Expatax BV - Information tax return 2004

To be able to complete your tax return we need a lot of information. To help you to provide the right information we have created this questionnaire. We kindly request you to answer all the relevant questions and to provide us with the requested documents whereby copies are preferred.

The tax return will be completed based on the information you provide. By sending us this questionnaire you state that:

-  the provided information is right to your knowledge, Expatax will not be liable for the correctness and completeness of the provided information

-  you accept our client agreement including our terms and conditions which can be found on www.expatax.nl/clientagreement.htm

-  you accept our fee schedule which can be found on www.expatax.nl/fees.htm

The completed questionnaire including the required documents can be send to us in different ways.

q  By post / : / Expatax
Postbus 9310
3506 GH Utrecht
q  By email / : /
q  By fax / : / 030-2468537

As soon as we have received the questionnaire we will confirm receipt by email. If necessary we will inform you which documents are missing.

Your information
q  First name and surname / :
q  Address / :
q  Postal code + City / :
q  Country / :
q  Telephone home / :
q  Telephone mobile / :
q  Email address home / :
q  Email address work / :
q  Sofinumber / :
q  Date of birth / :
q  Gender / :
q  Nationality / :
If you have the US nationality and have the 30% ruling then you only have to pay tax in the Netherlands on the actual days you worked in the Netherlands. If you worked outside the Netherlands please provide us with a specification of all the working days.
q  Bank account (for refund) / :
q  Do you have the 30% ruling? / : / Yes/No
If you have the 30% ruling please send us a copy of the statement.
q  Did you live in NL the whole
year? / :
q  If not, which date did you enter or leave NL? / :
q  In which country were you living before/after NL in 2004? / :
q  Marital status in 2004 / : / Married/living together/single/divorced/widow(er)
q  Did the status change in 2004? / : / Yes/No Date:
Information partner
q  First name and surname / :
q  Address / :
q  Postal code + City / :
q  Country / :
q  Sofinumber / :
q  Date of birth / :
q  Gender / :
q  Nationality / :
If you have the US nationality and have the 30% ruling then you only have to pay tax in the Netherlands on the actual days you worked in the Netherlands. If you worked outside the Netherlands please provide us with a specification of all the working days.
q  Bank account (for refund) / :
q  Year you arrived in NL / :
q  If 2004, which date did you arrive in NL? / :
q  If 2004, in which country were you before/after NL? / :
q  Do you have the 30% ruling? / : / Yes/No
If you have the 30% ruling please send us a copy of the statement.
Initials / First name / Date of birth / Sofinumber child / Does the child live with you?

Please provide us with copies of the identity papers of you and your partner. This can be a passport, residence permit or drivers licence. Based on government rules we have to keep a copy of the identity paper in our files. If we don’t this will be an economical crime and this will delay the completion of your tax return. If you already sent us copies then you don’t have to do it again.

Tax return
q  Did you receive a tax return? / : / Yes/No
q  Did your partner receive one? / : / Yes/No
If you received a so called M form please send it to us.
q  What is the deadline? / :
q  Did you file a tax return for 2003? / : / Yes/No
Please send us a copy of the 2003 tax return (unless we completed it for you) and copies of the 2002, 2003 and 2004 (provisional) tax assessments (if applicable).
q  Did you receive a salary? / : / Yes/No
q  Did your partner receive a salary? / : / Yes/No
Please send us copies of the relevant year end statements. If you can’t find them you can also send us the last payslip(s) you received for 2004. If you would like us to check your payslip(s) just let us know.
q  Did you or your partner receive a social security payment like unemployment or a pension? / : / Yes/No
Please send us copies of the relevant year end statements.

Company car

Do you have a company car? If so please provide:

q  Type of car / : / Car 1
Car 2
q  Licence plate / : / Car 1 / Car 2
q  List-price when new / : / Car 1 / Car 2
q  Contribution paid to employer / : / €
q  Car used in the period / : / Car 1 from till
Car 2 from till

If you have used the car for less then 500 private kilometres please send us the kilometre registration.

Public transport

q  Did you regular travel by public transport to your work and did you have a monthly, quarterly or annual subscription? / : / Yes/No
q  The distance declared on the public transport statement or travel statement from your employer / :
The statement must be separately provided by the NS or the tram/bus company or your employer. Please forward it to us if you have it. Single tickets won’t be sufficient.
q  The number of days you travelled to work with public transport / :
q  The travel allowance you received from your employer. If the employer provided the whole subscription state “all” / : / €
Most of the times if you receive an allowance you can’t deduct any costs.

Other non-job related income

q  Freelance income / : / Yes/No
q  Alimony / : / Yes/No
q  Income as volunteer / : / Yes/No
q  Allowances for writing articles, holding lectures, copyright etc. / : / Yes/No
q  Periodical allowances because of illness, disability, accident from a private insurance / : / Yes/No
Please send us a summary/specification of the earned income and all the costs you had to make to earn the income.


