Appendix 1

Project Plan

Ghana WASH Window-FDW

A Public Private Partnership Facility

To be used for the application procedure


General instruction Project plan:
-  The (green) shaded boxes contain explanatory information on specific sections of the project plan. Please delete these boxes from the project plan, leaving your own text
-  All documents, including the project plan, need to be written in English.
-  The format of the project plan is mandatory.
-  The project plan should not exceed 35 pages, excluding the appendices.


1 Public summary

-  Please fill out the summary page below. Please note that this information can be made publicly available by NL Agency.
-  Include project objectives, intervention strategy and Results (output/outcome), as well as a short description of the partnership.
-  The project addresses at least one of the GWW-FDW themes: Sanitation and hygiene, Waste management, Access to and use of safe drinking water, and Urban water management).
Project name:
Project location(s):
Project goal(s):
Summary project intervention (max 300 words):

2 Project

2.1 Problem analysis

Insert your text here…
Describe the overall problem the partners wish to address in the project (impact/outcome level). Pay attention to the following aspects:
-  Background of the problem / introduction to the problem
-  Defining the problem in the geographic area the project will address;
o  The magnitude and scope of the problem. Indicate the number of people currently affected by this problem. Describe which population groups are affected. If relevant, further quantification is recommended.
o  How is the local population, including most vulnerable groups, affected by the problem?
o  What are the consequences if the problem is not addressed properly?
-  Local aspects, such as the social/economic/environmental context, related to the problem
-  How and when did the problem arise?
-  What has already been undertaken to solve the problem?
-  Why is the problem until now not successfully solved?
-  Describe the relevant stakeholders, their interests and their role in creating or solving the problem.
The partners should show a sound understanding of the problem and the underlying causes.
GWW-FDW addresses problems related to Sanitation and hygiene, Waste management (both solid and liquid waste). Access to and use of safe drinking water and Urban water management. By addressing these problems GWW-FDW aims at structural poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth and self-reliance.
The problem should be described as a negative situation, for example: people suffer from diseases related to poor sanitation practises. Do not solely describe the problem as the absence of a solution (e.g. no sanitation facilities are available or no functioning water treatment plant is available).
Interests of different stakeholders should be structural embedded and secured in the project.

2.2 Project objectives

Insert your text here…
Shortly describe the overall project objectives (Project outcome and impact level).
Note that more detailed project Results can be given in paragraph 2.4 on the intervention strategy
-  Describe what the PPP wants to achieve with the project, make a direct link to the problem analysis in paragraph 2.1.
-  Describe the target group(s)
-  Describe what will be the desired future situation for the target group(s) and in particular the vulnerable groups. Quantify where possible.
The overall project objectives should be clearly related to the problem analysis.
Reformulate the problem identified at the impact level into a positive desirable condition or objective. For example, the objective of the project is that access to improved sanitation is improved.

2.3 Connection to policy objectives

Insert your text here…
Describe the policy relevance of the project. To what extent is the proposal in line with Ghanaian policy priorities and Dutch International Cooperation Development policy priorities? Pay attention to:
-  How does the project contribute to the objectives of Ghanaian policies?
-  How does the project contribute to the (local) objectives of the International Cooperation Development policy of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
-  If applicable, how is the project complementary to other programmes/projects in the sector and region?
The project should be relevant to existing policy priorities.
The project should be connected with or supplementary to other projects or programmes.
The project should be aligned with the target group, including vulnerable groups in society. The project meets the needs of the target groups and shows the target group is sufficient involved in the project to be effective.

2.4 Intervention strategy

2.4.1 Intervention logic

Insert your text here…
Summarise the intervention logic of the project in max 500 words and fill out and present the result chain in Appendix 2, sheet ‘Result chain’. Please replace the example result chain below with the result chain of your project.
-  Summarise (max 500 words) the intervention logic of the project by following the OECD-DAC methodology Inputs, Activities and the resulting Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts are described in the result chain. Indicate how the intervention relates to the project objectives and problem analysis.
-  Note that a more detailed description on project output/outcome and impact can be given in paragraphs 4.4.2 and 4.4.3.
-  Also pay attention to:
o  Are there alternative solutions? Why did the partnership choose the proposed solution?
o  If available, substantiate the intervention logic with appropriate references to external sources (reports, studies etc.)
o  Indicate whether (part of) the project is based on a business case. If so, the business case can be elaborated on in paragraph 2.4.4 ‘Business case’.
o  Indicate whether (part of) the project is aiming to improve the Enabling environment’ (e.g. behavioural change, capacity building, organisational strengthening, institutional change, law and regulations). If so, this can be elaborated on in paragraph 2.4.5 ‘Enabling environment’.
For the OECD-DAC (2012) definitions of Input, Activities, Output, Outcome and Impact see below or at :
Inputs are the financial, human, material, technological and information resources used for the development intervention.
Activities are the actions taken or work performed through which inputs, such as funds, technical assistance and other types of resources are mobilised to produce specific outputs.
Outputs are the products and services which result from the completion of activities within a development intervention.
Outcomes are the intended or achieved short-term effects of an intervention’s outputs, usually requiring the collective effort of partners. Outcomes represent changes in development conditions which occur between the completion of outputs and the achievement of impact.
Impact is the positive and negative long-term effects on identifiable population groups produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. These effects can be economic, socio-cultural, institutional, environmental, and technological or of other types.
The contribution of the project to solving WASH related problems, including waste management and urban water management, and thereby leading to structural poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth and self-reliance should be clear.
-  The solution should fit the Ghanaian context.

