ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (ATR) (1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006) &WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (WSP) (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007)
Applications & Guidelines
Employers employing 50 or MORE employees
Post to: Physical: 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 | Postal: PO Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007
Phone: (012) 325-1655 | Fax: (012) 325-1677 | email: Web: www.agriseta.co.za
The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) Grant application combined with the Annual Training Report (ATR) Grant application is fixed as a percentage of levies paid by an employer. An employer who makes an application on time and in the proper manner will receive 50% of the total of the levies paid over to SARS in the period 1 April 2006 to March 2007 (2006/07). This grant application has been prepared in terms of Annexure 2, Skills Development Act, 1998, Seta Grant Regulations, Application for Mandatory Grant by Employer [Regulation 6(1)(A)].
The Workplace Skills Planning (WSP) Grant and the Annual Training Report (ATR) Grant are central to skills development system, which is responsive to the economic and social needs of South Africa. The ATR allows employers to monitor the achievement of the skills priorities and skills development objectives that were outlined in the WSP. Where there are variations between the WSP and the ATR, the ATR provides employers and Skills Development Facilitator's (SDF’s) with an opportunity to analyse reasons for non-completion of planned training.
AgriSETA recognises the need for absolute discretion in respect of the information requested in the grant application and employers are assured that all information received will be treated with the highest regard for confidentiality. Information received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of the Sector Skills Plan (SSP), research and strategic directives.
· If the employer does not claim a mandatory grant by the deadline date, the Seta must immediately (in terms of the relevant regulations) transfer the employer’s unclaimed mandatory grant funds to the discretionary grant fund.
· In terms of the relevant regulations, requests for extensions and late grant submissions will NOT BE ACCEPTED by the Seta. The penalty for submitting mandatory grant applications late is losing the grant in full. The only exception to this is where an application for the WSP is submitted within 6 months of registration in the case of an employer who has registered for the first time in terms of section 5(1) of the Skills Development Levies (SDL) Act.
· A Seta may not pay any grant to an employer who is liable to pay the SDL in terms of section 3(1) of the SDL Act unless the employer:
☼has registered with the Commissioner in terms of the SDL Act
☼has paid the levies directly to the Commissioner in the manner and within the period determined in the SDL Act
☼is up to date with the levy payments to the Commissioner at the time of approval and in respect of the period for which an application is made
☼has submitted a WSP within the timeframes prescribed
☼is registered with AgriSETA and the levy contributions are up-to-date.
· Employers who fail to meet the prescribed criteria will forfeit the grant.
· The WSP and the ATR completed correctly and submitted in the required format.
· The WSP and ATR must be submitted to AgriSETA by no later than 30 JUNE 2006 in terms of the Department of Labour deadline.
· In terms of Section 10(2) of the Grant regulations, a SETA may not pay a Mandatory Grant to an employer unless the employer has submitted a Training Report in respect of the implementation of the previous year’s Workplace Skills Plan. This means that an employer, who has not submitted a WSP in 2005/2006, will not be able to claim a Grant in 2006/2007. They will only qualify for a Grant in 2007/2008 if they have submitted a WSP for 2006/2007, a ATR for 2006/2007 and a WSP for 2007/2008
All registered SDF’s have access to AgriSETA’s SMS System, where they are able complete and submit the WSP’s and ATR’s online, check Levies received, Grant Payments and update organisation information. To access this system please go to our website at www.agriseta.co.za and click on the link “stakeholder logon” or go to For username and Password queries please contact Amandie at 012-325-1655.
ATR 2005/06 & WSP 2006/07 for MORE than 50 Employees Page 3 of 14
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (ATR) (1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006) &WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (WSP) (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007)
Applications & Guidelines
Employers employing 50 or MORE employees
Post to: Physical: 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 | Postal: PO Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007
Phone: (012) 325-1655 | Fax: (012) 325-1677 | email: Web: www.agriseta.co.za
1. / Name and Trading name of Organisation:2. / Postal address:
City and province:
Postal code:
3. / Physical address: If the WSP or ATR is submitted on behalf of one or more establishments, please attach a list of names and addresses, including physical and postal addresses. Also include the size of each establishment and telephone number.
