649473 – PROF-TRAC D2.8 Roadmap
PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for nZEBprinciples
Roadmap – Slovenia
National actions of Slovenia
27.July.2016–Final version
Issued by / Mr. Vladimir Krajcar (ZAPS)Date: / 27 July 2016
Version: / Final
Deliverable number: / D2.8
Task number: / Task 2.5
Status: / Final
Dissemination level: / Public
Table of Content
Change records
Roadmap Summary
List of abbreviations and definitions
1.1Guidance of this report
2Demands for skilled professionals – results skills mapping
2.1Skills mapping Methodology
2.1.1Definition of the current professions
2.1.2Education levels
2.1.3nZEB-building and installation technologies
2.1.4Definition of required interdisciplinary skills
2.1.5Definition of Skills levels used
2.2Current professions in [Country Name]
2.3New skills and specialisms in [country name]
2.3.1Integrated picture
2.3.2Conclusions and recommendations
3Opportunities and barriers in [Country Name]
3.1Expected development of the National market for nZEB
3.2Education system
3.3Drivers in the market
3.4Drivers in education
3.5Barriers in the market
3.6Barriers in education
3.7Recommendations on overcoming the barriers
4Roadmap plan
4.1Action clusters and points
4.2Explanation of roadmap Action points
Change records
Version / Date / Changes / AuthorVersion 1.0 / Febr. 2016 / First draft / Mr. M. Hofman
Mrs. I. van Veelen
Mr. J. Cromwijk
Version V1.1 / March 2016 / Split single overall EU version into separate national versions
Version V1.1 / 29 Apr 2016 / After web meeting:
Chapter ‘Conclusions’ skipped, instead conclusions put in Summary.
Inclusion of results excel skills mapping at beginning of each result (to prevent having to look in the excel file while reading)
Version Final / 01 July 2016 / Consolidated version, EU deliverable D2.8 / Mrs. I van Veelen
Version Final Slovenia / 27 July 2016 / Consolidated version, EU deliverable D2.8 / Vladimir Krajcar
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement no 649473. This report reflects only the author's views and the Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
In this report you will find thenational upskilling roadmap of Sloveniathat is created within the PROF/TRAC project. The roadmap focusses on successful national implementation of nZEB trainings for professionals, linked to the - to be developed - PROF/TRAC EU nZEB qualification scheme.
The aim of this document is to identify measures to overcome barriers and skills gaps for successful national implementation of nZEB trainings for professionals.
The first part of this document provides a brief summary of demands for skilled professionals, as a result of national skills mapping. This part of the report is focused on definition of professions and professionals involved in nZEB construction and retrofitting, as well as the description of their present skills and the skills needed. Additionally, it includes a short description of the skills mapping methodology for picturing the demands for skilled professionals on the market. Here the demands of skilled professionals on the market are being addressed, as well as the overview of the most noteworthy conclusions is given for each profession.
The second part of this document is dealing with the opportunities and barriers to the objective of the PROF/TRAC project, which cover such areas as :
-Expected development of the national market for nZEB
-Drivers and barriers in the market
-Drivers and barriers in the education
-Recommendations on dissolving the barriers
Finally, the third part of this document presents the roadmap plan for Slovenia, where the actions are summarised in the clusters. By identifying specific actions, it is believed that the roadmap can became a tool for implementing changes in the building sector, but in particular for the implementing of changes into the qualifications and skills of building professionals in Slovenia according to the skills mapping methodology. The implementation of the roadmap will allow ensuring that relevant professionals in the building sector have necessary knowledge and skills for the design, construction and operation of nZEB buildings.
List of abbreviations and definitions
Abbreviation / MeaningAd / Associate degree
Ba / Bachelor
CPD / Continuing Professional development
ECTS / the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
EHEA / Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
EQF / European qualification format
EQF-IP / EQF intake level for the educational or training program
EQF-OP / EQF output level for the educational or training program
IN / Initial education
Ma / Master
PhD / Doctor of philosophy / Doctorate
PI / Post initial education
nZEB / nearly Zero Energy Building
Term / Meaning
Accreditation / Accreditation is a quality assurance process under which services and operations of (educational) institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency. (Wikipedia)
Initial education / Training people receive before entering the labour market.
