All enquiries should bedirected to: Summer CourseAdministrator Drumcondra Education Centre Drumcondra
Dublin 9
CriteriaforApprovalofSummerCourses2014shouldbestudiedcarefullybeforecompleting this form.
1.Please indicate(√)ifthissummercourseissuitablefor:
primaryteachers post-primaryteachers primaryteachers and post-primaryteachers
2.SummerCourseCategory:(Pleasetickthebox indicatingtheappropriatecategory)
Category A(Literacy(English orIrish)and/or Numeracythemes witha focuson schoolself- evaluation /schoolimprovement
CategoryB(Other Curricularand/orManagementThemes)
3. Title ofCourse (Max70characters): Gaelic Games: Enhancing the delivery of PE and Integration with Other Curriculum Subjects
Course CategoryCode:(see page 13/14)______PE______
All details below must be completed.
Venue(s)ofcourse(s):For Face to Face Element / Daysand dates ofcourse(s):
For Face to Face Element / Namesofall presenters/facilitators / Qualificationsofallcourse presenters/facilitators
(levelon NQAI*framework)
See attached Multiple Venue Form
*NQAI = NationalQualificationsAuthorityofIreland ()
Dates for Face to Face Element: See attached Multiple Venue Form
Number of hours : ___12__(Excluding 30min for lunch each day) ____
4.CourseProvider/Director: See attached Multiple Venue Form
Designated Alternative Contact Person: See attached Multiple Venue Form
Email: ______
All classes – Junior Infants to sixth class
6.Levelofdifficulty ofsummercoursecontent(whereapplicable) Introductory/Basic Intermediate Advanced Course CategoryCode:(Pleaseseeattached)
7.Anticipated numberofparticipants:
(Please note:Maximumratio25:1minimumratio10:1per face to face element of course)
(Pleasenote: Maximumratio30 participants:1tutor/facilitator for Online Element)
Course providers/Directors should ensure that courses are not oversubscribed . Ratio will be strictly adhered to.
8.Do you intend to chargeafee?:YesNo
Ifyes, howmuch?: To be confirmed by each Local Education Centre
9. ITrequirementfortheonlinecourse(Pleaseticktheappropriatebox)
Fullbroadband access Dial-up connection
10. Proficiency incomputerskillsrequired
Basic IntermediateAdvanced
11. Levelofdifficulty ofsummercoursecontent(whereapplicable)
Introductory/Basic IntermediateAdvanced
12. Hasthissummercourse(withthesamecoursecontent)been provided previously?
Yes No
Ifyes, howoften hasitbeen delivered? / More / More / More(pleasetickappropriatebox) / than / than / than
2yrs / 5yrs / 10yrs
This blended course was piloted in 2013
Monaghan and Mayo.
13.Whenwas thecontentof thesummercoursemostrecently updated? May 2013
14. Hasthesummer coursebeenmonitored bytheInspectorateof theD.E.S? :
Ifyes, in whatyear(s)?
*Please attach a copy of the most recent report
15. Pleasetick belowthemethodologies/interactive mediawhich youwill incorporatein the
delivery of thisonlinecourse:
asynchronous/threaded discussion forums
podcasts (audio)
podcasts /videocasts
chat rooms
external video hosting websites (e.g. YouTube etc)
audio transcripts
web links to articles etc
screenshots /video demonstrations
bulletin boards (for class assignments)
other ______
16. Whatfacilitiesare inplaceto prepareand train thesummercourse tutor in his/her
rolein promoting high qualityinteractionsamong courseparticipants on thediscussionforum?
17. Whatprovisionis made tocaterformorethan 30 summercourseparticipants
registered/logged on during anygiventimeperiod?
18. Whatquality controlmechanisms/facilitieswillbeput in place tomonitor the
quality of interaction bysummercourseparticipantsonthediscussionforum?
19. Whatcoursemanagementtoolswillyou usetorespondto inadequatecontributionsmadeby summercourseparticipants?
Moderators will actively engage in the discussions to encourage additional contributions; they will reply to the participant either openly in the asynchronous discussion forum or else separately by phone or email. The ‘assignment’ option in Moodle also enables the course moderator to set a deadline for the submission of assignments.
