Maine Medical Center

Mentored Research Committee

Information for Applicants

The Maine Medical Center Mentored Research Committee reviews applications for the support of research projects from funds allocated by the Research Strategic Plan Steering Committee.

Who may apply: Principal Investigators must be a trainee (resident, fellow, post-doctoral fellow, student, nursing student working with an established nurse researcher, etc.) or junior faculty within five years of completing their final training. Post-doctoral fellows may apply if the project has clinical applicability and the investigator has a clinical collaborator. All applications must have a Co-Principal Investigator who is a member of the attending or scientific advisory staff to act as the applicants Mentor. Applications not meeting this criteria will not be accepted. Investigators who experience enrollment problems should use Public Information’s daily e-mail news as a vehicle for recruitment of study subjects.

Although applications from outside institutions will not be considered, work done on Mentored Research Committee-sponsored projects may be subcontracted to outside consultants or laboratories, with prior MRC approval.

When to apply: The submission deadline for applications with budgets not exceeding $3,000 is the first of the month prior to next scheduled meeting (December 1st for the January meeting; February 1st for the March meeting, April 1st for the May meeting, June 1st for the July meeting, August 1st for the September meeting, October 1st for the November meeting). Meetings are held on the second Monday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November). Completed applications must be submitted electronically to the Office of Research Administration at MMCRI.

The submission deadline for applications with budgets greater than $3,000 but less than $10,000 is April 1st, August 1st, and December 1st. Applications received after the deadline date will be returned. Please contact Sue Libby in the Office of Research Administration as soon as you decide to submit an application (; tel: 885-8184).

Funding priorities: The Committee places a high priority on trainee research and on original investigations into new areas. Its goal is to provide "seed" support for projects with high potential to result in publication or presentation of results at a regional or national meeting. Investigators may submit no more than two applications over the course of their trainee career.

How to apply: Much time can be saved and misunderstandings avoided by consulting with the staff of the Office of Research Administration (207885-8184) well before (preferably two months) your submission deadline. Advice regarding study design, facilities, and alternate funding resources is available. Budgets must be developed with the assistance of Susan Copeland in Financial Services (662-4495) and signed off by Stephanie Stevens in Financial Services (662-4500) to ensure accuracy of pricing, especially as they relate to laboratory test costs. The directions on the application form should be followed as closely as possible.

The review process: All applications will be reviewed by the Office of Research Administration prior to assignment of scientific reviewers and distribution to the Committee. Applicants must attend the Committee meeting at which the application will be reviewed in order to provide a brief summary of the project and to answer any Committee questions. Investigator presentations should include a brief background of the project, a statement of the project’s questions, a description of the methods, any anticipated problems, and the likely forum (journal, abstract) for presentation at completion of study.

Information for Applicants, continued

Committee review criteria include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

. Scientific content

. Budgetary content

. Consistency with educational goals and clinical mission

. Funding investigators with limited previous experience in research,

particularly trainees and new [junior] faculty

. Collaboration between investigators in clinical and basic science


. Mentorship between established investigators and housestaff

or new [junior] faculty.


Maine Medical Center

Mentored Research Committee


The Maine Medical Center Mentored Research Committee invites applications to fund research projects conducted by MMC trainees working with an appropriate mentor for grants up to $10,000 by submitting completed applications electronically to the Office of Research Administration (). The Committee meets on the second Monday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November) in the Dana Center from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Principal Investigator and Mentor attendance is required.

Submission deadlines are according to the following schedule: for applications with budgets up to $3,000, no later than December 1st for the January meeting; February 1st for the March meeting; April 1st for the May meeting; June 1st for the July meeting; August 1st for the September meeting; October 1st for the November meeting. For applications with budgets greater than $3,000 but less than $10,001, no later than April 1st, August 1st and December 1st.

Each application will be assigned a scientific reviewer who will develop a written critique of the project which will be provided to the principal investigator for response before being circulated to the Committee for review.

Pre-application: Investigators are invited and encouraged to discuss their

project with Dr. Kathleen Fairfield, Committee Chair:

prior to completion of their application.


Submission deadline: December 1st

Reviewed at January meeting

Project start date: February 1st

Submission deadline: February 1st

Reviewed at March meeting

Project start date: April 1st

Submission deadline: April 1st

Reviewed at May meeting

Project start date: June 1st

Submission deadline: June 1st

Reviewed at July meeting

Project start date: August 1st

Submission deadline: August 1st

Reviewed at September meeting

Project start date: October 1st

Submission deadline: October 1st

Reviewed at November meeting

Project start date: December 1st

Application forms are available on line at under Department Directory, MMC Research Institute, Mentored Research Committee (for assistance, call 885-8184). Completed applications must be received prior to the deadline to be considered during that cycle.