In general, initial education is based on qualification documents and corresponding professional competency profiles. These qualification documents are drawn up nationally by the knowledge centres of the various professional sectors. Completing initial education results in the earning of a certain EQF level and a diploma, which has an unlimited validity.
Post-initial training / Training people receive after leaving initial training.
In general, professional post-initial training is based on demand from market parties for retraining.
These (short) trainings results most times in a certificate, which offers a limited validity. They do not result in the earning of a certain EQF level.
Profession / A profession is a specialized occupation characterized by intensive training and education.
Qualification / A qualification is one profession in a qualification file.
Qualification document / A qualification file describes what a participant in education should know
and master at the end of a (intermediate vocational training) course. A
qualification file describes the level of starting professional workers (school leavers).
TriasEnergetica / A concept that is based on 3 steps:
First, we need to limit energy demand through energy saving. Second, renewable sources should be used to meet the remaining energy demand. Only then should fossil fuels be used, as efficiently and cleanly as possible.
Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) construction and renovation expects a large contribution from the building
sector and is a challenge for the construction industry, using innovative design processes and technologies. Moreover, a successful design and construction process towards energy efficient buildings and renovation requires to follow an integrated design approach and to work in multi-disciplinary teams.Especially, collaboration between architects, technicalexperts and managers is necessary, to gain a mutual understanding of each other’s disciplines and combineskills to achieve optimal nZEB construction and retrofitting, both in terms of energy efficiency and costeffectiveness.This requires for each professional involved a good basicunderstanding of the several disciplines that are needed.
For this transformation there are still some major barriers to overcome:
- There is a common mismatch between the current available and needed skills as well as managerialcapacity of professionals due to a lack in specific training and education. Many professionals in the building sector have only limited training and skills in energy efficient building design and nZEBprinciples.
- Collaboration between the different disciplines and building professionals is still not very common.
- The involved building professionals are lacking the right information on available qualifications and training materials.
- There are no mappings and qualifications available of the needed skills for the specific target groups.
- Most of the trainings available focus on one specific target group and on one technique or concept.
- Training materials for education and post-initial education are now created on an ad-hoc basis without consensus on an underlying qualification framework. As a result there are a lot of unqualified basictraining materials available, but most of this material is fragmented, difficult to find and expert orspecialist trainings are also necessary.
- Training materials for education and post-initial education are available but should also be maintainedand updated in order to make the training sustainable and suitable for a life- long- learning process.
PROF-TRAC offers a solution to overcome these barriers by developing and maintaining an Open Education Platformfor Continuing Professional Development for professionals in the building sector. This platform addressestechnical experts, architects and managers. On the other hand a European qualification scheme will be developed as part of a life- long-life learning process for continuing development and up-skilling of professionals. This European qualification scheme will be part of alife- long-life learning process for continuing development and up-skilling of professionals.
1.1Guidance of this report
In this report you will find a national upskilling roadmap of Slovenia that is created within the PROF/TRAC project. The roadmap is the last step and result of the skillsmapping performed in WP2 of PROF/TRAC. It is an important stepping stone for realisation and successful implementation of both the Open Education Platform as the European qualification scheme. The roadmap consists of:
- In Chapter 2 the results are given of the performed skills mapping, wherethe needednZEB skills versus currentnZEB skills are compared.
- An inventory of existing qualifications, knowledge sources, education programmes, post-initial training supply and accreditation/ certification structures is given in the skills mapping excel file.
- Identification of opportunities and barriers in relation to the goals of PROF-TRAC on national scale in Chapter 3.
- A roadmap action plan on national level with the results of the above mentioned activities in Chapter 4.
2Demands for skilled professionals – results skills mapping
To determine the future demands/needs for skilled professionals a so called Skills Mapping is executed in each in PROF/TRAC participating member state. Professions and professionals involved in nZEB construction and retrofitting are mapped, with theircurrent skills and skills needed. This includes the mapping of existing qualifications, knowledge sources, education programmes, post-initial training supply and accreditation and certification structures. A common methodology is devised, based on the BUILDUP-skills experiences, which will be applicable on national scale and is applied in the pilot countries, of which the resultsof Slovenia are given in this chapter.
