right-side play." What percentage of the time will they be correct?
2. Conditional Probability Problem--Medical Screening Test
Consider a medical screening test to identify cases of an illness that has no symptoms in its early stages. The disease afflicts one-tenth of one per cent of the population. The test is 98% accurate. That is, 98% of people who have the illness will test positive and 2% will test negative (false negatives); and 98% of people who do not have the illness will test negative and 2% will test positive (false positives).
Terminology note: The P (P | D) is called "sensitivity" of the test--its ability to detect when the disease is present. The P (N | W) is called "specificity" of the test--its ability to detect when the disease is not present. These are both 98% in the above example. Sensitivity and specificity need not be equal. Developers of medical tests can manipulate the sensitivity and specificity--when one is increased, the other decreases.
Create a probability table with columns D (disease) and W (well), and rows P (positive) and N (negative). Fill in all the numbers.
Suppose you undergo the screening test and the result is positive. What is the probability that you actually have the disease? What if the test is negative?
3. Conditional Probability Problem--Three Envelopes
There are three envelopes that look alike. One contains two $1 bills, one contains two $100 bills, and one contains one $1 bill and one $100 bill. You are permitted to choose one envelope. Then you are asked to remove one bill from the envelope without looking at the other bill. Suppose that a $100 bill comes out. What is the probability that the other bill is $100? A probability table may be used, but is not necessary.
Here is the same problem in another form. Three index cards are in an envelope. One card is white on both sides. One card is red on both sides. One card is white on one side and red on the other. One card is taken out of the envelope at random and carefully placed on a table so that only one side of the card has been seen. The visible side is red. What is the probability that the other side is also red?
4. Conditional Probability Problem--Three Diseases
Three diseases, A, B and C are mutually exclusive--they cannot occur together. Disease A afflicts one per cent of the population, B afflicts one-half of one per cent of the population, and C afflicts two per cent of the population. Sometimes a disease can be present without the victim having any symptoms. 10% of the A victims have no symptoms, 5% of the B victims have no symptoms, and 25% of the C victims have no symptoms. Symptoms are present only when disease A, B or C is present.
If a person has symptoms, what are the probabilities that he/she has disease A? B? C?
If a person has no symptoms, what are the probabilities that he/she has disease A? B? C?
Use a probability table with columns A, B, C and W (well), and rows S (symptoms) and NS (no symptoms).
5. Probability Problem--Convention Dinner
10,000 guests are attending a convention dinner. 10,000 places are set, with a name card at each place, but the card is face down. The guests are told not to look at the name cards, but to sit anywhere they want. When everyone is seated they are told to look at the name card, and to stand up if they see their own name on the card. What is the probability that at least one person will stand up?
6. Probability Problem--Card-Matching
Two identical shuffled decks of 52 cards are placed face down side by side. The top card of each deck is turned over. If they do not match exactly, the next card of each deck is turned over. If they do not match exactly, the next card of each deck is turned over, etc. What is the probability of an exact match before running out of cards?
7. Probability Problem--The "Monty Hall" or "Let's Make A Deal" Problem
Here is the actual text of the problem as posed to "Ask Marilyn" columnist Marilyn vos Savant in the September 9, 1990 issue of Parade magazine. The question was submitted by Craig F. Whitaker of Columbia, Maryland.
Suppose you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say number 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say number 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to switch to door number 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
What is the probability of winning the car if you stick with door number 1?
What is the probability of winning the car if you switch to door number 2?
A probability table may be used--it will have three rows and three columns. Logic can also be used without a probability table.
You may assume that the host will always open a door with a goat in order to prolong the game; that the car is initially placed randomly among the doors by the game-show staff; that the host knows where the car is; and that if the host has a choice as to which door to open, he chooses randomly.
8. Probability Problem--Redundancy
You are looking at a box of old signal flares in a military surplus store. Each one now has an estimated 60% probability of working properly. How many of these must you take on a wilderness backpacking trip in order to be 99% sure of having at least one flare that will work if needed?
9. Probability Problem--Space Shuttle
Suppose that on each space shuttle flight, there is a 3% chance that some member(s) of the crew will not return alive. After how many consecutive successful flights does the probability of all the crew members returning alive drop to 50%?
10. Probability Problem--Rail Crossings
Suppose that the probability of a train passing a road crossing without a fatal accident occurring is 0.999999 ("one in a million" chance of an accident). If four trains pass the crossing each hour of every day, what is the probability of a fatal accident within a ten-year period?
11. Probability Problem--Redundancy
Suppose an aircraft has 100 critical systems, all of which must work if the flight is not to end in disaster. If the reliability of each system is 0.99 (probability of working properly during a given flight) what is the probability of disaster?
Now suppose that each of the 100 critical systems has a backup that will be activated automatically if the primary system fails. What is the probability of a disaster?
12. Probability Problem--Redundancy
Shortly after you begin your new job, you learn that the new person, traditionally, is in charge of organizing the next annual company picnic. You make plans for Saturday, July 20. Because the probability of good picnic weather on any given day during July is only 80%, you are considering a backup date.