4.1. / SDL
Main / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
Empl / 6. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
2. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
Empl / 7. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
3. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
Empl / 8. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
4. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
Empl / 9. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl / Perm
5. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl: / Perm
Empl / 10. / Linked
SDL / L / Temp
Empl: / Perm
5. / Telephone number:
6. / Fax number:
7. / E-mail address:
8. / Name of Contact person in Organisation:
9. / Position of Contact person in Organisation:
10. / Total employment (defined as total workforce in respect of which SDL have been paid to SARS):
11. / Total annual Payroll for the end of the previous financial year: / R
12. / * Name(s) of Skills Development Facilitator(s) (SDF):
13. / Identity Number of SDF:
14. / SDF address:
15. / SDF Telephone number:
16. / SDF Mobile telephone number:
17. / SDF Fax number:
18. / SDF E-mail address:
19. / Date of submission:
* See attached criteria for appointment /nomination of a Skills Development Facilitator
ATR 2005/06 & WSP 2006/07 for MORE than 50 Employees Page 3 of 14
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (ATR) (1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006) &WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (WSP) (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007)
Applications & Guidelines
Employers employing 50 or MORE employees
Post to: Physical: 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 | Postal: PO Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007
Phone: (012) 325-1655 | Fax: (012) 325-1677 | email: Web: www.agriseta.co.za
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006) Scheme Year 6
(A2) TRAINING PROFILE for 1 April 2005 to March 2006
Please list the three most important skills priorities (as per WSP 05/06) that has been addressed and / or completed (NOT courses but e.g. Technical skills or export readiness, etc.) Once the skills priorities have been listed, estimate (with a tick in the appropriate box) at which educational level such a priority will most likely be addressed, e.g. Technical skills at levels one and two and export readiness estimated at level 4 (The education and training levels are described in the section “Guidelines for completion of the application form” towards the end of this document). Note: AgriSETA requires only the three most important skills priorities. Should you wish to add more skills priorities, please feel free to do so.
Skills Priorities / Level of COMPLETED education and training / SAQA Registered?
General / Further / Higher / SAQA ID No (If SAQA registered)
No. / List education and training priorities as per WSP 2005/06 / General
Up to and incl. Level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Yes / No
e.g. 1. / (EXAMPLE) Technical Skills / X / X / X / P
2. / (EXAMPLE) Export readiness / X
ANNUAL TRAINING REPORT (1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006) Scheme Year 6
(A3) ANNUAL SKILLS PRIORITIES (Strategic skills development priorities for the financial year 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006)
This table identifies those beneficiaries that have participated in learning interventions. Please indicate the number of beneficiaries who have received training and NOT the number of programs attended and or completed during the course of the year. Count each planned recipient of training only once.
/ Number of beneficiaries TRAINED per population group // African / Coloured / Indians / Whites / TOTAL /
Categories /
* People TRAINED during 2005/2006 / Priority number as listed in the previous table / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D /
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Professionals / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Technicians & Associated Professionals / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Clerks & Administrative Workers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Service & Sales Workers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Skilled Agricultural & Fishery Workers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Skilled Workers, Craft & Related Trades workers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
Labourers & Elementary Occupations / Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) - TRAINED
External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) - TRAINED
TOTAL Current employees (earmarked for development at this level) TRAINED:
TOTAL External new recruits (including 18(2) learners at this level and above) TRAINED:
In the table above: M=Male, F=Female, D=Person with disability
* See attached definitions of Occupational Groups
WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007) Scheme Year 7
Current Employment is defined as the total workforce in respect of which SDL have been paid to SARS.
/ Number of Employees per population group // African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total /
* Occupation Categories / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D / M / F / D /
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Skilled Agricultural & Fishery Workers
Skilled Workers, Craft & Related Trades
Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
Permanent Staff Total
Temporary / Seasonal / Contractors Workers Total
WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007) Scheme Year 7
(A5) ANNUAL SKILLS PRIORITIES (Strategic skills development priorities for the financial year 2006/07)
Please list the three most important skills priorities (NOT courses but eg. Technical skills or export readiness, etc.) Once the skills priorities have been listed, estimate (with a tick in the appropriate box) at which educational level such a priority will most likely be addressed, eg. Technical skills at levels one and two and export readiness estimated at level 4 (The education and training levels are described in the section “Guidelines for completion of the application form” towards the end of this document). Note: AgriSETA requires only the three most important skills priotities. Should you wish to add more skills priorities, please feel free to do so.
Skills Priorities / Level of planned education and training / SAQA Registered?
General / Further / Higher / SAQA ID No (If SAQA registered)
No. / List education and training priorities / General
Up to and incl. Level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Yes / No
e.g. 1. / (EXAMPLE) Technical Skills / X / X / X / P
2. / (EXAMPLE) Export readiness / X
WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007) Scheme Year 7
(A6) WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN (for the current financial year)