North Somerset Leaders of Education(NSLEs)

NSLEs are excellent teachers with at least two years’ teaching experience and are relatively new to responsibility or leadership roles. They have a particular area of expertise and a successful track record of improving achievement and outcomes for pupils.

NSLEs support teachers and leaders across their school. They have excellent interpersonal skills, are able to work sensitively and collaboratively with others and have a commitment to whole school work. They understand what excellent teaching and leadership practice in their area of specialism looks like and can help other teachers and leaders to achieve it in their own context.

The NSLE role is about developing other teachers so that they have the skills to lead their own teams. This may be done through one-to-one peer coaching or facilitated group support and could involve a variety of activities, such as data analysis, coaching or joint action planning.

NSLEs can come from any school within the North Somerset Teaching School Alliance. Whilst the individual’s practice must be excellent, his or her school does not have to have an outstanding Ofsted rating.

How does a NSLE differ from a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)?

NSLE is a pre-SLE role. It is designed for excellent teachers who are relatively new to having a responsibility or leadership role and / or have had limited opportunities at this stage of their career to work across their school or in other schools. The expectation is that NSLE status is a two-year role, leading to SLE designation.

NSLE essential / desirable
1 / NSLEs will be excellent teachers with at least two years’ teaching experience and a first-class knowledge in a particular field of expertise. / Experience of leading a subject based project that has led to improvement in that subject area.
2 / NSLEs will have a successful track record, supported by clear evidence of impact, (results at GCSE and A level) of working effectively within their own department and/or area of expertise. / Positive progress scores for all examination classes
3 / NSLEs will have the ability to successfully use coaching and/or facilitation skills to bring about improvements. / Some coaching experience and/or evidence of working with colleagues to improve performance
4 / NSLEs will have a commitment to whole school working.
5 / NSLEs will be supported in their application by their Head Teacher.
6 / NSLEs will have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
7 / NSLEs will have the ability to utilise high levels of emotional intelligence to work sensitively and collaboratively with peer colleagues.
8 / NSLEs will have an understanding of what constitutes excellent practice in their field of expertise and the ability and confidence to articulate this. / Up-to-date with current thinking in education and learning.
9 / NSLEs will have an appreciation of how their specialism and skills can contribute to the wider school improvement agenda.
10 / NSLEs will have the ability to develop effective teaching in others. / Experience of successful peer-to-peer support

How it works

As an excellent practitioner this role is about developing other teachers across your home subject team and across your school. You will be part of an Alliance team working with an agreed focus to drive school improvement.

What you can expect from the NSTA

1.Access to ongoing support and training

We will ensure that there’s support available and the opportunity to access appropriate training. The expectation is that this role will develop into an SLE designation after two years. This role will allow you to work across your school and develop leadership skills at an early stage in your career. There will be quarterly meetings with the NSTA’s team of SLEs and NSLEs when there will be a chance to formulate strategy and share best practice.

2.Additional opportunities

You’ll also be able to engage with other areas of work – for example, research activity on behalf of teaching schools or working with national policy makers in relation to particular specialisms. Whatever your area of expertise, you can set your own goals and develop your career focused on your strengths and interests.

Head Teacher support

Applicants who apply for the programme must have the support and agreement of their Head Teacher. The Head Teacher will act as the applicant’s referee and will complete a reference section in the application form.

They will need to provide a supporting statement showing evidence of how the applicant meets the criteria.