Lambeth Early Intervention and Prevention Service (LEIPS)
Helping Lambeth people improve their health
LEIPS provides an integratedcare pathway for early intervention and prevention for adults (18years and over) registered with a Lambeth G.P.
Key features
- A single referral into a range of healthy lifestyle interventions
- Client -centred assessment by the LEIPS team
How to refer: Community Services Common Referral Form.
Send by e-mail:
Send by secure fax: 020 3049 5256
Our service standards
- All referrals will be contacted within three working days.
- The referrer will be informedwhich service the client has chosen within one month.
Potential outcomes
Our clients have:
- Quit smoking, achieving the four week quit target
- Reduced their alcohol consumption
- Increased their activity level
- Completed the Expert Patients Programme to improve quality of life.
Support for staff Our health promotion team provides a comprehensive service to help frontline staff deliver effective health promotion in their respective settings .We can help you set up programmes,campaigns and community health promotion events
Current training programme at
Health promotion library services via .
Health information leaflets and resources at
Services available through LEIPS
• Health Trainers
Qualified health trainers provide up to six 1-1 sessions to support an individual through lifestyle change such as eating healthily, increasing physical activity, stopping smoking, reducing stress and reducing alcohol consumption.
• Exercise on Referral
12 week programme delivered by physical activity specialists, including twice weekly group exercise sessions and self care skills sessions.The programme features a range of classes which include circuits, Tai Chi, gym and Zumba Gold®.
• Healthy Heart Healthy Weight
12 week programme of physical activity and healthy eating support for patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease or with a BMI greater than 35. The programme comprises twice weekly circuit-based group exercise sessions with a physical activity specialist, and healthy eating support with a food and health advisor The aim is to reduce cardiovascular disease risk and weight.
• Stop Smoking service
Minimum 4 week structured intervention, including longer term specialist support for pregnant women and new mums and complex cases, including patients with mental health difficulties.
• Alcohol intervention service
FAST/AUDIT screening, brief and extended interventions (up to six sessions). Sessions include assessments and appropriate interventions, engaging and retaining service users in work to reduce problematic drinking and make healthy choices, and where necessary make onward referrals to appropriate services.
• Expert Patients Programme / Self care Self Management Courses
Six weekly group sessions for people either living with long-term conditions, mental health conditions or are carers to manage their condition/situation better. Participants learn the skills and tools to manage their condition/situation and maintain a good quality of life. These include (amongst other things), improving relationships with health and care professionals, family and friends, the importance of taking medication, managing pain and dealing with difficult emotions.