
“I Can” – Plate Tectonics Objectives – Learning Target Analysis.

Directions: Rate your ability to meet the requirements of each of the following objectives. One the line out in front of each objective, write a 1-5, with 5 being “I’m sure I understand this” and a 1 being “I’m just starting this and need to learn a lot”.

Note: Your answers should be based on a middle-school level of understanding, not that of a college grad in geology!

I CAN (1-5) / Objective – note that each objective has the section number(s) in the book after it, so that you may find a bit more info to study if you need help with that topic / Mr. C’s comments and/or your “I need help with . . .”
E2.2A Describe the Earth’s principal sources of internal and external energy (radioactive decay, gravity, solar energy – also extraterrestrial impacts) – section 6.2. / From our initial work with the layers of the earth foldable, and “Why the Earth was so Hot” worksheets.
E2.2C Describe the natural processes in which heat transfer in the earth occurs by conduction, convection, and radiation – section 6.2. / Need to know that motion of plates is due to convection currents in mantle. Also convection current demo in class.
E3.1B Explain the relationship between the rock cycle and plate tectonics theory in regard to the origins of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks – section 6.4. / Need to know which rock types may be found near which boundaries. We need to go back to the Interactive Rock Cycle sheet (the one with the online quiz) and finish the data charts.
E3.2A Describe the interior of the Earth (in terms of crust, mantle, inner and outer cores) and where the magnetic field of the Earth is generated - section 6.1 (also know how these items relate to the causes of convergent and divergent plate boundaries) / We’ve done this over and over again.
E 3.2C Describe the differences between oceanic and continental crust (including density, thickness, age, composition – what it’s made of) – sec 6.1-6.4. / Density Lab for Basalt vs Granite is on ______Nov, but you should already know which type is denser. Ages of crust from 4 map lab. Continental crust average thickness is ______. Oceanic crust avg thickness is ______
E3.3A Explain how plate tectonics accounts for the features and processes (sea floor spreading, mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, earthquakes and volcanoes, mountain ranges) that occur on or near the Earth’s surface. (6.1-6.4) / Need to learn ridge push and slab pull (see back of this sheet). Also Classzone animation (capital O in link) & “Discovering Plate Boundaries” exercise! (
E3.3B Explain why tectonic plates move using the concept of heat flowing through mantle convection, coupled with the cooling and sinking of aging ocean plates that results from their increased density – section 6.2. / Ridge push and slab pull theory comes in handy here, too (see back of this sheet).
E 3.3C Describe the motion history of geologic features (e.g., plates, Hawaii) using equations relating rate, time, and distance – section 6.3. / Widening of the Atlantic calculations in future log question and the “Hot Spot Hawaii” sheet. (pp. 203-205)
E3.4A Use the distribution of quakes and volcanoes to locate and determine the types of plate boundaries / “Discovering Plate Boundaries” exercise! (

1. Ridge push and slab pull animation - short version: Long version, same site:

·  Note, you have to read what’s under the pictures and then click on the 1, 2, or 3 and then click the a, b, or c that comes up in order to read/see the whole animation.

2. Mr. Lima explains it in a 5 minute video. The ridge push and slab pull part starts about 2 minutes into the video.

3. Located below are the current and old (obsolete) theories of ocean plate movement:

4. Another look at the current theory – heavy solid crust slides downhill from the bulge that is found in the crust at the midocean ridge (gravity pulls things downhill). Once the plate hits the continent, it subducts due to being denser than the continental crust and gets pulled toward the center of the earth by gravity.