Hello everyone,

Here are this week’s updates including new peer-reviewed farm to preschool research from Oregon. This information is also archived on our blog:

Webinars & Events

1. NFSN & Slow Food USA Tweet Chat, Wed. Sep 16, 2pm EDT

School Gardens & #CNR2015 : Getting Involved Now

From containers in the classroom to multi-acre farms, school gardens are sprouting up in every type of community around the country. These green spaces are providing opportunities for kids to connect with food from the soil up, and in turn, have proven to be an effective tool for helping kids learn to try and like new foods. Simply put, hands-on agriculture and nutrition education are helping shape a healthier next generation. This month, Congress has the opportunity to show its support for school gardens and other farm to school programs as it debates Child Nutrition Reauthorization. Join the National Farm to School Network (@farmtoschool) and Slow Food USA (@slowfoodUSA) for a tweet chat on Wednesday, September 16 from 2-3pm EDT to discuss school gardens, CNR, and how the USDA Farm to School Grant Program can support healthier kids. Use the hashtag #gardens4CNR to join.

3. Webinar: USDA's Team Nutrition

Nutrition Education in the Classroom and Beyond: Tips for Educators

Wednesday, September 16, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Go back to school with tools and resources that support healthy learning! This webinar will discuss innovative ways elementary and middle school educators can integrate nutrition education into core subjects like math, language arts, and science. New teaching resources available from Team Nutrition for the 2015-2016 School Year will be shared. Register here.

4. Webinar: The Lunch Box, Chef Ann Foundation

Kids Eat Real Food ‒ Marketing and Lunchroom Education

Thursday, September 24, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

Join Curry Rosato, Farm to School and Events Coordinator and Chef Ann Cooper, Director of Boulder Valley School District, Boulder, CO to learn the techniques that have brought Boulder’s kids back to the lunch program and raised participation every year since 2009. Learn marketing best practices and turn your students into “real food” aficionados. Register here.

Research & Resources

1. Harvest for Healthy Kids Pilot Study (Oregon)

Harvest for Healthy Kids Pilot Study: Associations Between Exposure to a Farm-to-Preschool Intervention and Willingness to Try and Liking of Target Fruits and Vegetables Among Low-Income Children in Head Start suggests that Harvest for Healthy Kids had a positive impact on willingness to try and liking of target foods. Other studies have shown that liking is a strong predictor of intake among children. Read more about the study here.

2. New USDA local procurement guide available

Just in time for the new school year, the USDA's revised guide, Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs, is now available and can help you decide how to buy local for your program. The guide covers procurement basics, defining local, where to find local products, and the variety of ways schools can purchase locally in accordance with regulations. This revision incorporates information about micro-purchases, buying local foods for child care and summer meal programs and more real-world examples. Check out the new guide for sample solicitation language, detailed geographic preference examples and helpful resources.

Policy & Action

1. Tell Congress you support the Farm to School Act of 2015

Tell Congress you support the Farm to School Act of 2015 bysigning a letter of support as an individualor on behalf of yourorganization. TheFarm to School Act of 2015builds on the success of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 by proposing an increase in funding from $5 million to $15 million for theUSDA Farm to School Grant Program. The bill would also ensure that the grant program fully includes preschools, summer food service sites, after school programs, and tribal schools and producers while improving program participation from beginning, veteran and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. To learn more, download thisfact sheetor visitfarmtoschool.org/cnr2015.

Farm to school in the news

Merced County high schools use local produce for school lunches

Perfect Summer is the name of Live Oak Farms’ sweet red and yellow peppers, delivered to Merced Union High School District (CA) campuses Wednesday. At Merced High School, the peppers are used in wraps and at cafeteria condiment stations. Merced Sun-Star

Students learn to love their veggies — by planting them

A group of Oregon elementary-schoolers played a big role in promoting healthy eating habits this summer. The kids helped design and plant a local garden before celebrating their efforts with an all-veggie picnic. The Daily Astorian




Stacey Sobell | Food & Farms Director | Ecotrust

721 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 200 • Portland, OR 97209

T (503) 467.0751 | F (503) 222.1517 |

*Please note that I work Monday through Thursday

Western Regional Leadfor theNational Farm to School Network