ACADEMY: Oasis Academy Nunsthorpe DATE:1st November 2016DRAFT reviewed Jan 2017 COMPLETED BY: Shanie Brown
GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT / RAG / EVIDENCEThe Regional Academy Director (RAD) has systems in place to ensure strategic oversight of safeguarding at the academy through regular visits and discussions with the Principal and the Academy Council / G / See reports from RAD visits and reviews.
The RAD, Academy Council, Principal and key staff can demonstrate how they create a culture of vigilance within which welfare is promoted and timely and appropriate safeguarding action is taken for young people who may need early, extra help or who may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm / G / School safeguarding and child protection records.
Supervision meetings between the DSL/D and the principal.
Pupils are discussed regularly to monitor outcomes.
Record of how many referrals were made to the DSL/DSD – how many of these resulted in social care referrals/FCAF/internal support and guidance.
Every child in the academy has a Pastoral File these must be filled in weekly and then handed in to be checked by appropriate person for that year group. Safeguarding Lead has an overview of all files. Minutes are recorded and followed up.
The Pastoral Team meet weekly and concerns from the Pastoral Files are acted upon and the correct adults are delegated tasks.
Daily safeguarding reports from staff if a concern arises, all discussions with parents are recorded on discussion sheets.
Discussion notes/reports of meeting with the RAD and principal.
The RAD, Academy Council, Principal and key staff are able to demonstrate how they are proactive in terms of anticipating and managing risks that young people face in the wider community / G / Relevant policies are available to all and are updated.
The Safeguarding Lead has a vast knowledge of the community and the problems/concerns families face
The Safeguarding Lead and Learning Mentors have good relationships with Families.
Staff maintain good relationships with leavers to secondary school enabling positive relationships to continue and helping to identify when help is needed.
The academy hosts a Safety Week every year engaging members of the community and students to highlight current or reoccurring concerns. This includes beach safety, road safety, safety in the home, first aid, e safetyand any other as appropriate.
Pupil voice – student Council meet fortnightly and are given opportunity to voice concerns and ideas.
Curriculum mapping
The RAD, Academy Council and Principal can demonstrate how the academy promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare young people positively for life in modern Britain / G / Curriculum mapping –British Values, Oasis 9 habits, cultures and beliefs
Community links
Pupil voice
We are all Born Free – activities/literacy links
The following film is on a rolling display within school
The Academy Council understand their responsibilities, have completed OCL online Safeguarding training and receive safeguarding and child protection training updates throughout the year / G / See training record
Report to the Regional Director at each visit to monitor the impact of the safeguarding and child protection arrangements, policies and procedures / G / OCL reviews
A report is submitted to the Academy Council via the Principal at each meeting to monitor the impact of the safeguarding and child protection arrangements, policies and procedures / G / See minutes
There is a nominated safeguarding champion on the Academy Council / G / Designated safeguarding governor who has attended governors safeguarding training; completed the Channel and Prevent training and has undertaken online basic safeguarding training.
There is a named designated safeguarding lead on the senior team who champions safeguarding throughout the academy and who has a nominated deputy designated safeguarding lead. All staff working at the academy know who the designated safeguarding lead and deputy are / G / Refer to staffing structure.
daily updates within staff briefings.
Safeguarding files are placed in a locked cabinet and are held with the Safeguarding lead. These files are accessible to relevant staff. CP, CIN plans are updated as meetings occur.
Chronology’s are kept up to date and events recorded.
Safeguarding policies are available to staff and parents. All policies and information relating to safeguarding can be found on notice boards both in the staffroom and in the safeguarding office. They are also available electronically.
Designated safeguarding team information sheet is strategically placed around the academy along with a photograph of the Safeguarding Lead and deputy.
Open access to the safeguarding team for advice and guidance is available to all children, parents and staff.
Induction records are kept with the business manager stating who and when inductions were held, appropriate use agreements are signed at this time.
Staff handbook contains all of this information.
The designated safeguarding lead and deputy are suitably qualified to Level 3, updated annually. They meet weekly with the Principal / G / See training record/diary
Supervision meeting notes/minutes for the Mentors are held.
The Safeguarding Lead receives supervision.
