October 28, 2013

Members Present: Nicholas Halias - Chair, Connie Roy-Czyzowski,Richard Heath, Rafael Rojas, Ron Rioux, Steve Caccia, Valerie Mahar

Regrets: Monique Graf, David Paquette

The meeting was called to order by Chair Halias at 10:10am at NHTI – MacRury Hall Room #136, Concord, NH.

Approval of the June 10, 2013Meeting Minutes:

VOTE:On a motion by Ralph Rojas, and seconded by Connie Roy-Czyzowski,

the committee voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the June 10,

2013 meeting as presented.


Ron Rioux reported that Attorney Jeanne Herrick has accepted the position of Legal Counsel. Her first day will be November 18, 2013. This position will oversee the Office of Legal, Risk Management and Compliance. Susan Proulx will be the Director of Compliance. We will be finalizing the Risk Management job description with input from the new attorney. We anticipate filling the position by the end of the year.

Steve Caccia briefly discussed HB 295 requiring criminal background checks for employees, volunteers, and owners of youth skills camps who work with children under the age of 18. CCSNH is developing a policy regarding background checks for CCSNH employees who may be involved in youth skills camps. For external entities, our only obligation is to obtain written certification from them that background checks have been completed on individuals. For these instances, we have drafted an addendum to our facilities use agreement that we will begin using. Shannon Reid is also working with the Department of Environmental Services which has assembled a stakeholder group to develop Administrative Rules.

Steve Caccia reported that CCSNH will no longer facilitate a health insurance policy for students. Instead, we will refer students to the NH exchange or other insurance agencies.

Connie Roy-Czyzowski shared an article on understanding the risk management process and identifying risks and associated impact. Given the varying elements of risk management, she recommended making the committee permanentwhich would require a formal request to the Board of Trustees outlining the purview of the committee and its responsibilities. A recommendation was made to review the NEASC requirements relating to risk management and safety.

Valerie Mahar reported that River Valley Community College is hiring a security service/agency for the Claremont and Keene campuses. RVCC also has MOU’s with the local police departments.

Next Meeting

Next meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2013 at 10:00am at Delta Dental in Concord, NH.

The meeting adjourned at 11:08am.

Respectfully submitted,

Tanja Cloutier

Assistant to the Vice Chancellor