2.1Skills mapping Methodology
A short description is given of the skills mapping methodology. This methodology contains the following actions:
- Creating an inventory of involved professions (2.1), number of professionals (2.2) and their education levels (2.1.2);
- Creating an inventory of existing qualifications;
- Creating an inventory of available education programmes;
- Creating an inventory of post-initial trainings;
- Creating an inventory of accreditation and certification structures;
- Creating an inventory of applied nZEB-building and installation technologies (2.1.3);
- Creating an overview of required interdisciplinary skills (2.1.4);
- Mapping the applied building and installation technologies with the involved professions and their EQF-levels;
- Mapping the required interdisciplinary skills with the involved professions and their EQF-levels (2.1.5).
The results of these steps are inventories in the excel file “PROF-TRAC-Inventoryskills_mapping Sloveniabased on the underlying template documents:
- PROF-TRACmethodology_skills_mapping_INSTRUCTIONGUIDE_Final Version.docx
- PROF-TRACinventory_skills_mapping_TEMPLATE_Final Version.xlsx”
2.1.1Definition of the current professions
For Slovenia the following "group names" of current professions are being addressed, see table 2.1.These are the names which are being used in practice, and which can differ between the various MS.
Table 2.1 Definition of professions in Prof/Trac, specified for Slovenia
Profession / Definition of the professionsArchitect / Architects investigate, design and oversee the implementation of buildings and urban spaces taking into account functional, architectural, aesthetic, structural, technical, regulatory, cost and contextual requirements with due regard to public health and safety. Architects’ work takes account of social factors and obligations and addresses the relationship between people and buildings and buildings and the environment (definition ESCO).
Engineer / The designer of materials, structures and systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost
Mechanical Engineer / The designer of HVAC and plumbing systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost; supervises the constructing proces
Electrical Engineer / The designer of electrical and lighting systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost; supervises the constructing process.
Civil engineer / The designer of structures while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost; supervises the constructing process
Director of work - (contractor) / The person responsible for the planning, execution and closing of any (NzEB) building project for a contractor
Project manager - (client) / The person responsible for the all the finances, planning, execution and closing of any (NzEB) building project for an investor
Facility manager / The person responsible to maintain the real estate as it was realized at the end of the NzEB building process (including facility management) for the tenants or owners of the building
Procurer / The person responsible for facilitating the process of nZEB tenders and (sub)contracts
2.1.2Education levels
In line with EHEA and ECTS the following degrees are relevant in the scope of the defined professions within PROF/TRAC:
Table 2.2 Educational levels
Degree / EQF-OP / EHEA / ECTS*Ass. Degree
(different names are used) / 5 / short cycle (sometimes within the 1st cycle) / 120 ECTS credits
Ba (Bachelor) / 6 / 1st cycle / 180–240 ECTS credits
Ma (Master) / 7 / 2nd cycle / 90–120 ECTS credits (a minimum of 60 on 2nd-cycle level)
PhD (Doctor) / 8 / 3rd cycle / No ECTS range given
*1 ECT corresponds with 25-30 hours of work. One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits that are equivalent to 1,500–1,800 hours of study.
2.1.3nZEB-building and installation technologies
A list of relevant building and installation technologies has been composed in discussion with the PROF/TRAC consortium partners. The following technologies are mapped in the skills mapping:
Table 2.3nZEB building and installation technologies
EM1 / Smart grid systems
EM2 / Domotic systems
EM3 / Building management systems
P / ENERGY PRODUCTION (on-site and nearby renewable energy production and off-site renewable energy)
EP1 / Geothermal energy
EP2 / Biomass
EP3 / Biogas
EP4 / District heating and cooling
EP5 / Heatpumps
EP6 / Solar power systems for electricity generation
EP7 / Solar thermal systems for cooling generation
EP8 / Solar thermal systems for domestic hot water and/or heating generation)
EP9 / Mini wind power
EP10 / Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
ER1 / Insulation
ER2 / Air tightness building
ER3 / Micro climates
ER4 / Envelope systems
ER5 / Hot water systems
ER6 / Window and/or glazing systems
ER7 / Heating and cooling emission systems
ER8 / Electric heating systems
ER9 / Artificial lighting systems
ER10 / Ventilation systems
2.1.4Definition of required interdisciplinary skills
Interdisciplinary skills in PROF-TRAC focus on the direct relations and interaction points between the different disciplines in the building sector. This list has been composed by the PROF/TRAC consortium partners. It is based on results of the Dutch BUILDUP-Skills project BUS_N@W.