What is the probability of a successful picnic if there is no backup date?
What is the probability of a successful picnic if there is one backup date?
Your co-workers tell you that your predecessor was fired for blowing the picnic last year.
What is the probability of a successful picnic if there are two backup dates?
What is the probability of a successful picnic if there are three backup dates?
Comment on the use of July 21 as a backup date.
1. Conditional Probability Problem--Football (see spreadsheet <PROBTAB1>)
a. P(R) = 0.70 b. P(L) = 0.30 c. P(B | R) = 0.20
d. P(S | R) = 0.80 e. P(B | L) = 0.90 f. P(S | L) = 0.10
Probability Table
S 0.56 0.03 | 0.59
B 0.14 0.27 | 0.41
0.70 0.30 | 1.00
Looking at the completed table does not give a sense of the logical order in which the numbers were entered. Here is the order and rationale:
1.00 lower right corner total is always 1
0.70 given
0.30 given
0.14 given that 20% of the R plays are B
0.56 given that 80% of the R plays are S
0.27 given that 90% of the L plays are B
0.03 given that 10% of the L plays are S
0.59 first-row total
0.41 second-row total
P (L | B) = 0.27 / 0.41 = 0.6585 P (R | B) = 0.14 / 0.41.= 0.3415
Note that this is a pair of conditional complementary probabilities.
P (L | S) = 0.03 / 0/59 = 0.0508 P (R | S) = 0.56 / 0/59 = 0.9492
Another pair of conditional complementary probabilities.
Are X's stance and play direction independent? Explain.
No, they are dependent. R and S are positively related, as are B and L.
P(R | S) > P(R) and P(B | L) > P(B)
R and B are negatively related, as are S and L.
P(R | B) < P(R) and P(S | L) < P(S)
You coach the defense: "Always expect a right-side play." What percentage of the time will they be correct? 70% of the time (it is given that 70% of plays are R).
You coach the defense: "If player X is balanced, expect a left-side play; if player X is shifted, expect a right-side play." What percentage of the time will they be correct?
83% of the time. (Add the probabilities in the two cells that correspond to the positive-dependency combinations.)
2. Conditional Probability Problem--Medical Screening Test
Create a probability table with columns D (disease) and W (well), and rows P (positive test) and N (negative test).
Probability Table
P 0.00098 0.01998 | 0.02096
N 0.00002 0.97902 | 0.97904
0.00100 0.99900 | 1.00000
Looking at the completed table does not give a sense of the logical order in which the numbers were entered. Here is the order and rationale:
1.00000 lower right corner total is always 1
0.00100 given
0.99900 the complement of 0.00100
0.00098 given that 98% of the D people get P test results
0.00002 2% of the D people must get N test results (false negatives)
0.97902 given that 98% of the W people get N test results
0.01998 2% of the W people must get P test results (false positives)
0.02096 P row total
0.97904 N row total
Suppose you undergo the screening test and the result is positive. What is the probability that you actually have the disease? What if the test is negative?
P(D | P) = 0.00098 / 0.02096 = 0.04676
P(D | N) = 0.00002 / 0.97904 = 0.00002043
So even if the test is positive, the probability of actually being sick is still quite low.
3. Conditional Probability Problem--Three Envelopes
This one may be done with a probability table. Symbols:
S1: first bill out of the envelope is a $1 bill
S2: second bill out of the envelope is a $1 bill
C1: first bill out of the envelope is a $100 bill
C2: second bill out of the envelope is a $100 bill
We are looking for P(C2 | C1)
S1 C1
S2 0.333 0.167 | 0.500
C2 0.167 0.333 | 0.500
0.500 0.500 | 1.000
Looking at the completed table does not give a sense of the logical order in which the numbers were entered. Here is the order and rationale:
1.000 lower right corner total is always 1
0.500 when the first bill is taken out, there is a 50/50 chance between being a $100 bill and a $1 bill, since half of the bills are singles and half are hundreds
0.500 the complement of 0.500
0.333 P(S1 Ç S2) is 1/3 since one of the three envelopes has two singles
0.333 P(C1 Ç C2) is 1/3 since one of the three envelopes has two hundreds
0.167 by subtraction in the S1 column
0.167 by subtraction in the C1 column
0.500 S2 row total
0.500 C2 row total
What is the probability that the other bill is $100?
P(C2 | C1) = 0.333 / 0.500 = 0.667
Nearly everyone answers this question "50%," but they are wrong. Here's another way of looking at it. When the envelope is selected, there is a 2/3 chance, 0.667, that the two bills in it match. So when the first bill taken out is $100, there is a 0.667 chance that the other will match it and also be $100.
In the three-card case, when the card is selected, there is a 2/3 chance that the card has matching sides. So whatever color is visible, there is a 2/3 chance that the other side is the same.
4. Conditional Probability Problem--Three Diseases (see spreadsheet <PROBTAB2>
If a person has symptoms, what are the probabilities that he/she has disease A? B? C? If a person has no symptoms, what are the probabilities that he/she has disease A? B? C?
S 0.00900 0.00475 0.01500 0.00000 | 0.02875