A note from WSR Head Football Coach, Mark Hubbard:

Thanks for taking time out of your schedules to sign your child up for football. I wanted to take a moment to address the parents of children going into 3rd and 4th grade for Fall 2014. I am often asked “Why isn’t there flag football for kids entering 3rd and 4th grade?” The truth is, the W did offer it for a number of years, but was discontinued due to lack of numbers, maybe having only 10-12 3rd/4th graders sign up. The low numbers are mainly attributed to a majority of kids wanting to play padded football instead.

As the Head Coach, I wanted this to change. I want there to be an option for kids that aren’t ready either physically, and more so, emotionally for padded football. Thus, the W will be offering 3rd and 4th grade flag football option and I thank them for their cooperation. We are so blessed to have them in our own backyard. Regardless of the numbers of kids that sign up, there will be flag football available, via the W, this coming Fall 2014. If numbers are such that enough teams can’t be formed, then those that do sign up will be dispersed evenly amongst the lower levels. Growing up, there were older kids that always played with us, so I don’t see this as a problem one bit.

As a parent myself, I have not yet decided if my son will play tackle football in 3rd and 4th grade. There are a variety of reasons for my thought process. Many pro’s and con’s. Along these lines, I feel the YSF (Youth Sports Foundation) does a tremendous job with the padded league. I feel the W does a tremendous job with the Flag Football program. You will find many that have great experiences in both formats.

Simply put, I want kids playing football. What I don’t want are 3rd graders having a bad experience and deciding that they don’t want to be a part of football in any way, shape, or form at such a young age. If you, as a parent, aren’t sure if padded football is right for your child, then I would say avoid it and sign your child up for flag football. Don’t follow the crowd. You know your child the best.

As parent’s, we don’t like the thought of our kids “getting behind.” Please, don’t think for a moment your child will get behind. If by the time they get into high school football, my staff and I can’t shape them into a football player that can help the Go-Hawks, then it’s our fault. We failed as High School coaches.

The mission of GO-HAWK FOOTBALL is to create a CULTURE that helps develop young people into the best STUDENTS, ATHLETES, and GENTLEMEN possible. Our core values are HARD WORK, ENTHUSIASM, FUN, & RESPECT. ()

I believe our mission, vision and values will be taught at all levels by all our coaches, regardless of the type of football you decide to play this fall. As a parent, business owner, and coach in this community, I fully believe these skill sets are reinforced across ALL of our programs (sports, music, drama, FFA) at WSR. I love seeing kids compete, fight, and sacrifice for the good of the TEAM. I love watching kids learn to battle, pick themselves up, and press on. I love seeing kids not getting their way and having to decide how they will react. This is life 101. Just ask any cancer survivor you know and they will surely agree.

In closing, we want to say thank-you for all your support and hope to see many of you this Fall!


Coach Hubbard