Maine Medical Center

Mentored Research Committee


The application, including a curriculum vitae for each investigator and mentor and references (references as pdf files), must be submitted electronically to If you have any questions, please call the Office of Research Administration staff at MMCRI on the Scarborough Campus at 885-8184 for assistance. Applications which are not completed prior to the submission deadline date will not be considered. Investigators are advised that abstracts from approved/funded applications will be posted on MMCRI’s website.

Projects seeking MMC funding that involve humans as research subjects must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB [885-8195]) prior to the award of funding from the Committee. Documentation of completion of the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) must also be submitted with the completed application for all personnel involved in the project. In addition, projects that involve animals must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC [885-8195]) prior to the award of funding from the Committee.

Committee awards are for one year only from the date of start up. The Committee will consider requests for time extensions of up to six months at the end of the first 12 months of the project; however, in no case will projects be extended more than one year from the original approval date. Investigators may submit a proposal for a project requiring more than one year to complete but a separate application must be submitted for continuing support which will compete with all other requests in that review cycle.

An interim narrative progress report and a financial report is required at six and 12 months. If reports are not received within one month of their due date, remaining awarded funds will be frozen and unavailable for disbursement until the required reports are submitted. Financial reports must be reviewed and signed off by Financial Services prior to their submission to the Committee (contact Susan Copeland, tel: 662-4495). A more detailed narrative progress and financial report is required at completion of the project, including an informal presentation to the Committee of the results. Grant awardees are required to present the results of their projects at the spring Research Forum. In addition, the Committee strongly suggests that Awardees submit their work as an abstract at regional or national scientific meetings. As described below, the MRC will consider supporting partial costs of travel to such meetings as an appropriate budget request (if the abstract is not accepted, the funds must be returned to the Committee).

Page 1: Face page

Item 1: Provide a short, descriptive title of the project.

Item 2: Selfexplanatory.

Item 3: Identify all trainee coinvestigators, the applicant’s mentor, and provide their Department affiliation(s).

Items 4-9: Selfexplanatory.

Item 10: In order to ensure that the mentor understands their role and the responsibilities with respect to conduct of the research, their signature is required.

Item 11: In order to ensure that the project has been reviewed and endorsed by the Department Chief, his/her signature is required.

Item 11: Selfexplanatory.


Application instructions, continued

Page 2: Abstract

Abstracts of awarded projects will be posted on MMCRI’s website. Abstracts should be structured to include a precise statement of the study purpose (objectives), background, methods, and data analysis. For example, clearly state the study design and the setting where the project will be conducted (for projects involving humans, describe the study population, inclusion/exclusion criteria, methods of sampling, and where the study will be conducted (hospital department, etc.).

Page 3:Budget

Applications with budgets exceeding $10,000 will not be considered. Budgets must be developed with the assistance of Financial Services (in order to ensure accuracy in pricing - especially as they relate to laboratory charges) and approved by Financial Services prior to their submission with the grant application. Contact Susan Copeland at 662-4495 well in advance of the submission deadline (at least 10 working days). Use the Budget Justification to justify the principal investigator’s time commitment to the project. Requests for travel reimbursement (airfare only) are allowable in order for investigators to present the results of their research. Remaining travel costs should be supported by Department/Division sources. Contact the Office of Research Administration (885-8184) for further information. Any changes to the budget once it has been approved by the Committee must be first reviewed and re-approved by the Committee.

Non-allowable expenses:

Salaries: While the Committee does not provide salary support for investigators, Co-PI’s or mentors, in certain instances support will be considered for technical people (ie., coordinators, data entry personnel, etc.) who are soft funded or new hires. Soft funded positions are defined as positions whose support comes from sources outside of Maine Medical Center such as drug companies, foundations, or grants. If partial support is being provided from departmental funds, include a letter of support from the Department Chief with the application. Capital requests such as equipment and computers are also not allowable.

Budget instructions:

Item 1: Provide the dates of the entire project period.

Item 2: Personnel Costs: List all personnel involved on the project, whether or not funds are requested for their support, starting with the Principal Investigator; indicate the number of hours each will devote to conduct the project for the life of the study. You may use the budget justification to provide additional information on your time commitment. If funding is requested for a current Maine Medical Center employee, contact Susan Copeland (662-4495) in Financial Services to obtain their current rate of pay. If funding is being requested in support of technical personnel and that person qualifies for benefits, the full fringe benefit rate will apply (27.86%). If technical personnel do not qualify for full benefits only the FICA rate will apply (7.65%).

If statistical analysis support is required, contact Dr. Lee Lucas at the Center for Outcomes Research (CORE) at 662-2208. Requests for study coordinator support should be referred to Jan Trott (885-8182).


Item 3: List consultant(s) [by name], identify their institutional affiliation, and their fee. Include a letter of collaboration from each consultant with the application.