20. Whatcriteriawillyou use toevaluateonlineassessments?
21.Whatquality controlmechanisms/facilitieswillbeput in place tomaintain all
serverand associated software?
Pleaseenterbelowa specific outlineofthecoursecontent, courseobjectives, expectedlearning outcomes forteachers(includingICT, asappropriate),coursemethodologyand howsummercourse willbeassessed.
See Reference:SuggestedLiteracyand NumeracyThemes attachedin Appendix2.
CourseContent / Expectedlearningoutcomesforteachers• / •
Course methodology / Howparticipants’engagementwillbeevaluated
• / •
Allapplicationsto be returnedby5.00 p.m.Friday28th February 2014to:
Please enter below a specific outline of the course content, course objectives, expected learning outcomesfor teachers (including ICT,asappropriate), coursemethodology andhowsummercoursewill beassessed.
Course Content / Expected learning outcomes for teachersCourse Content
The course will have a “blended” format. Teachers will complete the face-to-face element for three days (12 hours) and 7 modules will be delivered online (8h hours)
Strand: Games
Sending, Receiving, Travelling
- Development of Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) and physical literacy
- Agility, Balance, Co-ordination – making connections with Athletics, Gymnastics and Dance
- Running, Jumping, Throwing
- Developing bi-lateral movement
- Ensuring the acquisition of skills in an inclusive and developmentally manner
- Introduction of internationally-recognised concepts like Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Game Sense and adapting them to suit the Irish primary PE context
Integration with SESE to explore historical and geographical aspects of Gaelic Games, using the Ceim ar Aghaidh resource pack and website. This pack will also be used to provide integration opportunities with Literacy and Numeracy
Examination of GAA teaching & learning resources - Fun Do, Ceim ar Aghaidh and GAA E-Learning Portal - and their practical application in individual schools, with specific reference enhancing numeracy and literacy skills.
The GAA/Coaching Ireland Foundation Award Certicifation will be built into this course content amd aims to enhance the delivery and overall learning outcomes.
School Self-Evaluation, Improvement & Planning Issues: Establishing how Gaelic games activities can contribute to learning outcomes within in Physical Education and across the whole curriculum: inclusion, gender equity; Literacy and Numeracy
Examining how to formulate effective improvement procedures and strategies in schools / Expected learning outcomes for teachers
During this course, teachers will:
- Develop basic skills through games activities, that can beapplied in the primary school situation. All age groups to be included: Mini games to be promoted
- Adopt a child-centred/holistic approach to the teaching of games / PE in primary school, based on a model of small-sided games
- Examine the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, attitudes and skills through PE in the primary school
- Examine pedagogical issues relating to each strand area
- Build on existing expertise in the area of PE. This will enable teachers to adapt programmes to use pupils’ interests
- Develop an understanding and appreciation of games and PE in general
- Provide links with S.P.H.E within the school plan
- Integration with other curriculum areas e.g. Gaeilge, mathematics, geography, music and SESE
- Explore linkage within the PE subject area, particularly in relation to the acquisition of Fundamental Movement Skills
- Examine how content can be adapted to include children with SEN
- Develop strategies to consolidate Literacy and Numeracy skills through physical activity
- Become aware of the importance of Physical Literacy in children’s development
- Be able to identify their motivation for undertaking the Foundation Award
- Be able to identify the philosophy of the Foundation Award
- Be able to identify the role of the Assistant Coach
- Be able to identify the How to Coach Skills
- Be able to identify the skills of Hurling/Gaelic Football
- Be able to identify the 3 phases of learning for Skill Development
- Be able to list the steps involved in coaching a skill
- Enable teachers to examine their own PE practice within their own context and to report on their strengths and areas for improvement to their own school community.