The Principal and Safeguarding Lead are qualified up to Level 3.
The Safeguarding Lead attends Leadership meetings and meets with the Principal as and when safeguarding concerns arise, this could be daily.
OCL, the Local Authority and Ofsted (for EYFS registered settings) are updated with any changes to Designated Safeguarding Leads / G / Information is on the website/policies
The academy has a safeguarding team of key personnel which meets regularly to share
information about changes and issues within the Academy. Updates from the meeting are reported to the Academy Council via the Principal and the Head of the virtual School (for LAC children) / G / The Pastoral Team meet weekly. These meetings are recorded and actions are given as follow ups. Any concerns are raised and actions by the appropriate people are taken.
The RAD ensures a duty of care for the Principal / G / Meeting notes/emails/performance management
The Principal ensures a duty of care for all staff / G / Policies are in place and staff have free access to the Principal and deputy Principal,
Meeting notes are held by the Principal.
Staff records are maintained as updates occur.
Performance management is in place
The academy has a staff well-being officer who is responsible for the physical aspects of well-being.
There is an open culture at the academy where all individuals feel able to talk freely about their concerns believing that they will be listened to and valued / G / The SLT are available for staff to discuss any concerns.
Staff questionnaires are given frequently
Pupil voice – children are given opportunity every morning and afternoon to discuss any worries in the classroom. If a child wants to talk privately this option is always available.
Whistleblowing policy is in place and staff have access to this. The Principal has discussed this with all staff and acts on information disclosed.
Staff handbook is available to all staff
Staff are given alternative means of raising concerns via the NSPCC for example – see staffing updates file.
Staff are made aware that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Staff are encouraged to ask the Safeguarding Lead for follow up when disclosure has been dealt with and are aware that they have the freedom to report any concerns to the Local Authority.
The Principal ensures all staff understand their responsibilities with regard to safeguarding and know to whom they are accountable – see policy / G / Designated time allocated at staff meetings. See staff meeting plans.
CP and Safeguarding Policy
Training record
Staff handbook
Code of conduct
Daily briefings are given to staff and reminders of responsibility and accountability
Staff understand their own role and responsibility to be accountable in the way they behave, in responding to concerns about practice, procedures and unacceptable behaviour by other staff – set out in the Staff Code of Conduct / G / Updated code of conduct delivered to all staff.
Training and information provided on whistleblowing.
See emails and safeguarding updates.
Staff know the difference between safeguarding and child protection / G / Staff questionnaire
Training record – Hays online and face to face
Information sheet provided as a safeguarding update.
Pastoral files are in every classroom and staff know any non-safeguarding concerns are recorded in this. All safeguarding concerns are immediately reported to the Safeguarding Lead if the Safeguarding Lead is not in the academy concerns are reported to the Deputy and the Principal.
The Academy has a clear system for communicating concerns and a model for open communication between young people, teachers, parents and other adults working with children / G / Training and information provided on whistleblowing.
Reporting procedures are in place
Incident logs for behaviour are kept by the Behaviour Manager
A clear flow chart is in place for following safeguarding procedures.
There is a staff code of conduct which includes issues relating to social networking, email and mobile phone contact between staff and young people. Staff sign annually to confirm they have received a copy of the Code of Conduct / G / See training record.
All staff sign an acceptable use agreement and all staff have the code of conduct policy.
There is a whistle blowing policy in place for staff, young people and visitors. This is available on the website / G / See website
Also available within the safeguarding policies located strategically around school.
All staff receive a copy of the whistleblowing policy at induction.
The contact details of alternative routes for reporting concerns are available, i.e. NSPCC.
The Academy has a parental complaints policy available on the academy website; all incidents, allegations and complaints are recorded. / G / See relevant policy
See internal records held with the Principal, Safeguarding & Inclusion Manager.
The Academy has procedures for managing allegations of abuse by staff that complies with LSCB interagency procedures and is disseminated to all staff and academy councillors / G / See relevant policy/procedures
The contact details of the LSCB LADO are available to all staff and academy councillors.
