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SheltonSchool District

Course Plan for Third Grade

Student: ______Date from ______to ______Hours per week 25

Art (1 hour per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Identify and recognize color: primary, secondary,
tertiary, complimentary, warm, cool, neutrals, tints,
and shades, value.
2) Identify & recognize drawing: type of lines,
properties of lines, pattern, rhythm, above,
below & in front (2-D/3-D), overlapping shapes
the center of interest, balance (composition),
contour drawing.
3) Identify & recognize texture through touch and
tell: differentiate between tactile and visual
4) Produce works using above SLO’s
5) Relate feelings (critique) about observed or
produced works.
6) Use & care for tools & materials correctly. /
  • Draw and use a variety of
colors in pictures
  • Mix colors to make
secondary colors
  • Use a variety of textures
to create art works
  • Use scissors correctly
  • Paste and glue correctly
  • Observation
  • Show and display
art work
Health (1.5 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Demonstrate knowledge that each person is
unique & is sensitive to the emotional needs
of others as well as him/herself.
2) Demonstrate an understanding of personal
health habits to include an awareness of how
choices affect: nutrition, personal hygiene,
disease, body wellness.
3) Develop an understanding of the body system
including the respiratory,
cardiovascular/circulatory, muscular/skeletal
systems & become aware of their functions.
4) Be knowledgeable of effects of alcohol, tobacco
& other drugs on the body and demonstrate
steps in dealing with drug-related problems. /
  • Read book
  • Identify the body systems
and how they function:
respiratory, circulatory,
  • Identify effects of alcohol,
tobacco and drugs on the
body /
  • Answer health
questions in book
  • Chapter tests
  • Booklet on the
body systems
  • Poster on safety
Library (1 hour per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Be able to locate designated cards in the card
2) Use the call number in the card catalog to
locate the material.
3) Be oriented to his/her library’s physical
arrangement of materials.
4) Be reinforced in the use of the table of contents
and index.
5) Be individually helped as needed to find
encyclopedia or dictionary materials.
6) Be introduced to biographies. /
  • Go to the library often
  • Locate desired book by call
  • Choose a fiction book and
explain how it is arranged
on the shelf
  • Ask the librarian how to
find and check out
  • Use table of contents, index,
encyclopedia & dictionary
to find information /
  • Observation
  • Draw a picture of
library & where
materials are located
  • Read a story about a
real person

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November 2001

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Music (1 hour per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
5)Style: / Be exposed to various
Modalities (major, minor,
And pentatonic).
Be able to physically
Demonstrate (i.e., sing,
Move, perform, write) the
Following symbols:
Be able to discriminate
Instrumental tone colors and
Be introduced to the
Following dynamic
Symbols: p, pp, F, mf, FF,
<,>, and accents.
Be able to recognize
Various musical forms
(i.e., rounds, partner songs,
ostinati, call, and response).
Be introduced to various
Musical styles and composers. / Observation
Language Arts (6 hour per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Thinking skills:
a) Be involved in problem-solving activities.
b) Be introduced to appropriate study skills.
2) Listening skills:
a) Follow sequential directions
b) Receive an introduction to summarizing
and interpreting a story.
3) Speaking skills:
a) Express ideas concisely in a variety
of situations.
b) Expand his/her vocabulary.
c) Present an oral report.
4) Written skills:
a) Organize and express ideas in writing,
using appropriate grammar.
b) Expand his/her vocabulary.
c) Write, correctly capitalize and
punctuate a paragraph
d) Receive an introduction to letter
writing and report writing
5) Spelling:
a) Learn assigned spelling words.
b) Apply them in daily work.
6) Handwriting: Use proper formation
of upper and lower case manuscript
letters and correct spacing. / 1) Follow multi-step spoken
2) Recall facts, ideas and details.
3) Present ideas in a 1-minute speech.
4) a. Identify nouns, verbs, adj.,
conjunctions and pronouns.
b. Identify and write compound
c. Write with correct capitalization,
punctuation, commas & apostrophes.
d. Identify and form plurals of
e. Write a paragraph using
Correct conventions.
f. Write a friendly letter & thank
you letter.
g. Write a descriptive paragraph.
h. Write an informational
i. Write stories using correct sequence.
j. Write essays & booklets about
nonfiction material.
5)a. Learn assigned spelling words.
b. Use correct spelling in writing.
c. Use primary dictionary
d. Edit own writing for conventions
& spelling.
6) Write letters using cursive writing. /
  • Observation
  • Spelling Tests
  • Grammar:
nouns, verbs,
adjectives, pro-
nouns, conj.,
plurals of nouns.
  • Conventions:
periods, question
marks, exclamation
  • Published stories
in sequence.
  • Friendly letter
  • Thank you
  • Nonfiction
  • Informational
  • Descriptive

Home PartnershipThird grade objectives and plan

November 2001

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Physical Education (2 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Strand I (fundamental movements)
Develop a broad range of movement skills.
2) Strand II (gymnastics, stunts, tumbling0
Improve body awareness through gymnastics,
Stunts, tumbling.
3) Strand III (lead-up sport skills)
Learn and practice basic sport skills. /
  • Be part of a team sport.
  • Join a fitness class.
  • Participate in various activities.
  • Observation
  • Coach’s signature
  • Log Required hours