Figure: Example Result Chain

Explanation result chain:
Provide a result chain for the project. For this, replace the example of the result chain with the filled out result chain of your project. Please refer to Appendix 2, sheet ‘Result Chain’ and ‘Instructions’. Please paste the completed project result chain above this box. This can be done by using the following commando in MS Word:
Edit --> Paste Special --> picture (= Bewerken --> plakken speciaal --> figuur).
-  The project result chain should be clearly linked to the problem analysis, project objectives, and the intervention logic. It shows how input and activities result in the desired output, outcome and impact.
-  Quantify the output, outcome and impact where possible.

2.4.2 Output and outcome

Insert your text here…
Describe/elaborate on the concrete project output and outcome. Refer to the provided result chain.
-  Elaborate on the project’s output and outcome, distinguish between the contribution to the themes ‘Sanitation and hygiene’, ‘Waste management’, ‘Access to clean drinking water’ and ‘Urban Water management’ separately.
-  Relate the output and outcome to the target group, i.e. quantify as much as possible the project output and outcome per targeted person/household. If applicable, break down by type of target group. For instance, as outcome of the project, in 2018 x vulnerable persons/households have gained access to improved sanitation.
-  Describe the additional effect of the project, i.e. compare the quantified project output and outcome to a reference situation without the implementation of the project. Take relevant trends e.g. in economic growth, population growth etc. into account. For instance, currently Y% of population Z does not have access to improved sanitation. Without any intervention, it is expected this percentage will increase to Y2% (Z2 persons/households) in 2018. Since the project will create access to improved sanitation to X persons/households, only Y3% will lack access instead of Y2%. Provide references for the presented data.
-  Fill out Appendix 2, sheets Result 1 to Result 10 (or less if fewer Results are identified). Refer to the sheet ‘Instructions’ of Appendix 2 how to do this. It is not required to copy these into this project plan. If an explanatory text is required, this can be done here. Appendix 2 is an important part of the project appraisal and will form the basis for the Administrative decision if GWW-FDW subsidy is granted.
Note on Appendix 2:
If a project receives a GWW-FDW subsidy, the PPP commits itself to achieving the project deliverables. For GWW-FDW these project deliverables are defined as ‘Results’, which are divided in ‘Sub-results’. Project Results and Sub-results are tangible (according to the SMART principles) project outputs and outcomes which will be demonstrated by deliverance of Means of Verifications (MoVs). The project Results and Sub-results will be part of the Administrative decision and has to be provided by the PPP as Appendix 2 to the the GWW-FDW application. The PPP commits itself to delivering the project Results and Sub-results (as demonstrated by MoVs) that are included in this Appendix 2. If not all Results or Sub-results are achieved by the PPP this may have consequences for the amount of subsidy to be received. The identified project Results will also be used to assess the project value for money and contribution to the objectives of GWW-FDW. Besides the project budget needs to be specified according to the identified Results.
An example of Results and Sub-results of a fictional project can be found at the GWW website:
-  The project output and outcome should be presented in a SMART manner.
-  The project output and outcome should be linked to the intervention logic as summarised in the result chain in paragraph 2.4.3
-  The project should lead to concrete, tangible results. Do note that best value (the project budget in relation to the project Results) will be assessed.
-  The defined Results and Sub-results presented in Appendix 2 will form the basis of the Administrative decision (‘beschikking’).

2.4.3 Impact

Insert your text here…
Describe/elaborate on the project impact. Refer to the intervention logic based on the output and outcome. Describe in any case the effect of the project on each of the following:
-  Elaborate on the project’s impact; distinguish between the contribution to the themes Sanitation and hygiene, Waste management, Availability of safe drinking water and Urban water management?
-  The change in poverty alleviation. For example: What kind of change will the improvements bring about when it comes to job creation (direct and indirect), income of people and enterprises, reduction in water- and sanitary related diseases, reduction in infant/child mortality, savings on health fees at household level.
-  Describe the change in sustainable economic growth. For example: What kind of change will the improvements bring about when it comes to income, number of jobs created, etc.
-  Describe the change in self-reliance. For example: What kind of change will the improvements bring about when it comes to reduction in school absenteeism, increase in productive use of saved time by women etc.
-  The expected project impact should be presented, where possible, substantiated with quantitative models/data or appropriate references.
-  The project impact should be linked to the intervention logic as summarised in the Project Result Chain.

2.4.4 Business case

Insert your text here…
If the project is (partly) based on one or more business cases, please elaborate on this by addressing the topics below. Please fill out ‘Appendix 3, sheet 6. Cash flow’ and substantiate why this represents a feasible business case. Include references where applicable.
-  How does the business case contribute to the project objectives and the themes Sanitation and hygiene, Waste management, Availability and use of safe drinking water and Urban water management?
-  Describe the market(s) the PPP wishes to enter or improve. Pay attention to the following in the description:
o  What product(s) or service(s) will be sold?
o  Which parties are already operating in this market?
o  Who are the customers in this market?
o  What is the size of this market in terms of supply and demand?
o  How has the market evolved over the past few years with regard to the above? What tendencies are expected?
o  At what price will the product(s) or service(s) be sold? What are the current market prices and how are they expected to evolve in the coming years?
o  Who are the indispensable suppliers in this market?
o  What substitutes for the product/service are available on the market?
o  Promotion: how will the product(s) or service(s) be brought to the market.
o  What will be the position of the project in the business chain?
o  Who will be the suppliers and who will be the customers?
-  What does the production/service process look like in terms of resources, products/services and logistical aspects? This may be illustrated by a flowchart and added to the project plan as Appendix 9 (optional).
-  Fill out the Cash Flow in Appendix 3, sheet 6. Cash flow and elaborate on why this represents a feasible business case, (partially) leading to a financially sustainable project intervention.
-  A PPP project must be based on a detailed business case and/or aiming for improvement of the Enabling environment (paragraph 2.4.5).