Florence-Carlton Middle School

Behavior Matrix

Expectations: / Classrooms: / Hallways/Stairwells/Ramp Lockers: / Cafeteria: / Restrooms: / School
Grounds: / Activities/Field
Be Safe / - Follow posted guidelines for specific areas
- Keep learning environment positive
- Use equipment for instructional purposes / - Walk on the right side
- Report unsafe conditions
- Lock valuable materials
- Keep hand, feet, & objects to self
-Be aware of surroundings and others / - Walk
- Sit appropriately at tables
- Report safety issues & spills
-Be patient while standing in line / - Avoid horseplay
- Wash hands
- Report any problems / - Come directly to school in the a.m. and stay on campus
- Engage in activities appropriate to setting
- Dress for the weather
- Park all items with wheels / - Demonstrate appropriate behavior for the setting & situation
Be Responsible / - Come prepared, on time & be seated
- Give your best effort
- Stay on task
- Use agenda daily / - Keep areas clean
- Close & lock lockers
- Carry signed agenda or pass when out of class
- Use passing time wisely
- Use appropriate routes to get to desired locations / - Take your place at the end of the line and stay there
- Clean up after eating
- Leave area in good condition
- Finish food and drink in the cafeteria / - Report any problems
- Keep area clean
- Take appropriate amount of time
- Flush toilets / - Obey the law
- Report any problems to staff
- Check out/return, & use equipment properly in designated areas
- Finish food/drinks inside / - At assemblies sit with assigned teacher
- Leave areas clean & in good condition
- Represent FCMS positively
- Come prepared & on time
- Be an active participant
Respectful / - Use appropriate language
- Exhibit good listening skills
- Maintain positive attitude towards others & learning environment / - Demonstrate appropriate behavior & language
- Consider others by moving quietly & quickly
-Show consideration to others’ space & property / - Use restaurant behavior
- Use manners
- Keep noise level reasonable
- Remain seated in the cafeteria / - Use appropriate language
- Use school property correctly
- Respect others’ privacy / - Practice good sportsmanship
- Consider others’ personal space & property
- Use courteous & considerate language with peers, visitors, staff & others / - Use appropriate language & listen
- Demonstrate positive attitudes & sportsmanship
- Dress appropriately
- Be considerate of others’ rights & property