Name: ______
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is understandably the most commonly known molecules found in living things. Its importance as a means of storing and transmitting genetic information (the information to make proteins) can’t be understated. In the end though, DNA is a bore relative to proteins. Proteins are the molecular machines that do the grunt work of life. They are the variety. In fact, you look and act the way you do because of proteins. To understand protein structure and function, one first has to develop a basic understanding of amino acid structure and function. In the following activity, you will become familiar with the basic structure of amino acids, the important categories in which the 20 amino acids are classified, as well as the reasons why each amino acid has the properties that it does.
MolyMod Amino Acid Bags
Amino Acid Starter Kits
1. Use a textbook or the internet to determine the five basic parts of an amino acid, the structure that all 20 amino acids share in common. Diagram and label the basic amino acid in the space provided in question 1.
2. Use the internet to determine the standards for CPK coloring of atoms. Record the appropriate CPK color for the common atoms found in amino acids found below.
3. Acquire a random MolyMod Amino Acid Ziploc Bag, remove the contents, and use them to create a basic amino acid. You do not have to make the entire side chain for the amino acid, instead use the green ball to represent the entire R-group. Have your teacher check your model when complete.
4. Acquire an Amino Acid Starter Kit, and remove the magnetic circle with the amino acid abbreviations, the amino acid side chains from its small plastic bag, and the laminated amino acid list. Use the laminated list to determine the names of the amino acids associated with the side chains, and place them in the appropriate position on the magnetic circle (colored sides facing forward). Have your teacher check the placement of your amino acids.
5. Next, remove the small colored sticky circles from their bag. Use the laminated list to determine the placement of the sticky circles on each of the amino acid side chains (this follows the CPK coloring scheme). Place the stickers on the gray side to the amino acid side chains. When finished, analyze the side chain characteristics for each amino acid group and answer questions
6. Finally, use the remaining atoms in the MolyMod bag to replace the green R-group with the actual atoms for your particular amino acid. Be prepared to identify the parts of your amino acid, as well as explain its characteristics and why it has them.
1. Basic Amino Acid Structure
2. CPK Coloring
Carbon ______
Hydrogen ______
3. Describe the distinguishing atomic characteristics of the hydrophobic side chains.
4. Describe the distinguishing atomic characteristics of the acidic side chains.
5. Describe the distinguishing atomic characteristics of the basic side chains.
6. Describe the distinguishing atomic characteristics of the hydrophilic or polar side chains.