The Academy has completed a Prevent Risk Assessment – see appendix 6 / G / See completed risk assessment
National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSC) guidance is included in the Academy Business Continuity Plan / G / Critical incident plan
The Academy understands its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 / G / Refer to contract of employment
Relevant policies
The Academy has an open and positive relationship with the Local Authority Designated Officer and children’s social care – see page 2 of policy for contact details / G / School records
LADO communications
The Academy has an open and positive relationships with the external agencies offering support to young people / G / Pupil records
Agency discussion logs/file
Record of all telephone communication
The academy has strong relationships with the Children’s Centre and representatives attends meetings with various agencies around allocation of support and continues to engage with various professionals not normally seen in the school arena
The Academy works with parents to build an understanding of the academy’s safeguarding responsibilities / G / See website
Information provided during admit meetings
Attendance initiatives
Parent workshops
Safety week is held annually. Various agencies come into the academy to deliver information to parents and children.
The academy have strong relationships with the PCSO’s who patrol the estate, we work with families to solve any anti-social behaviour concerns.
The PCSO’s are often invited into the academy for lunch which encourages positive relationships with both children and parents.
The Academy has excellent communication with parents and carers working together in the best interest of children. / G / See internal home/school diary’s
Parents are invited into the academy regularly and are encouraged to volunteer. The parent group hold events and raise funds.
Daily home visits are made to support parents and children with various social and emotional issues
Text links
The Academy provides safeguarding training sessions for families / G / Annual workshops lead by the DSL/D for parents, including anti bullying, attendance and online safety during our Safety week
There is a dedicated area on the Academy website providing safeguarding and child protection policy and information and advice including how to raise concerns and named staff with contact details / G / School website
Information is also available in the academy for both parents and children
The Academy collects and evaluates the views of children, parents and staff in relation to the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements including analysis of Ofsted Online Parent View / G / Parental questionnaires, pupil voice/academy council.
Parent View comments are available
All children are aware of their rights and responsibilities and feel confident in raising concerns and know who to go to / G / Pupil discussion/minutes/questionnaires and records. Circle time held daily.
Worry boxes around the academy
Children’s safeguarding information board
Children are involved in reviewing effectiveness of safeguarding at the Academy / G / Pupil discussions and Safety week provide opportunities daily for children to have a voice and tell staff when they feel something isn’t safe.
School council
The Academy offers children safeguarding leadership opportunities / G / Student Council apply for the job role of Safety Ambassador (Jan 2017)
School Council meeting notes/minutes
Pupil Voice
The Academy has regular contact with the OCL Regional HR Business Partner / G / See minutes/emails
The OCL Regional HR Business Partner meets with the Principal once a term (3) / G / Any meetings with the HR Business Partner are currently organised when there is or has been a staffing issue.
The OCL Regional HR Business Partner monitors the SCR once a year / G / See SCR monitoring section.
The SCR is reviewed six times a year by any or all of the following: the RAD, the OCL Regional HR Business Partner, the Principal, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, a member of the Monitoring and Standards Team. The reviewers signature and date confirm to SCR check / G / Se SCR monitoring section
The academy keeps a regularly maintained single central record (SCR) of all staff checks, including agency staff, consultants, volunteers involved in a regulated activity and contractors / G / See SCR
The SCR includes:
- an identity check
- barred list check
- an enhanced DBS check for those appointed after 2006
- prohibition from teaching check
- prohibition from management check
- checks on people living or working outside the UK
- additional pre-employment check for teachers from the European Economic Area (EEA) Authority
- check of professional qualifications
- a check to establish the person’s right to work in the United Kingdom
- Disqualification by Association checks (primary and all through academies)
- mental and physical fitness to carry out work responsibilities
- previous employment history checks
- two written references
- information regarding past disciplinary actions or allegations
The Academy has written notification from any agency, or third-party organisation that the above checks have been completed (agency and third-party staff) / G / See SCR/ Monitoring records
The Academy has written notification from fee funded initial teacher trainees that the above checks have been completed / G / See SCR
The Academy undertakes appropriate checks for volunteers involved in regulated activity / G / See SCR. All volunteers have DBS checks and a safeguarding induction prior to volunteering.
The Academy undertakes a risk assessment for volunteers not engaged in regulated activity / G / See SCR
All academy Councillors have received an enhanced DBS check / G / See SCR