Table 2.4 Definition of interdisciplinary skills
Interdisciplinary skills / Skills definitionCommunication / Being able to listenand summariseconversationsand express them to someone else in common language.Realizing common understanding an Involving other people in the project objectives.
Information management / Understanding technical drawings (2D/3D) and texts. Being able to interpret information (also in BIM-models).
Understanding of the whole of nZEBconstructionprocess.
(teamwork & facilitation) / Working together in cross-trade settings with allinvolved nZEBbuilding disciplines.
Being able to connect the individual performance to a team performance.
Possessenthusiasm for sustainable nZEBbuildings.
Quality assurance / Taking responsibility in assuring quality of his/herown work.
Being aware of the consequences of his/her actions on the energy performance of the nZEBbuilding and the constructionprocess.
Able to implement and assess self-inspection methodologies.
Skills on commissioning and maintenance.
Sustainable architectural design / Being able to design a comfortable and sustainable nZEB building.
Having a clear view on energetic consequences with every choice made in the design process and considering all other professions.
Integrated design / Being able todesign integrally with allother involved nZEBbuilding professions.
Sustainable building materials / Being able to asses building materials on sustainability and make the right selections in the design stage.
Sustainable installation materials / Being able to asses installation materials on sustainability and make the right selections in the design stage.
Environmental (indoor) quality / Having a clear view on indoorenvironmental consequences with every choice made in the design process.
Economics / Having a clear view of issues on LCC analysis(including finances) during the nZEB construction process
Procurement / Being able to facilitate the process of nZEBtenders and (sub)contracts
2.1.5Definition of Skills levels used
Current and needed skill levels on nZEBare mapped in a matrix, using the following definition of levels 0 - 5.
Table 2.5 Definition of skills levels 0 to 5.
Level / Explanation of the skills levels / Examples0 / Not applicable / no knowledge and skills required
1 / Has little knowledge and skills with respect to the relevant field / technology (mostly outside the own field of expertise).
Is able to communicate in generalterms about a specific technology with project partners.
Has knowledge of definitions and is aware of common applications in the field. / Knowledge of an architect on heat pumps in general terms, knowing the influence of parameters (such as temperatures and heat source).
Knowledge of a mechanical engineer on thermal bridges and air tightness (its’ definition, parameters).
2 / Understands basic knowledge and has practical skills within the field / technology, is able to solve simple problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information (mostly outside the own field of expertise).
Is able to make estimating or simple calculations and designs by given instructions or common methods.
Is able to read and understand technical drawings.
Is able to discuss with other professionals on a more detailed level. / Architects’ ability to estimate needed m2 of PV-panels, based on total needed kWh/a.
Mech. Engineers’ ability to understand influence of air tightness on energy use and heat loss.
3 / Has comprehensive, factual and theoretical knowledge and skills within the field / technology, is capable of solving problems within the field.
Is able to make detailed calculations and designs (drawings), can oversee the consequences of choices and parameters within the field.
Is aware of the influence of choices made on the work of other professionals. / Engineers ability to make a calculation and optimize the design within the own field of expertise (e.g. heat loss calculation).
Is able to choose the right materials and products according to their specifications.
4 / Has advanced knowledge involving a critical understanding of theories and principles and skills, required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in the field and is aware of the boundaries.
Is able to make and lead complex designs in the field of expertise, and integrate with other disciplines.
Is aware of the influence of choices in the design on the energy use of the building.
Uses “best practices”. / Can combine different technologies such as envelope systems, heat pumps, insulation, in order to design and calculate a complete energy concept of the building.
Is able to choose sustainable materials in relation to nZEB.
5 / Has specialized knowledge and problem-solving skills, partly at the forefront of knowledge in the field, in order to develop new knowledge and procedures and to integrate knowledge from different fields.
According level 4, plus:
Is able to optimize and try out application of new, not common, technologies and innovations.
Designs / invents new “best practices”. / Is leading in the field of expertise.
Makes use of CFD calculations if needed.
2.2Current professions in SLOVENIA
Available numbers of educated or registered professionals within the scope of PROF/TRAC,have been inventoried during the skills mapping, in order to be able to compare the number of available and skilled professionals with the needed number of professionals.