If you own a property in the Netherlands which you consider as your main residence:

q  The WOZ statement which you received from the local government (or the local property tax bill).
q  The year end statement from the mortgage per 31 December 2004
If you bought a property in 2004:
q  The statement of account from the notary (“notarisafrekening”)
q  The valuer’s fee showing the costs to create the valuation report
q  The policy of an insurance which covers the repayments in case of disability or unemployment (for example a Cardif insurance)
q  Date you moved to your property / :
q  Did you sell another property in the Netherlands (in 2003 or 2004) before you bought your current property? / : / Yes/No
If so please send us the statement of account from the notary regarding the sale of your previous home

If you would like to buy a home in the Netherlands we can assist you with arranging a mortgage. It is important that the mortgage suits your needs and that you use the available tax benefits. If you are not feeling comfortable about your current mortgage we can also find out for you what can be done about it.

q  Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us? / : / Yes/No

What happens with your mortgage when you become unemployed or disabled? You can become disabled by an unforeseen accident. It is possible to arrange an income insurance which will take over the monthly repayments in case something happens to you. That way you don’t have to leave your house.

q  Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us? / : / Yes/No

What happens with your mortgage and your partner if you die early? Does your partner have sufficient income to take over the mortgage repayments? A life insurance connected to the mortgage may reduce this risk for you.

q  Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us? / : / Yes/No

Is your property and the household properly insured?

q  Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us? / : / Yes/No

Other property

q  Do you own other property (anywhere in the world)? / : / Yes/No
q  Do you rent out property in the Netherlands? / : / Yes/No
q  What is the value of this Dutch property? / : / €
q  What is the outstanding mortgage for this property? / : / €

If you would like to invest your money tax friendly and you are interested to own a second home our network can assist you with buying an apartment or villa in Spain. You will become the owner of the apartment which will be used by yourself but there is a possibility to rent it out to others yourself. You will not have to pay tax in the Netherlands on the foreign asset or the rent received. We have all the information available.

If you would like to invest in Spanish properties we can assist you with arranging a mortgage and inform you about the tax consequences.

q  Would you like to discuss the possibilities with us? / : / Yes/No

Savings and investments

q  The year end statement(s) of your bank accounts
q  The year end statement(s) of your investments
If you have the 30% ruling you can be exempted from declaring your savings and investments in the Netherlands. For a complete financial planning advice from us you can still forward us the statements if you wish.
q  The dividend tax you paid on your Dutch investments. This tax is always refundable, even if you have the 30% ruling.

Special tax deductions

q  Did you have costs for study for yourself or your partner which were more then € 500 in 2004? / : / Yes/No
q  Have you made payments to an ex-husband or –wife? / : / Yes/No
q  Have you paid child support to your children who were not living with you? / : / Yes/No
q  Have you made gifts/donations / : / Yes/No
q  Did you have costs for professional childcare? / : / Yes/No
Send us documents which proof the payments you made like a contract, bank statements and your own summary. Plus mention the allowance you received from your employer.


q  Have you made payments for a private pension? / : / Yes/No
q  Do you have a company pension? / : / Yes/No
q  Do you have a Dutch “lijfrente” insurance? / : / Yes/No
Please send us copies of the relevant policies. We will calculate the premiums which may be deductible and if you wish advice you about your pension situation and what can be done to improve your situation including the tax benefits which can be used by you.


q  How did you find our company? / :
q  Do you have any questions? / :

Financial Planning

In cooperation with financial advisors we also offer other financial services.

Tick the box if you would like to get advice about that subject or would like to receive a quotation.

Financial services we offer concern:

O Life insurance (onshore and offshore)

O Retirement planning: important for expats who change country every now and
then. Questions: Are you joining a pension scheme? Would you like to retire before the age of 65? Do you have a pension gap? Are you self employed without a pension?

O Investment planning and portfolio management: Are you saving money right now?

Would you like to buy a property in the future without a maximum mortgage or

would you like to pay off a mortgage in the future, would you like to see your

capital grow and use the offshore benefits? We can assist you with it and explain

the tax consequences.

O Mortgage: Are you planning to buy a property (house/apartment)? Would you like

to know if you can get a mortgage? Do you believe your current mortgage is too

O Property in Spain (no time sharing)

Tax beneficial insurances:

O Disability insurance / income protection insurance

O Dutch annuity insurance (lijfrenteverzekering) -> pension insurance

General insurances:

O Car insurance

O Travel insurance

O Health insurance

O Liability insurance

O Legal insurance

O House and contents insurance

O Other insurance ......

Expatax B.V. Checklist tax return 2004 7