Disclosure 9th Grade Earth Systems Science

Teacher: Mrs. RobertsonRoom: 124

Welcome Back!!! Earth Science is a class in which the theme of “systems” is used to understand life on Earth in relation to itself, the universe, geologic change, the atmosphere and water (the hydrosphere). In addition to these subjects, students will embark on a science fair project that will be broken into parts over the first 3 quarters with the option of competing in the district fair in February. The majority of 4th quarter will be spent on water quality and discovering the chemistry behind it. This will culminate in a water testing field trip to the North Fork River. Any volunteers interested on spending the day with us please provide your contact information when you sign this disclosure.

Students parents please read over the class details, sign and return for 10pts.

How are grades calculated? Initials: ______

70% Assessments (Tests/Lab Work/Projects) 30 % Assignments (in class and homework)

* Extra credit will only be considered if all other work is completed.

Grade ScaleInitials: ______

Standard School Scale

I will update grades on a weekly basis. Students and parents please check these to make sure I have not made mistakes in entering grade data. Please contact me if you have questions. I am here after school for visits or phone calls. My email is

What should I do if I am absent or I am planning on a trip?Initials: ______

  • Please get missed work from Mrs. Robertson. Talk to me after class,before or after school, during advisoryor email me for hard copies of assignments.
  • Absences: Work missed due to legitimate reasons may be made up and turned in for full credit. The student will have one week from the time they return to school to do the work unless specified differently. Otherwise, the assignment will be given no credit.
  • Check my blog at for assignments.

MaterialsInitials: ______

Two 3 ring binders with lined paper, one for school, one for science fair work, 2 lab notebooks, one for class and one for science fair project, many pensor pencils.

Classroom Expectations (Criteria for H citizenship)Initials: ______

1. Sit in assigned seats, prepared with paper and pen when the bell rings. (4 tardies=N)

2. Do not use electronic devices during class unless directed otherwise by teacher.

3. Be polite and respectful to each other, substitutes, and your teacher. Citizenship will drop to an “N” if student name has been written in substitute report.

4. Follow lab safety guidelines while working in the lab.

5. Think for yourself and write your own answers, do not copy someone else’s thoughts.

6. Do not let people copy your work, instead teach the person what you know.


I have read, understand, and initialed each of the grading standards/class policies for Mrs. Robertson’s Earth Systems class.

Student Name: ______Signature ______

Parent Name: ______Signature ______

If you would be willing to volunteer for field trips please check 

Contact Information: ______