Autumn Exhibition2016

Queens Park Art Centre, Queens Park, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7RT– Tel: 01296 424332 / 431272

11th October – 26th October 2016

Exhibition Notes

Date and venue

  • The Exhibition will be held at the Queens Park Arts Centre, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7RT.
  • The exhibition runs from Tuesday 11thOctoberuntil Wednesday 26th October 2016.
    Entry to the centre is free and opening hours are: Mon - Thu: 10am - 9.30pm, Fri: 10am - 4.00pm
    and Sat: 10am – 4.30pm & 7pm - 8pm.
  • A ‘Preview Evening’ and ‘Young Artists Award’ Presentation will be held on Tuesday 11th October between 6.30pm & 9.30pm. Drinks will be served and the Young Artist Award will be presented by Romeo de Girolamo at 7.00pm.
  • Each member will receive 4 invitations to this event, posters and additional copies will be available to download from the website.
  • The exhibition will be hung and stewarded by BASmembers. Please indicate on the attached ‘Assistance Form’when you will be able to spend a morning or afternoon to help with hanging, invigelation or portering for hand-in or selection. Due to the extended length of this show ALL exhibiting members are expected to do stewarding duties.

Terms and conditions

  • Each member is invited to submit up to 3 framed works or sculptures (1 piece only for Honorary Members), plus 4 pieces of unframed artwork or small sculptures (20cm or less).
    In addition to the above, members are invited to complete a ‘Small Work’. Instructions for entering the ‘All in a Square Small Works Wall’ and a 5” square board will be included in the ‘Entry Pack’.
  • Due to the space constraints of this venue the maximum size allowedfor framed artwork will be limited to 60 x100, or 100 x 60 cms and some work may not be hung.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Work will NOT go before a selection committee for this exhibition.
  • Submissions will only be accepted from members who have paid their annual subscription.
  • There is a non-returnable submission fee of £4 per item, £1.50 per unframed or small sculpture.
    Payment must be returned with the Entry Form (cheques payable to Bucks Art Society).
  • Completed Entry Forms together with payment and assistance forms are to be returned to:
    Kate Watkins, 59 High Street, Thame, Oxon OX9 3AH to be received by Wednesday 28th September 2016. Entries will NOT be accepted after this date.
  • Bucks Art Societywill charge a commission of 10%. QPC will charge 20% commission (i.e. 30% in total), payment to artists for any work sold will be made as soon as possible after the close of the exhibition. Work must remain on display for the duration of the exhibition.
  • Whilst every effort is made to ensure the security and safety of the exhibition, submissions are left at the artist’s own risk. Artists must arrange their own insurance cover.
  • BAS and Queens Park Centre reserve the right to refuse any work deemed unsuitable or inappropriate for display. This may include works or materials that could pose a threat to the gallery or visitors.

Accepted media and presentation of work

  • Only work listed on the Entry Form will be accepted and all work must be original work by the submitting artist. Work must not have been previously exhibited at BAS exhibitions.
  • Acceptable media include: paintings, drawings, sculpture and original limited edition prints (acceptable prints include: monoprints, collagraphs, etchings, aquatints, hand made silk-screens, lino and stone lithographs in editions up to 100 maximum, but not photo silk screens or photography, mass produced prints or reproductions of any kind).
  • Unframed ‘Limited Edition GicléePrints’ are allowed and will be displayed in a separate labelled browser.
  • 2D work must be fittedwithD-rings (not hooks or mirror plates)andpicture wire or strong cord for hanging.
  • Frames must be well constructed and of presentable appearance and securely strung ready to hang. No metal or clip-art frames. Unframed canvases should be painted round the edges and neatly finished, without finger marks, holes, staples, nails etc.
  • Sculptors proposing to submit larger pieces must contact Antonia Glynne Jones prior to entry to discuss their suitability for display.
  • All work must be for sale and delivered to the gallery ready to hang or stand and artists must remove all protective packing materials prior to handing in.
  • Each framed work must have a label attached by a string (long enough to hang over the front of the work) stating the name of the artist, title and price of the work. Works must also have a labelglued to the back stating artist’s name, address, phone number, title, medium and selling price. Sculpture should be similarly labelled on the base and with a lable secured with stringstating the name of the artist, title and price of the work. Please use clear block capitals for all forms and labels.
  • Members info/CV’s are represented in the BAS Artist Information Book, which is displayed at all exhibitions. If your entry needs updating please send one or two A4 sheets for inclusion to Nathalie Pymm.

Exhibition Timetable

  • ALL WORK, Members, Honorary Members and Young Artists, should be delivered to Queens Parkeither onSaturday 8th October2pm-4pm or Monday 10th October, 10.00-12.00am.
  • Hanging will take placeon Monday 10th October12.00am onwards.
  • The exhibition opens on Tuesday 11th October and the Preview will take placebetween 6.30 - 9.30pm on Tuesday evening. TheYAA Presentation will be at 7.00pm.
  • At the end of the exhibition, unsold work should be collected from Queens Park on Wednesday 26th October between 5.00pm and 6.00pmor onThursday 27th October 10.00am – 12.00 midday.
  • There is off-street parking at the centre but car-pooling where possibleis advised, to help with congestion in the car park.
  • Queens Park Art Centre is a short 5 – 10 min walk from the bus and train stations and Aylesbury Town Centre. Queens Park Road can be accessed via the High St, just past Vale Park on the opposite side of the road; or from Walton Rd where the entrance to Queens Park Road is opposite Aylesbury Grammar School.
  • See map (right). There is also a map for guests on the reverse of the invitations.