Science (2.5 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
The student will develop process skills
such as observation, classification,
collection of data, making hypothesis,
and record keeping through the mastery
of the following objectives:
1) Identify common characteristics of insects.
2) Understand insects’ vital part in the
food chain & their influences on the
3) Understand and be able to make a
simple electric circuit.
4) Identify open & closed circuits.
5) Identify conductors and non-conductors.
6) Understand the effect of the earth’s
rotation on changing shadows and day
and night cycles.
7) Be able to use a compass to identify
cardinal directions.
8) Know the names and order of the planets. / 1) Biological (Insects)
Identify the characteristics of
2)Physical (Electricity)
  • Make & explain a simple
electric circuit.
  • Identify open & closed
3) Earth (Astronomy)
  • Use a compass to identify
the cardinal directions.
  • Know the names and order of
the planets. /
  • Observation
  • Label diagram of part
of an insect
  • Make a model of an
  • Make an electric
  • Demonstrate how a
compass works
  • Pass a test on the
names of the planets
and their order
Social Studies (2.5 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
2)Interdisciplinary Skills:
3)Democratic Ideals:
4)Participatory Citizenship:
5)Economic Development:
6)Cultural Diversity
7)Global Interdependence:
8)Quality Producer: /
  • Complete the book
  • Make and explain a map of
  • Field trips to sights in county
  • Write essays on sights in county
  • Participate in environmental
projects and evaluate their effect
on the community (i.e., recycling,
nature trail, school clean up)
  • Plan an activity for your classroom
or home (games, field trips, party,
family/class meeting.
  • Describe & demonstrate elements
of a good citizen in a given
  • Describe the economics of a
  • Explain similarities & differences
of cultures and communities.
  • Demonstrate social skills that
show students can work together
interdependently. /
  • Observation
  • Oral and written work
  • Make & explain a map
of MasonCounty
  • Participate in one
community event
  • Demonstrate quality

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Shelton School District Third grade objectives and plan

November 2001

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Mathematics (5 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Mathematics as Problem Solving:
  • Write number sentences using numbers &
pictures to illustrate a story problem.
  • Identify, repeat & create patterns.
skip count from any number
2) Computation and Number Properties:
  • Read, write & order numbers to 500.
  • Count orally & in writing to 100 by 2’s, 3’s
& 5’s, 10’s and 100.
  • Identify place values to 1000.
  • Identify and count coins, #1 and $5 bills.
  • Give equivalent value of coins.
  • Add & subtract by memory facts to 20
  • Begin to add numbers to 100 using regrouping
  • Begin to subtract numbers using regrouping
& manipulatives or number line
  • Name and illustrate fractions ½, 1/3, ¼, 2/3, ¾, etc.
3) Statistics and Probability:
  • Compare groups using <, >, =
  • Use pictures and objects to create a graph.
4) Geometry:
Name, draw & classify two-dimensional shapes.
5) Measurement
  • Tell time to the nearest hour.
  • Measure length to ½ inch.
/ 1. Read, write, put in order, &
compare whole numbers to 4 digits
2. Identify place value to ten
3. Add & subtract to 3 digits using
4. Learn multiplication & division
facts to 10.
5. Use manipulatives to
demonstrate multiplication &
division facts.
6. Read & write fractions.
7. Identify congruent figures.
8. Use estimation in working with
measurement and computation.
9. Round to nearest 10 through 100.
10. Find perimeter of closed figures.
11. Measure to nearest ½ inch.
12. Add & subtract money using
correct notation.
13. Write number sentences &
use pictures to solve word problems.
14. Read & interpret graphs using
pictographs, diagrams, tables.
15. Make change by counting.
16. Tell time to ½ hour. /
  • Observation
  • Written work
  • Tests

Reading (4 hours per week) / Goals to meet objectives / Assessment / Dates
1) Read orally with expression and fluency.
2) Read silently for 20 minutes.
3) Predict outcomes & draw conclusions.
4) Summarize what is read.
5) Identify the main idea of the story.
6) Differentiate between reality & fantasy.
7) Make connections between cause & effect.
8) Learn new vocabulary.
9) Understand meanings of prefixes, suffixes, &
root words.
10) Understand & use synonyms, homophones,
& contractions.
11) Locate information by using table of contents,
index & appendix.
12) Understand elements of character, plot,
setting, and point of view.
13) Write as a response to a reading experience. /
  • Main ideas of a story
  • Prefixes, suffixes, root words
  • Contractions
  • Synonyms, homophones
  • Contractions
  • Table of contents, index, appendix
  • Cause & effect
Stories read:
Additional stories recorded on back /
  • Observation
  • Written work
  • Reading
  • Retelling of story
  • Published story
  • Read and respond
to 20 stories:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20


I acknowledge the above course plan. I will do my best to meet the goals and objectives as stated.


Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Date

Home Partnership

Shelton School District Third grade objectives and plan

November 2001

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