Title: Playground Matching Funds

System: Operations

Sub-System: Grounds

Process: Funds Eligibility

Issue Date: 12/8/08Issue Number: 2

Approved by: Jim Graham

Document author: C. BullingerPhone number: 248-573-8922

Summary of Changes: Reflects management job title changes and changes to contact information

1. Purpose

To describe the process by which an elementary school may complete an eligible matching funds project. This includes determining project scope as well as funding the project

2. Scope

This applies to all elementary schools that have been in existence for at least four (4) years

Note: The Early Childhood Center (ECC) is not eligible for matching funds

3. Definition of Terms

ARC – Administrative Review Committee

SIP – Shared Involvement Process

Playground Master Plan – consists of the following criteria:

A detailed map of the current playground, together with identified areas for further playground expansion, if any

Identified priorities for equipment replacement. This will include a time-line for suggested replacement together with approximate replacement costs

Identified priorities for new equipment additions, together with proposed locations, project scope and approximate costs

Detailed specifications and procedures for replacing equipment, adding new equipment and creating/updating new playground areas

Language that will allow for modification of this master plan so that safety issues and unforeseen district needs can be addressed

4. Responsibilities

Manager of Facilities and Grounds – Lead in the development of the Playground Master Plans for each elementary school. Receive requests for matching funds from Principals and determine the eligibility of each project. Work with the Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance to determine the availability of matching funds for the project. Maintain a Playground Master Plan for each elementary school

Elementary School Principal – Assist in the development of the Playground Master Plan. Act as liaison with the PTO and the SIP (Shared Involvement Process) Team. Initiate requests for matching funds by contacting the Manager of Grounds

Building Engineer – Assist in the development of the Playground Master Plan at the elementary school where assigned

5. References

National Playground Safety Institute standards (ASTM F1487)

6. Procedure

6.1Manager of Facilities and Grounds shall:

6.1.1Lead in the development of the Playground Master Plan for each

elementary school

6.1.2Maintain a Playground Master Plan for each elementary school

6.1.3Ensure each Playground Master plan is approved by the ARC

6.1.4 Receive requests for matching funds from Principals and

determine the eligibility of each project

6.1.5Work with the Assistant Superintendent for Business & Finance to determine the availability of matching funds for the project, including any carryover unused matching funds

6.1.6Ensure the equipment replacement schedule will take precedence over new equipment installs (Note: This is meant to ensure that aging equipment is replaced according to a schedule and new equipment installs will only occur when they are consistent with the replacement schedule)

6.1.7Use the following guidelines to determine eligibility for playground matching funds: funds are available only for playground equipment and or the necessary earthwork and safety surfacing materials required to properly install the equipment. Soccer goals, benches/picnic tables, four-square and hop-scotch paintings, trees, fences and other such furnishings do not qualify for playground matching fund dollars playground equipment must be installed under the direct supervision of a qualified playground installer and the Manager of Facilities and Grounds. The equipment shall be certified such that it meets current National Playground Safety Institute standards (ASTM F1487) upon completion of installation Matching funds projects must be consistent with the Playground Master Plan for the applicable school The District is responsible for inspecting the playground

equipment and surface areas. In the event that a piece of equipment needs to be removed or additional safety surface material is needed, it will be done at the District’s cost. However, equipment replacements need to be done through matching dollars and/or full payment through school support groups

6.2Elementary School Principals shall:

6.2.1Assist in the development of the Playground Master Plan

6.2.2Act as liaison with the PTO and the SIP Team

6.2.3Initiate requests for matching funds by contacting the Manager of Facilities and Grounds

6.2.4Prepare a check request with 100% of the invoice to be paid by the District and enclose the remaining payment of 50% or greater from PTO made out to South Lyon Community Schools, and forward all documents to the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance

6.3Manager of Facilities and Grounds shall:

6.3.1Assist in the development of the Playground Master Plan

6.4Building Engineers shall:

6.4.1Assist in the development of the Playground Master Plan at the

elementary school where assigned


Playground Master Plans

Playground Matching Fund Requests

Playground Matching Funds1 of 4Created by Karen Wiater
