
JICA Ex-ante EvaluationMission


Please provide the following data and informationrequired forJICA Preparatory Study Mission on “Modernization of Cargo Transportation Project” at LatakiaPort:

1Map of LatakiaPort

2Organization chart of Latakia Port General Company

3Port facilities


(2)Open storages


4Current situation of cargo-handling equipment


(2)Break-bulkcargo handling

(3)Bulk cargo handling

5Statistics of cargo traffic through LatakiaPort in the last five years.

(1)Containers by unit and TEU

(2)Conventional cargoes by cargo item

6Statistics of vessels calling at LatakiaPort in the last five years.

7The latest record of berthing and cargo-handling by calling vessels at LatakiaPort.

(1) Container vessels (Form 1.1)

(2) Conventional vessels categorized as the following types(Form 1.2)

-General cargo vessel

-Bulk carriers

8Average dwelling time in storage

(1)Containers (days in export and import)

(2)Break-bulkcargoes by cargo item

(3)Bulk cargoes by cargo item

9Berth allocation

(1)Procedure for berth allocation

(2)Participants in berth allocation meeting

(3)Priority scheme for vessels about berth allocation


(1)Cargo-handling operator

(2)Cargo-handling method


-Break-bulk cargo by cargo category

-Bulk cargo by cargo category

11Working days and hours

(1) Annual working days

(2) Daily working hours and shift system

- Containers: ______hrs.______shifts

- Break-bulk cargo:______hrs.__ __shifts

- Bulk cargo: ______hrs ______shifts

12Gang composition by cargo category (container ships, conventional ships, bulk carriers)

13Organization chart and number of staffs by terminal

(1)Container terminal

(2)Conventional terminals

14Planning procedures of cargo-handling operation

(1)Container handling

(2)Break-bulk cargo handling

(3)Bulk cargo-handling

15Documentation procedures and flow

(3)Containers (export and import)


(5)Bulk cargoes

16Delivery or receiving point of containers at the container terminal based on a freight agreement (berth term/free out or POR (place of rest) within the container yard)

17Port tariff

(1) Vessel service charges

(2) Cargo-handling charges

18Customs clearance

(1) Procedure

(2) Required document

(3) Average clearance days in containers and conventional cargo

(4) Percentage of physical inspection

19Plant and animal quarantine

(1) Procedure

(2) Required document

(3) Average clearance hours

20Port information system

(1) The existing state of port information system

(2) How about IT infrastructure and circumstances at port area

(3) How popularize inter net on PC?

21Finance of LatakiaPort

(1) Financial conditions of Latakia Port General Company

(2) Budgetary system of port management and operations

(3) Way of fund raising for port development investment

(4) Budgetary conditions of the Ministry of Transport



JICA Preparatory Study Mission