Primary Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: The Crow and the Pitcher / Genre: TL
Trad’l Lit. / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level: I
Literacy Standard: 4000-07 0702 – d,h ; 0703 – a.
Content Standard: / Purpose for Reading: Comprehension
Enduring Understanding: / Essential Questions:
Before Reading
Vocabulary: pitcher, thirsty; patience; strength
Review words before reading the text.
Activate/Build Background Knowledge:
Discuss what fables are; focus on lesson to be learned from a fable (genre) / Phonics: long I – ie (die; tried); idea; igh (high, right); i_e (beside)
Comprehension Strategy:
Monitor and clarify understanding; predict
Identify problem solution
During Reading
Read pp. 2-7; Turn to a partner and tell what the crow’s problem is. Show evidence in the book to support your understanding (monitor understanding). Share with the guided reading table. State possible ways the crow could solve her problem (predict)
Read pp. 8 – 11; Turn to a partner and tell what you think the crow’s idea is. (Infer/predict)
Read pp. 12 – 15; Verify with the group if the predictions were correct.
Read p. 16 together: Have students explain to a partner what lesson the crow learned. Have students restate it to show comprehension. Relate it to a circumstance in their own lives to show real understanding.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
Have students relate the lesson the crow learned to a circumstance in their own lives (synthesis). Create a list on the board of possible connections.
Review phonics – long i words. Generate lists of other words that fit the different spellings of the long i sound. Practice reading the lists. Note any that the students struggle with and create cards to review with them during the next guided reading session.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
Take a running record on a student while they are whisper reading.
Note their understanding of the text and make anecdotal notes when you perceive problems. / Activities:
Have the students add stones to a pitcher to prove that it really works. OR you could have them try a variety of ways for the crow to get water before they read the text.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.