Course methodology / How participants’ engagement will be evaluated
- Guided discovery
- Station Teaching
- Small group teaching
- Peer-teaching
- Direct Teaching
- Grid-based activities
- Discussion
- Online E-Learning Portal: Interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based), Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums, Website and link linkstoarticles, video clips
Each participant will submit a reflective learning log, where they document key learning from the whole course related to their own experience and detailing how they will apply what they have learned in the school and classroom. They will also complete a CPD record and a course evaluation. / Teachers will contribute to an online discussion on the two online modules. For example, in the discussion forum, teachers will be asked to review the “Fun Do” and “Ceim ar Aghaidh” teaching materials and to reflect on their own practice. They will be encouraged to share ideas on how they can incorporate these resources (online and hard-copy) in their own teaching. The online modules will also require them to undertake other reading tasks based on current policy issues
At the end of the course, they will submit a reflective learning log, where they document key learning from the whole course related to their own experience and detailing how they will apply what they have learned in the school and classroom. They will also complete a CPD record and a course evaluation.
For the online modules, participants will complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based). Also for two modules, participants should respond to a question on discussion board on module content. A short essay-style answer to these is required.
All applications to bereturned by5.00 p.m.Friday28th February 2014to:-
Please enter below a specific outline of the course content, course objectives, expected learning outcomesfor teachers (including ICT,asappropriate), coursemethodology andhowsummercoursewill beassessed.
CourseContent / Expectedlearningoutcomesforteachers• / •
Course methodology / Howparticipants’engagementwillbeevaluated
• / •
All applications to bereturned by 5.00 p.m.Friday28thFebruary 2014 to:
SummerCoursesforTeachers2014: BLENDED LEARNING Face to Face Element Timetable
TitleofSummer Course: Gaelic Games: Enhancing the delivery of PE and Integration with Other Curriculum Subjects
Course CategoryCode: PE (Category B: Other Curriculum Themes)_____
See attached Multiple Venue Form for details of courses (venues, times etc.)
Time / Venue / Specificobjective(s)of sessionReference to Assessment Approaches must be made for all curriculum basedcourses / Format(lecture/workshop/fieldtrip/ICT/videoclipsetc.) / Qualificationsoffacilitators
(levelon NQAI*framework)
Day1 / 9.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.30
12.30 – 14.00 / Classroom
Hall / Intro/ Games in Primary Schools/Setting AimsSchool planning, role of PE within the healthy school environment; Understanding how Gaelic Games can form part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Brief demonstration on how to access the online course modules.
Exploring Wall Games: Handball
Developing knowledge and understanding of wall games as part of the PE games strand
Physical Literacy 1 through Gaelic Football
Exploring the importance of FMS in physical literacy development; there will be a focus on Agility, Balance and Co-ordination (ABCs of movement)
Linkage: Exploring FMS through Gymnastics
Participants must actively take part in practical elements. Tutors will generate discussion through questioning and facilitate participant self-reflection. Discussions should encourage the sharing of experiences and ideas and how they can be incorporated into their own teaching. Such discussion should include how lesson objectives can be integrated into the school self-evaluation and school improvement processes. / Presentation / Workshop
Lecture and Practical / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Day2 / 9.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.30
12.30 – 14.00 / Hall
Field / Physical Literacy 2through Hurling/Camogie
The development of Running, Jumping, Throwing and Catching, Kicking, Striking
Exploring a sequential approach to skill development
Examining the development of appropriate physical activity habits
Adapted Activities
Accommodating difference within classes and developing progressive programmes throughout the school, inclusion of children with SEN
Teacher skill development: group management strategies; task implementation
Planning and Implementing basic coaching tasks
Participants must actively take part in practical elements. Tutors will generate discussion through questioning and facilitate participant self-reflection. Discussions should encourage the sharing of experiences and ideas and how they can be incorporated into their own teaching. Such discussion should include how lesson objectives can be integrated into the school self-evaluation and school improvement processes. / Workshop and Practical
Practical / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Day3 / 9.30 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.30
12.30 – 14.00 / Field / Hall
Field / Hall
Hall / Increasing Participation –
Incorporating Rounders into the delivery of PE classes.
