City Planning Commission Minutes August25, 2005

City of Grant, Planning Commission Minutes

august25, 2005

The regular meeting of the Grant City Planning Commission was held on Thursday, August25, 2005, at the GrantCommunity Center.

1.Call to Order: Mayor Terry Fett called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

3.Roll Call:


Tom Cutler, Commissioner Anne Pickard, Mayor Terry Fett,Ken Stander, John LaPree, Francis Shepard (6:29pm)


Kathy Moore


Alan Gillespie


Ron Walker, Deana Fryling, Matthew Scott, and James Antar.

4.Public Comments:


5.Consent Agenda:

A.Approval of the Consent Agenda

Motion: Motion made by Cutler second by Pickard, to approve the consent agenda.

Motion passes unanimously.

Terry Fett ran the meeting beginning at 6:05pm at the request of Ken Stander.

6.Unfinished Business:


7.New Business:

  1. Site Plan for JOSCO, Inc. Request to open a retail dollar/variety store at 86 N. Maple.

Motion: Motion made by Pickard, second by Stander, to approve the zoning permit contingent upon receiving a letter in writing for parking from the owner of NAPA.

Motion passes unanimously.

  1. WESCO, INC. Request made by MACTEC to install a portable treatment system at Moe’s Hardware for remediate on behalf of WESCO, Inc.

Motion: Motion made by LaPree, second by Pickard, to grant request subject to letter stating equipment meets or exceeds DEQ Standards and an agreement between Moe’s and WESCO, with all copies forwarded to the Planning Commission.

Tom Cutlet commented on his desire to hear about DEQ’s involvement in the process.

Motion passes unanimously.

  1. WESCO, INC. Request to install retaining wall and extend parking lot for additional parking.

Motion: Motion made by LaPree, second by Fett, to deny WESCO’s request.

Discussion from Cutler, LaPree, and Fett agreed that they were denied in the office and the Planning Commission agrees.

Motion passes unanimously.

  1. WESCO, INC. Formal request to replace and extend canopy w/footings, and replace and add gasoline pumps (already completed.)

Motion: Motion made by Cutler, second by Pickard, to grant WESCO’s request.

Discussion ensued regarding traffic control concerns.

Motion passes five-Yes to one-NO (LaPree).

8.Informational Items:

The Family Health Care project is on schedule.

Terry Fett informed those present that he is now on the Family Health Care Board, as well as the Gerber Foundation.

9. Public Comments:

Ron Walker commented on the WESCO decision and thought the commission should consider the liability.


The Commission adjourned without objection at 6:57 p.m.


Chairperson Ken Stander Sherry Powell, City Clerk