North East Wales Carers Information Service

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru

Uned D3, Canolfan Busnes Morfa ClwydUnit D3, Morfa Clwyd Business Centre

Marsh RoadMarsh Road

Y Rhyl, Sir DdinbychRhyl, Denbighshire

LL18 2AFLL18 2AF

Llinell Gofalwyr: 0845 603 3187Carers Line: 0845 603 3187

Ffôn: 01745 331181Tel: 01745 331181

Ffax: 01745 331181Fax: 01745 331181


Date as Postmark


Thank you for expressing your interest in receiving additional services which are intended for Carers who care for someone who has a mental health condition or is suffering from dementia. NEWCIS has received a small amount of funding from the Welsh Assembly Government via Denbighshire County Council and is able to offer the following services:

  • A two-night break to Noddfa Carers Retreat in Penmaenmawr, Gwynedd.
  • A Book of Ten Vouchers for Denbighshire County Council leisure centres (activities will vary depending on which leisure centre you choose to go to but will normally include swimming)
  • Voucher for one pamper session at a local health suite.
  • Two holistic therapy sessions at your GP Surgery

We would be grateful if you could complete the attached booking form, sign the declaration at the bottom of the form and return this to NEWCIS at the above address.

If you are interested in the two night break at Noddfa then you will be required to complete an application form which will be sent out to you once you have returned your booking form.

The availability of these services will be dependent on demand, and the provision of a service cannot be guaranteed. However, NEWCIS will deal with all requests as fairly as possible.

If you require any more information about these services, or need any assistance in completing the booking form please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to receive an electronic version of the booking form please e-mail .

Yours sincerely

Carys Williams


North East Wales Carers Information Service

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Gofalwyr Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru

Carers Mental Health Grant

NEWCIS Services





Tel No……………………………………………………………………………………….


Please indicate in the table below what services you are interested in. and indicate your preferences. Please tick the appropriate boxes.

Service / 1st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice / 4th choice
2 Night break to Noddfa Carers Retreat, Penmaenmawr
Book of 10 Vouchers – Denbighshire Leisure Services
One pamper session at a health suite
2 holistic therapies at your GP surgery

If you are interested in the pamper session, can you indicate where you would like to attend:

Oriel HouseBodelwyddan Castle Wild Pheasant

Would you require any assistance with alternative care costs or transport to enable you to take up these services?

Alternative care costsYes / No*

TransportYes / No*

*please delete as necessary

Later in the year, NEWCIS will also be arranging training sessions for Carers on mental health conditions and how to cope with different behaviours. This is being organised in conjunction with the local charity MIND. Would you be interested in attending this course?

Yes/ No* (*please delete as necessary)

Declaration by Carer

I confirm that the person I care for has a mental health condition and / or suffers from dementia or a dementia related condition.

Signed ………………………………………………………………..

Date …………………………………………………..

Please return this booking form by no later than 1st August to:


Unit D3, Morfa Clwyd Business Centre

Marsh Road

Rhyl, Denbighshire

LL18 2AF

Or Fax to: 01745 331181

If you need any assistance in completing this booking form please telephone the

Carers Line: 0845 603 3187

Funded by Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire Local Authorities and Local Health Boards

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers Network Member

Ymddiriedolath y Dywysoges Frenhinol i Ofalwyr Aelod Rhwydwaith