English 11 – American Literature
Instructor Information
Ms. Rebecca Williamson
Email: (the best way to contact me)
Classroom: Lampkin 6
Office: Williams 4
Work Phone: (706) 433-2425
Course Description
The junior year at AthensAcademy seeks to present the development of American Literature from colonial times to modern America while also continuing to refine the development of reading comprehension and writing skills.
Course Objectives
Throughout the year, our reading, writing, and discussion will explore the history of the relationship between American society and the individual. Specifically, our exploration will center around the following essential question: What is the relationship between the individual and society?
We’ll also work on the following skills:
- Taking notes, organizing complex material, and studying effectively
- Reading actively and critically
- Developing confidence in public speaking
- Expanding vocabulary
- Writing with clarity and precision
- Using grammar and mechanics correctly
- Eliminating the “Big Six” errors
- Supporting assertions and opinions with specific support
- Developing and maintaining a clear voice
- Strengthening research skills and incorporating source material effectively
Required Texts
- The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Salinger
- Death of a Salesman – Arthur Miller
- English 11 Course Packet
- Vocabulary Power Plus, Book 3
Other Required Materials
- 3-ring binder
- Notebook paper (preferably college-ruled)
- Pens (blue or black ink only, please)
- Pencils
- Highlighters in several colors
I have high expectations for you this year, and I want you to be successful. With this in mind, I ask that you adhere to the following simple guidelines.
- Be respectful. I trust that you will treat both your classmates and me with respect. This includes listening attentively to whomever is speaking, responding to others’ comments with tact (even if you disagree), and showing consideration for others’ time and belongings. Any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.
- Beprepared. Arrive to class on time and bring everything you’ll need for class – books, notebooks, pens, homework, etc. – with you. (This includes a printed copy of any assignment that’s due. Don’t ask to go to the printer.) The day’s schedule will always be on the board, so be ready for the first activity as soon as class starts.
- Be proactive. Like so much in life, the more you put into this class, the more you’ll get out of it. Ask questions and seek out extra help when you need it. Don’t wait until the last minute to study for a test, write an essay, or let me know about an issue. Take responsibility for your own success.
Absences/ Make-up Work
When you miss class, you not only miss work, which can almost always be made up, but you also miss important instruction and class discussion, which generally cannot be made up. When you must be absent, you are completely responsible for your make-up work. If you must miss class, any assignments from your absence must be handed in on the day you return to school.
All assignments are posted weekly on the class website.
I’ll calculate your grade using a total point system. Your grade (not including the exam) will be calculated as follows:
Total Points Earned / Total Points Available = Your Grade
Here’s how most assignments are weighted:
Essays/ Major Projects (100 points each)
Tests (60-100 points each)
Quizzes/Daily Assignments (10-30 points each)
Reading quizzes (5-10 points each)
The exam (mid-term or final) counts 25% of your semester grade.
Late Policy
Completing assignments on time is essential to your success in this class. Homework is due at the beginning of the period and cannot be turned in late. Any major assignment you turn in late will be docked ten points for each late day (or part of the day). You’ll know about major assignments well in advance of their due dates, so please plan accordingly. If for any reason you feel you cannot complete an assignment by the due date, you should see me well before the assignment is due.
Please see the English Department Lateness Policy for Compositions (attached).
Revision Policy
One of our major goals this year is strengthening your writing skills, so we’ll be writing quite a bit. Because an important part of the writing process is revision, we’ll be revising quite a bit, too. In fact, you’ll be required to revise at least one major essay per semester.
Revising an essay involves reading and considering my comments on your original, graded draft and then scheduling a brief conference with me to outline your revision plan. You may then make any necessary changes and resubmit the essay for up to ten additional points. Following these same steps, you can revise the essay as many times as you would like for up to ten additional points each time.
Keep in mind that you may submit one revision per week. Don’t wait until the last few days of the semester to submit your one required revision! Revise early and revise often. This might be the single most effective way to improve not only your grade but also your writing skills.
Plagiarism is a major offense and won’t be taken lightly. We’ll discuss both plagiarism and how to avoid it, and I encourage you to ask me whenever you have a question about sources or documentation.
Please see Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism (attached).
Our effective communication is key to a successful year. I am always available for extra help, and I encourage you and your parents to contact me whenever you feel the need. My office is in Williams 4, the cubicle right in front of the back door. (Look for pictures of my dog.) If I’m not in my office, I’m probably in Lampkin 6 or down in the Print Media Lab. The best way to get in touch with me is via email: .
Finally, keep this syllabus in your English notebook at all times.
I’m looking forward to a great year!
Ms. Williamson
Please sign and detach this portion after you’ve read pp.1-3 of the course syllabus.
Student name (please print): ______
Student signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/ Guardian name (please print): ______
Parent/ Guardian signature: ______Date: ______