Mrs. Luna English II—World Literature

Conference: 2nd Period (8:50-9:40am) Room 406

Tutorials: Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30-7:55am & 3:40-4:00pm

(or by appointment) (936) 348-2721

Madisonville Mustangs

English II—World Literature Syllabus

Welcome to English II! I am very excited to have you in my classroom! This year you may expect to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in the English language. I look forward to working with you and guiding you through the exciting adventure of learning!


I expect you to be prepared every day. I expect 100% of your effort and I expect you to have high expectations for yourself. You may expect me to be prepared and to teach you every day. You can expect 100% of my effort every day and I will also have high expectations of you!

Course Description

TEKS §110.32 The English Language Arts and Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are organized into the following standards:

  • Reading, where students read and understand a wide variety of literary and informational texts;
  • Writing, where students compose a variety of written texts with a clear controlling idea, coherent organization, and sufficient detail;
  • Research, where students are expected to know how to locate a range of relevant sources and evaluate, synthesize, and present ideas and information;
  • Listening and Speaking, where students listen and respond to the ideas of others while contributing their own ideas in conversations and in groups;
  • Oral and Written Conventions, where students learn how to use the oral and written conventions of the English language in speaking and writing.

The standards are cumulative—students will continue to address earlier standards as needed while they attend to standards for their grade. In English II, students will engage in activities that build on their prior knowledge and skills in order to strengthen their reading, writing, and oral language skills. Students should read and write on a daily basis.

Novels, Essays, and Areas of Study

Core PiecesAdditional Ongoing Areas of Study

Selected Short Stories JournalsPersuasion

Bleachers by John Grisham Oral PresentationsVocabulary

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper LeePoetry AnalysisGrammar

Poetry SelectionsDrama

Shakespeare SelectionsCharacter/Author Analysis

Personal Reading Selections

Writing Assignments

Expository Text—Analysis

Expository Text—Interpretive Response

Argumentative Text—Analysis


Literary Text—Engaging Story

9 weeks / English II Scope and Sequence / Duration
1st / Travelling Through World Literature / ~ 23 days
Analyzing Poetic Structure / ~ 12 days
2nd / Deeper Analysis Through Drama / ~12 days
Analyzing Informational Texts / ~20 days
3rd / Purposeful Persuasion / ~21 days
Connecting Genres / ~11 days
4th / College and Career Connections / ~11 days
Marshalling Evidence (proving through research) / ~20 days

*The Scope and Sequence is a plan of action for English II. Ongoing areas of study will be incorporated throughout each unit or nine-week period.

Grading Policy

60% = major grades May include (but not limited to) exams, project assignments, essays

40% = daily grades May include (but not limited to) in-class assignments, quizzes, rough

draft writing, and any homework assigned

You will have 3 major exams each 9 week grading period with a minimum of 10 daily grades. All exams and the majority of daily grades will be completed in the classroom. You may have a choice of exams (at my discretion)—projects, essays, or teacher provided (this will be determined a week before a scheduled exam).

You will be allowed one retest on an EXAM per 9 weeks if the exam grade is below a 70. YOU must meet with me to ask for a retest and must retest within one week of the failed exam. If an exam is missed due to an absence, you must schedule a time to make up the exam within one week of your absence. You will not have a choice for the type of make-up exam.

During a 9 week period, you may earn 3 extra credit points added to a major grade by bringing a box of tissues or Clorox wipes. Only 3 points may be added to a major grade.


Homework will consist of studying each night for a minimum of 15 minutes. You will complete much of the daily grading assignments in class; however, you will need to study for vocabulary quizzes and vocabulary/literature exams outside of class. If any in-class assignment is not completed, it may be assigned for homework. Writing assignments will be completed in class unless research is needed to be completed outside of class.

Late Work: Assignments completed outside of class must be turned in on the due date. One day late = 70; two days late = 50; and after 2 days = 0.


I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. A grade of “0” will be given and a discipline referral will be written. Please see the student handbook for further information regarding cheating. All students will learn about plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism. You may refer to my web page at any time for all information regarding plagiarism.

I follow the Aggie Code of Honor and I expect my students to do the same:

“An Aggie (or Mustang) does not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do.”

Classroom Conduct

  • Be in your seat and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings. (My door will be closed and locked when the bell rings. You will need to have a tardy slip from the office to enter the room after the door is closed.)
  • Respect yourself and others. Talking or interrupting during class instruction is disrespectful to me and to your peers.
  • Follow instructions the first time they are given.

Appropriate conduct in the classroom is imperative to learning. I will be fair and consistent with enforcing classroom, school, and district conduct rules. Please refer to the student handbook for further information regarding appropriate conduct.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Madisonville CISD has a district policy regarding BYOD and it will be followed in my classroom. You will be allowed to use your own devices ONLY for educational purposes. You will be instructed about when and how to use your devices in my classroom. Consequences for not following procedures will be the same as classroom conduct consequences; however, in addition to the office referral, you may lose the privilege of using a device for a determined amount of time (i.e., remainder of the 9 weeks, remainder of semester and/or school year).

Consequences for Inappropriate Conduct

  • 1st offense—Warning
  • 2nd offense—Lunch detention
  • 3rd offense—office referral

Hall/Restroom Passes

When you are not in class, you do not learn. To encourage you to remain in class, you will have 3 hall/restroom passes per 9 weeks. If the passes are not used in a 9 week period, you may add 3 points to the final exam grade. You are not allowed to leave the classroom without a pass unless it is an emergency.


  • Blue or black pens
  • #2 pencils
  • Spiral notebook (1 subject)
  • One 1” or 1 ½” 3-ring binder
  • Notebook paper
  • Highlighters (2 different colors)
  • Map pencils/markers

Also, please provide the following supply if you are in the corresponding class period (to be left in the classroom):

1st period—1 package of 3X5 index cards (white or color)

3rd period—1 box of Kleenex tissues

6th period—1 package of blue or black pens

7th period—1 bottle of Elmers Glue (ALL)

8th period—1 box of #2 pencils

English II Classroom Policies and Procedures Agreement

Please read, complete, and turn in the form below no later than Friday, August 28, 2015. This acknowledges that the syllabus has been read and explained to the student and that the student and parent/guardian understand the guidelines in the syllabus.

Student Name: ______

(Please print)

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

(Please print)

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone #: ______

(Best number to reach you)

Parent/Guardian e-mail address: ______