Supportive and appreciative members of the community, neighbors from the City of Portland’s King and Humboldt neighborhoods
Patrick Quinton, Executive Director for the Portland Development Commission Phillip Brown, Majestic Realty Trader Joe’s
We, the undersigned residents and members of the community, would like to thank you for your willingness and commitment to developing the property at the intersection of Martin Luther King and NE Alberta streets. As neighbors, we support your development proposal with Trader Joe’s as an anchor tenant, and believe that the development will be a valuable asset to our neighborhood and the city.
The Portland Development Commissioners’ unanimous support of Majestic Realty’s proposal is great news for the community, and was celebrated here in the neighborhood.
Since 2003, many of us have volunteered with PDC on the Vanport Public Advisory Committee to advocate on the community’s behalf for a development that meets the needs of the community as articulated through the PDC’s public involvement process. Your project is a great example of the vision that we have hoped for since the beginning.
A primary concern of the neighbors is that our community has reasonable access to healthy foods, ideally within walking/biking distance. We believe that Trader Joe’s is a great fit for our neighborhood and will serve our community well. As customers we will support this business.
Recent negative statements made in the print and broadcast media about this development have been confusing and misleading. Specifically, statements made by the King Neighborhood Association were not vetted with the community and do not represent the sentiments of the community as a whole.
We welcome you to our neighborhood and look forward to working with you collaboratively regarding issues of importance to us; namely, creating a development that increases livability, prioritizes safety (at last count there were at least 60 children living within three blocks of the development), and mitigates concerns related to traffic, noise, and light pollution.
November 21, 2013
Terri Pintarelli-Mallory Ave John Tyler -Mallory Ave Ursula Kienbaum -Mallory Ave Jason Reynolds -Mallory Ave Jennifer Jardee-Borquist -Mallory Ave James Jardee-Borquist -Mallory Ave Judi Henrichs-NE Cleveland Ave
Rand Henrichs -NE Cleveland Ave Sarah Vanbuskirk -NE Cleveland Ave Charles Gullung -NE Cleveland Ave Brandan McClain-NE Garfield Ave Diana Moosman -NE Cleveland Ave Elizabeth Nardi -NE Garfield Ave Nicholas Nardi -NE Garfield Ave Shauna Mohr-NE Cleveland Ave Peter Vickery-NE Mallory Ave
Jessie Vickery-NE Mallory Ave Adam Milne-NE Cleveland Ave Tia Milne -NE Cleveland Ave Kerry Cotter -NE Cleveland Ave Lupine Swanson-NE Alberta St Sally Damewood -NE Cleveland Ave Michael Wight -NE Cleveland Ave Masha Murashkina-NE Rodney Ave Erik Drews NE Rodney Ave
Darin Huseby-NE Cleveland Ave
Ronda Kelly-NE Sumner St Kevin Kelly-NE Sumner St. Carolyn Martin-NE Rodney Ave Robert Walters-NE Rodney Ave Linda Zumoff -NE Mallory Ave Eleanor Gil-Kashiwabara-NE Morgan St Audra La Fave-N Vancouver Ave Andrew Galler-N Vancouver Ave
Jane Brandes-NE Rodney Ave Paul Brandes-NE Rodney Ave Liz Cayot-NE Rodney Ave Jess Brandes-NE Rodney Ave Sarah Jane Cheek-NE Rodney Ave David Swords-NE Cleveland Ave Kyle Rozich-NE Garfield Ave
Chris Mott-NE Cleveland Ave Eric Koppelman-NE 10th Ave Chelsea Ausland-N Williams Ave Kristi Genoves
Shelby Brakken-NE Wygant St Joe Bergen-NE Wygant St Lisa Mork-NE Cleveland Ave Andrew Mork-NE Cleveland Ave Nick Fenger-NE Mallory Ave Karen Werstein-NE Mallory Ave Stephanie Hayes-NE Simpson St Jimena Serrano-NE Killingworth St Oldham Henry Oldham-NE Killingsworth St Daniel Talbott-N Alberta St
Angela Talbott-N Alberta St Grayson Dempsey-NE Garfield Ave Jack Dempsey-NE Garfield Ave Carmen Dev-NE Garfield Ave Kapil Dev-NE Garfield Ave Debby Sung-NE Garfield Ave Brian Nguyen-NE Garfield Ave Jessica Scott-NE Garfield Ave Barry Scott-NE Garfield Ave Franny Saxton-Opatz-NE Garfield Ave Irene Saxton-Opatz-NE Garfield Ave Wayne Hodges-NE Prescott St Michelle Hodges-NE Prescott St Kelly Moehling-NE Webster St
Todd Moehling-NE Webster St Katherine Jones-NE Mallory Ave Chris Jones-NE Mallory Ave Erin McTaggert-NE Cleveland Ave Allison Wykhuis-NE Alberta St Jessica Hale-NE 14th Place
Guy Skeele-NE 14th Place Autumn Dorfman-N Commercial Ave Gil Dorfman-N Commercial Ave Glenn Matz-NE Rodney Ave Starlee Matz-NE Rodney Ave Michelle Ruber-NE Alberta St Jane Wilson-NE Cleveland Ave Scott Breon-Former KNA Chair