8th grade Language Arts –Pre- AP Honors
Mrs. Arceneaux, Class Policies & Information
Welcome: It is my privilege to be your child’s Language Arts teacher this year I am looking forward to an exciting year. There are several things that will be very important to help your child succeed in my class this year.
Throughout the year we will be using the classroom book, novels and different forms of technology. There will be various reading and writing assignments from each of these different Medias.
We will also be doing various writing activities. This is a rigorous curriculum that will require your child to do writing assignments, access different websites and blogs and respond to them in a timely manner and read from assigned novels. Doing just the minimum to ‘get by’ will not be accepted in this class. You will be asked to redo again until it is your best work!! There will be work assigned weekly as well as some nightly on top of reading. Part of this class is learning how to prioritize and use correct time management.
Pre-AP Course Description:
Pre-AP classes give the students the opportunity to practice skills that will enable them to be successful in the AP classes taken in high school. Pre-AP classes will expose students to the kind of expectations and activities required by the AP Program. Pre-AP classes lay the foundation for success not only in the upper level English classes, but ultimately in college course work itself.
Successful pre-AP students are typically task oriented, proficient readers who are able to set priorities with regard to time and responsibilities. Parents support of the program also plays a key role in success of these students.
Research has proven that reading comprehension is the best indicator of future success in upper-level studies and college courses. The only way for that skill to develop is through consistent practice; therefore, Pre-AP English courses require students to read many works of literature each year.
Students are encouraged to purchase their own novels for these courses. To be successful on English exams, students must have an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of literary works. Having students purchase their own novels serves two purposes: can review works and use books for citing textual evidence and learning valuable note taking skills by marking their novels, skills that will help prepare them for high school and college work.
Novels this year:
We will be reading the following novels this year: Call of the Wild by Jack London, Delirium by Lauren Oliver, The Giver by Lois Lowry; as well as Trouble by Gary Schmidt and The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. It is highly recommended that students purchase their own copy as we will be annotating and marking on the novels. Amazon has used copies that are inexpensive. Most of the reading will be done on their own in the evenings. The library does have some copies that students can check out; and the school will make a few available for students who do not purchase their own copy. The first book will be Delirium and we will begin this book on September 1. I do give students a couple of weeks’ notice when we will be starting a new novel. This allows for parents to order online or get to a bookstore.
Bring your own Device:
This class will be a “bring your own device” class. This can include cell phones, IPads, nooks, kindles, etc. If students do not have an electronic device, they will be able to use the computer to access the daily assignment. The days that we use devices will be at the teacher’s discretion. The policy for my class will be that students will put their devices into a numbered pocket holder daily – unless directed by myself to keep the phones at their desk. If students have a device, they need to bring them everyday; I will try and give notice, but sometimes notice isn’t always possible. Ear buds are on the 8th grade suggested list and I would recommend students have them readily available in this class.
Daily Supplies Required:
· 3 ring binder for Language Arts class & supply of notebook paper
· Set of 5 dividers - label them as follows: Bell ringer, Resources, Writing/Grammar, Literature, Vocabulary
· Highlighter, pencils (with erasers), red pen, blue or black pen, colored pencils
· Post it notes for text marking – if you do not want to write in your novel
· Reading book of their choice and novel – daily
· Post it Notes for marking texts
Grading and Homework Policy:
· Assessments = 60 % (project will be included in this category)
· Guided practice = 30 %
· Independent practice = 10%
· Grades will be posted on the school grading site.
· Grades will be updated at least once a week
· Late work will only be accepted one day late and will have 10% taken off the score. Any work more than one day late will not be accepted.
Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own.
In this class, plagiarism includes...
1. turning in another’s work as one’s own
2. copying work from a friend before class (or while in another class)
3. including a source but failing to cite it
4. copying an author’s exact words and passing them off as one’s own
Students caught plagiarizing will be given a ZERO for the assignment.
Grading System:
The grading system is expressed by numerical value. The numerical values are equivalent to the following letter grade:
A = 93-100
B = 85-92
C = 75-84
D = 70-74
F = Below 70
I = Incomplete
Jupiter is the online grading program and ‘go to site’ for many things. Parents and students each have their own access to Jupiter. Grades will be posted in Jupiter as well as attachments for assignments, the weekly calendar with homework and classwork posted in it. This is also a great means of communication. I can send out reminders and parents and students can easily email me through Jupiter.
Teacher Webpage:
My teacher website can be accessed through the Christiana website. Please check the site often for assignments, resources, and due dates for assignments. My website will be updated weekly. Please keep in mind, that with any daily schedule, things are subject to change.
Interactive Notebook/LA Binder
This year, I am requiring my LA students to have a separate LA binder. They will need dividers labeled as follows: Bell ringer, Resources, Writing/Grammar, Literature, and Vocabulary. Students will be given a table of contents for each section and will be required to keep up with keeping work in their binder, in the correct order. The notebook will be graded a few times a quarter. Organization is part of being a successful student in AP classes.
Computer Access:
Students will be required to log onto various school related websites a few times a week. If you do not have access to the Internet at home AND do not have a study hall where you have computer access, please see me for arrangements to come into my room before school to get this done.
Parent Communication Procedures:
All students and parents will have access to Jupiter. This is the best way of communication between parent and teacher and student and teacher. Parents and students will have their own specific log in information provided to you at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, you can email me at
Classroom Expectations & Policies:
· Be on time & in seat when bell rings or you will be considered tardy
· Enter quietly, be seated in assigned seat immediately, & promptly begin the bell-ringer assignment posted.
· Put your cell phone/device in the correctly assigned pocket holder at the beginning of class.
· Any spare time in class after all required work is completed should be spent reading your book (bring to class; do not leave in locker!).
· If you come to class without supplies - you will receive a responsibility mark in Jupiter and a notification will be sent to your parents. This is a rigorous class and we will be reading and working bell to bell.
· You must have the required supplies EVERY DAY
· All work must be neat & legible – or you WILL redo it.
· You must adhere to the school DRESS CODE
· If you are absent from class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to inquire about and obtain any missed work upon your first day of return; any tests or assignment deadlines missed in your absence are due on your first day of return if they were assigned when you were present
· Work is expected to be turned in WHEN DUE- late work will only be accepted one day late.
· You are expected to follow all school rules & the county code of student conduct
· There will be a book project associated with every novel that we read.
· Respect yourself, others, and all school property.
· Use appropriate tone, voice, and words.
· Listen when the teacher or another classmate is speaking.
· Stay on task and allow others to stay on task.
· Be responsible for your own work and make-up work.
· Assist others when you can
· Refrain from negative remarks
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices”
Cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, and all other electronic devices:
1st offense – 2 days silent lunch, device confiscated / device returned to student at the end of the day.
2nd offense – 5 days silent lunch, device confiscated / device returned to student at the end of the day.
3rd offense – 10 days silent lunch, device confiscated / device returned to student at the end of the day.
For instructional purposes only, a student may use their device when directed by a teacher. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or confiscated items.
Personal Library:
I have an extensive personal library with books for all types of readers. With that being said, some of the books have more adult content/themes. None of the books in my library are required readings, so I ask that parents help monitor what their child is reading. If you feel the book is inappropriate, they will be allowed to return it and check out a different book. Students will be checking books in and out through a computer program. If a book is not returned or damaged, they will be responsible to replacing it.
Mrs. Arceneaux’s Language Arts Class Period ____:
Student & Parent Acknowledgement: I have reviewed these classroom policies, as well as the student handbook in my planner, with my parent. I fully understand the expectations and consequences. Please sign and return to class by August 15th.
Student signature Parent or legal guardian signature
Student printed name