Developing an awareness of gender issues in primary PE
Conditioned / Adapted Games
Developing pedagogical skills in the teaching of games using methodologies such as Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
Using Questions in the assessment process
Warm up / Fun Games / yard games: understanding strand units
Including activities that have a Literacy & Numeracy focus
Demonstrations and feedback
Participants must actively take part in practical elements. Tutors will generate discussion through questioning andfacilitate participant self-reflection. Discussions should encourage the sharing of experiences and ideas and how they can be incorporated into their own teaching. Such discussion should include how lesson objectives can be integrated into the school self-evaluation and school improvement processes.
Each participant will submit a reflective learning log, where they document key learning from the whole course related to their own experience and detailing how they will apply what they have learned in the school and classroom. They will also complete a CPD record and a course evaluation. / Practical
Practical / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
*NQAI = NationalQualificationsAuthorityofIreland ()
Summer Coursesfor Teachers2014: BLENDED LEARNING Online Element Timetable
Gaelic Games: Enhancing the delivery of PE and Integration with Other Curriculum Subjects
Course Code:PE
Specificobjective(s)ofthe module / Format/Course
Methodology [asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums,podcasts (audio),podcasts /videocasts, chatrooms, external video hosting websiteseg YouTube, audiotranscripts,webcam,web linkstoarticles, screenshots/video demonstrations,blogs, bulletin boards(for class assignments), animations,wikis,other] / Assignment / Facilitators / Qualifications
offacilitators (levelon NQAI* framework)
Module1 / Understanding Your Role as a Coach/PE Teacher: / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack / Complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based).
Assignment is self-paced. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module2 / Physical Movement Skills:
Participants should be able to identify the different movement requirements of Gaelic games
Be able to organise activities to develop movement abilities for their PE lesson / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack / Complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based).
Assignment is self-paced. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module3 / Developing Football or Hurling Skills:
Be able to identify the 3 phases of learning for Skill Development
Be able to list the steps involved in teaching a skill
Be able to organise and oversee activities to practice 5 of the skills of Gaelic football as part of a PE lesson / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack / Complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based).
Assignment is self-paced. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module4 / Games as Coaching/PE Teaching Tools:
Be able to identify the 3 different types of games – fun Games, modified games and full Games
Be able to identify key factors that can be altered to modify a game
Be able to organise a game appropriate to achieving curriculum objectives. / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack / Complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based).
Assignment is self-paced. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module5 / The difference needs children when/teaching PE:
Be able to identify the issues and challenges of working with children with different needs and abilities
Be able to identify winning vs. development focused coaching/teaching philosophy
Be able to identify how coaching/teaching styles and philosophies may vary when working with different groups / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack / Complete interactive slides, containing multiple choice questions (text and video based).
Assignment is self-paced. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module6 / Gaelic games; Integration to other subjects with emphasis on numeracy and literacy
Using Gaelic games teaching resources:
Fun Do, Ceim ar Aghaidh, and other Gaelic games Resource Packs
Adapting games teaching resources to each teacher’s specific needs
Examining the use of cross-curricular resources to facilitate integration
Exploring ideas for integration with SPHE and SESE
Examining how the Ceim ar Aghaidh pack can assist in the development of Literacy and Numeracy skills / Text: Reading material including lesson plans, academic journals and policy documents.
Asynchronous/threaded discussion, forums
Web linkstoarticles
Video clips: teaching methodologies (Fun Do resource pack
Ref: Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life: The National Strategy to
Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People in 2011 / Response to question on discussion board on module content.
Short essay-style answer to question on module content. / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Module 7 / School Self-Evaluation, Improvement & Planning Issues
Establishing how Gaelic games activities can contribute to learning outcomes within in Physical Education and across the whole curriculum: inclusion, gender equity; Literacy and Numeracy
Ebable teachers to examine their own PE practice within their own context and to report on their strengths and areas for improvement to their own school community.
Examining how to formulate effective improvement procedures and strategies in schools / Text (Academic Journals, Policy Documents)
Text (Academic journal, research reports
Ref: School Self-Evaluation: Guidelines for Primary Schools (2012)
/ Response to question on discussion board on module content.
Short essay-style answer to question on module content / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form / TBC / See attached Multiple Venue Form
Signatureofapplicant/course director: Date: