All members of the academic community here at Rosamond High School are responsible for the academic integrity of our campus. Existing policies forbid cheating on examinations, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is contrary to the purpose of education here at Rosamond High School, and is not to be tolerated. A code of conduct for the campus community must exist in order to support high standards of behavior. Examples of academic misconduct include:
· Receiving or providing unauthorized assistance on examinations
· Plagiarism (using materials from sources without citations)
· Fabricating data (as in the case of science labs), or references
· Using unauthorized materials during an examination (extra 3 x 5’s, etc)
· Using false excuses to obtain extensions of time for assignments
· Direct copying of work from another student (whether on labs, classwork, or homework)
· Falsifying grades, or knowingly grading an assignment inaccurately, or carelessly.
The ultimate success of a code of academic conduct depends largely on the degree to which it is willingly supported by students themselves. The following recommendations are made for STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY:
1) Be honest at ALL times.
2) Act fairly toward others. For example, do not disrupt or seek an unfair advantage over others by cheating, or by talking or allowing eyes to wander during exams.
3) Take group as well as individual responsibility for honorable behavior. For example, collectively, as well as individually, make every effort to prevent and avoid academic misconduct, and report acts of misconduct which you witness.
4) All work submitted must be work done by the student whose name appears on the assignment.
5) Unless permitted by the instructor, do not work with others on graded coursework, including in-class assignments, in-class or take-home tests, research papers, or homework assignments. Know what plagiarism is, and take steps to avoid it. When using the words or ideas of another, even if paraphrased in your own words, you must cite your source.
6) Know the rules – IGNORANCE IS NO DEFENSE! Those who violate campus rules regarding academic misconduct are subject to disciplinary actions.
Where cheating is discovered, or suspected, the instructor should inform the student(s) involved, and undertake an investigation of the matter. If the instructor is then convinced that a violation did occur, the following procedure(s) will be used:
· A grade of “0” will be assigned to the examination or assignment on which cheating, plagiarism or other academic dishonesty occurred. For cheating on a test specifically, the student’s parent will be notified of the incident. Follow-up may be necessary with a school administrator.
· The instructor shall not apply a more severe grade adjustment than recording a “0” on the specific assignment or test on which misconduct occurred.
This handout regarding academic conduct is to be kept in your Science Notebook for the remainder of the present school year. It is your responsibility to know these rules, as they will be applied by your instructor for the rest of the year. As stated in RULE 6: Ignorance is no defense!