Board Meeting
Friday, February 21, 2014 7:00 am
856-B Armour Road
Oconomowoc, WI
Present: Robert Chang, Dale Dahlke, Vicki Dallmann-Papke, Dr. Peter Geiss, Karen Jensen, Terry Ladwig, Gina Magnus, Amanda McNutt, Linda Moroney, Jean Neal, Anna Pludeman, Roger Rindo, Mary Rode, Michael Rode, Mary Reich, Executive Director and Megan Welsh, Marketing and Fund Development
Excused: Chris Both, Bryan Breeser, Julie Jackson, Kathy McCann, Dr. Susan Russler and Donna Voigt
Absent: Nike Argeroudis
Call to Order and Announcements: The meeting was called to order by the Executive Director, Mary Reich in the absence of the President at 7:00 am. There were no conflicts of interest concerning today’s agenda.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda McNutt
Comparing this year to last, cash is similar. Income is down due to timing and lack of a room sponsor this year. Contributions are up. Payroll difference is due to going to bi-weekly vs. monthly last year, and also an extra pay period. Prescriptions are up. In the budget income is $7,000 less (including room sponsorship) as we are not pro-rating. Contributions are up especially due to the Appeal. Expenses are on track. Prescriptions are slightly less. Interest on the CD is included. A question was asked whether we should move some funds from the checking account. Probably this is not necessary since the interest is the same. We should have five months liquidity. We will check with Kathy.
Medical Director’s Report: Dr. Peter Geiss
Although the numbers reflect the usual number of patients, it feels as though they are down slightly – could it be patients are signing up for health insurance, the weather? Protocols are underway to standardize because of different providers. Continuity of care is important. They are continuing to work on the formulary. Patients will have to pay for over the counter meds unless there is a specific need which, in that case would then be prescribed. Staffing is pretty good but we lack rheumatologists.
Executive Director’s Report: Mary Reich
Mary wondered if some of the evening patients are coming during the day which takes the pressure off somewhat at night. The pharmacy bill is better and she is working with Pick ‘n Save. Patients are paying attention to the healthcare reform. Common Ground is a good website for board members to learn how to sign up without actually having to sign. Badger Care signup by June 1 will bring another wave of changes. There are changes every day.
The Board Retreat is Friday, April 26-5:00-9:00 pm and Saturday, April 26-8:00 am through lunch. The SummerStage event is May 30. The Gala is September 6. Western Waukesha County ELCA pastor group toured the Clinic. A survey has been sent out by a committee of five other free clinics to determine if there is interest in forming a WI Free Clinic Association.
Marketing and Fund Development Report: Megan Welsh
Megan thanked all for their work on the Appeal. She has been calling to thank all donors who gave $50 or more. She is contacting foundations. St. Anskar’s Trivia Night brought in $3500. Now Megan is concentrating on new contacts and grants. The Alumni Event is Friday, May 2, 5:00 – 7:00 pm. All alumni have been invited and we are hoping to interest some in returning. The theme for the Gala is “Tailgate”. Therefore consider sports related opportunities. One idea is contacting the Olympian from Dousman. Chris will be Chairperson. The cost is $65 ($60 last year) and it will be at Olympia. We are looking for sponsors from $500 to $10,000.
Dr. Geiss will speak to the Kiwanis group. Megan asked board members to look for new prospects – not always for money but introducing them to the Clinic, perhaps with a tour. Good contacts would also be employers whose employees use our services. A motion (Morony/Magnus) was approved to provide general authorization and approval of all grant requests submitted by staff on behalf of LAFC during the 2014 calendar year, with the stipulation that the board be kept informed of pending grant requests and due dates.
Building and Grounds: Dale Dahlke
Nothing new to report.
Finance: No report.
Clinic Operations: The committee will be meeting next week.
Public Relations: Mary and Michael Rode
The newsletter will be out in March. The name of the newsletter suggested by a volunteer was agreed to: “Clinic Connection”. A new design will be needed. The hope is to have a press release monthly. We will draft a letter thanking CEOs and their board members of the health organizations we partner with (ProHealth and Aurora). We need to keep our name in the local papers and to make business CEOs and their board members aware of the Clinic. We always are in need of physicians, PAs and NPs. Terry is working on our website which needs to be updated and accurate on a constant basis. A committee is working with Megan on the Alumni Event. The Annual Report will be out in March.
Fundraising: Nothing further to report.
Volunteers: Ann Pludeman
Orientation will be moved to the fourth Monday of the month. There is always a need for more nurses. National Volunteer Appreciation Week will be April 6-13 and we want to reach out to all our volunteers.
Board Development: Gina Magnus
The resignation of Kim Sneller due to work conflicts was noted. The committee is working on two board assessment tools: A self-evaluation and an overall board assessment. They are working on a board contract spelling out board responsibilities and expectations which is to be signed. A discussion was held on whether to use a consent agenda. Those who were not present at this meeting will be emailed to give their opinions. The feeling this morning was the written word can be interpreted differently than the spoken word, and interaction is important. In the past when there has been an item on the agenda that needs more time, we have asked for brief reports. It was thought we could adjust the agenda accordingly and shorten it as needed.
Historical/Sunshine: Gina Magnus
Julie sent the board a thank you note for her baby gifts. A sympathy card was signed by board members and will be sent to the family in memory of Bruce Brown. A donation from the board members’ fund will be decided at a later date.
Painting in Conference Room: Michael Rode
Jean will share with Michael the information she has received from DeLind Gallery.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Neal, Secretary
NEXT BOARD MEETING: March 21, 2014 7:00 am