Item 4: Itemize supplies needed and give an accurate estimate of their cost. Be as exact as possible; do not round out figures.

Item 5: The Committee will allow requests for travel costs (airfare only)of up to $500 to attend a regional or national meeting, contingent upon acceptance of an abstract or paper for presentation. If no abstract or paper is accepted, approved funds must be returned to the Committee. The applicant’s Department must commit to providing all remaining travel costs. Contact Financial Services (662-4495) for current travel policies related to travel agents, etc.

Item 6: Patient Care costs will be charged at the allowable Medicare Rate and must be detailed in the justification section. These rates can be obtained through Financial Services (662-4495). Certain lab tests can be performed by MMCRI. To obtain quotes on lab prices call Dr. Anne Breggia at 885-8266.

Item 7: “Other” costs should be itemized (expenses for publications, illustrations, etc.). The Maximum allowable cost for printing/audio visual is $100. Photocopying services are available free of charge through the institution. The maximum allowable cost for manuscript page charges is $500.

Item 8: Selfexplanatory.

Budget Justification:

1. Provide justification for any unusual items such as extramural services, etc. Use this section to justify the principal investigator’s time commitment to the project.

2. Other support: Provide a list of all current and pending research support for both the Principal Investigator and CoInvestigator(s). Give the title, source of support, amount of award, and the dates of the entire project period.

Page 4:Research Plan

Present your research plan in singlespaced type, organizing it as follows. Do not exceed page limitations.

1. INTRODUCTION: State the problem in general terms. Detail the importance of the problem and how the results will advance scientific knowledge. Describe where the study will be conducted. Do not exceed onehalf page.

2. BACKGROUND: Review the work of others and by yourself. Provide pertinent references. Lead up to and state and hypothesis. Detail what will be studied, why it is important, and how the project will contribute to existing knowledge. Do not exceed two pages.

3. SPECIFIC AIMS: Concisely list the primary and secondary aims of the project. Do not exceed one page.


4. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detail your study design and methodologies, ensuring they are adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. If the project involves humans, detail the study population; the recruitment methods to be employed; whether patients will be randomized and if so, how; whether observational or control groups will be involved. Describe where the study will be carried out and the project period. Do not exceed three pages.

5. ANALYSIS: Detail your analysis plan to analyze the data and validate statistically any correlations that are found. Describe anticipated outcomes, predictors, and confounding variables as well as samples size and power. Do not exceed one page.

6. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: Describe any potential problems and how you intend to overcome them. The Committee encourages applicants to anticipate recruitment problems for clinical studies and to develop approaches to improving recruitment proactively. Detail how the scientific environment in which the project will be conducted will contribute to the probability of success and the use of any collaborative arrangements. Do not exceed one page.

7. SIGNIFICANCE: Explain the importance of the information to be gained by the research. Describe how the project will employ novel concepts, approaches or methods and how the project will challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies. Do not exceed onehalf page.

8. TIMELINE: Provide a timeline for completion of the project over 12 months. This should be detailed and include each phase of the study by calendar month.

9. REFERENCES: List references at the end of the Research Plan. Include the names of the authors, title, book or journal, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. To assist the reviewers, please provide one [electronic] copy of up to three of the most pertinent articles listed in the bibliography with the completed application form.


Maine Medical Center

Mentored Research Committee

Scientific Merit Reviewers

Grading of Research Proposals

Scientific Merit Consider

5- Outstanding Originality of idea, concepts, approach, methods

4 – Notably original, exciting, elegant Importance of problem

3 – Solid, well-planned, interesting study Clarity of expression

2 – Will probably produce some publishable Comprehension of previous information work, statement of hypothesis

1 – Serious doubt about design, methods, Study design, methodology,

relevance analytic plan

Administrative and Budgetary Consider

5- Outstanding Record of success

4- Very well planned Feasibility, analysis

3- Should be able to complete as presented Appropriateness of budget

2- May need some additional help Investigator’s experience/

1 - Unfeasible as presented productivity

Other financial support

Facilities, collaborators,

Scientific environment

Use of Committee Funds Consider

5- Outstanding MMC research goals

4- The best way to support this project MMC educational goals

3- An appropriate source of support for Other fund sources

this project Multiple requests

2- A reasonable investment of these funds Excessive extramural costs

although another source might be Possibility of generating

preferable extramural funding

1- Probably an inappropriate use of the

limited funds available to this Committee

A grade for each aspect of this review (scientific merit, administrative and budgetary, policy) will be derived from the average score of Committee members who are present and eligible to vote. No project with an average score below 2.0 in any category will be funded. Other projects will receive a final weighted grade after Committee discussion of the relative importance of each aspect of the review for that specific project.