Kindergarten Outline
Day 1- Science K.9: The student will investigate and understand that there are simple repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include (1) Weather observations (2) Shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones and leaves (3) Plant and animal growth.
Physical Ed. K.1: The student will demonstrate progress toward the mature form of selected locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. a) Demonstrate the locomotor skills of walking, running, hopping, and jumping and landing. b) Demonstrate the non-locomotor movements of bending, pushing, pulling, stretching, turning, twisting, swinging, swaying, rocking, and balancing.
●Go outside and observe weather and plants seen
○Walk, run, jump, hop around, according to teacher, while making observations. Stretch muscles after returning to the classroom while focusing on balancing
●Discuss and list/ draw different types of weather: sun/ snow, rain, wind, heat, cold
●Sort characteristics of seasons with matching cards. ie: flowers blooming, trees lose their leaves, wear heavy coats, wear sunscreen, go to the pumpkin patch, etc.
●Introduce “The Weather Kid” and dress him daily according to the weather! and talk about why? Did they dress similarly?
Day 2- Science K.9 The student will investigate and understand that there are simple repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include (1) Weather observations (2) Shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones and leaves (3) Plant and animal growth.
●Identify seasons, types of plants/ lifecycles during each, and what kind of conditions they survive best in
●Read Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
●Watch Magic School Bus
●Draw plant life cycle: seed, plant, flower and include:
○Different aspects of nature that help plants grow: sun, rain, soil/ nutrients
Day 3(Sorosh)- Math K.14: The student will display gathered data in (1) Object graphs (2) Picture graphs (3) Tables.
●Create a circle graph of daily weather for the past month (gather data from online)
○Rain/ snow, sun, cloud
●Teacher created line graph of monthly average temperatures shown to discuss and identify patterns through the year: hot in summer, cold in winter
●Create a bar graph of daily rain/ snowfall amount in inches using blocks to represent increments
●“Make A Cloud” project
●Sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and make up movement dance
(Amanda) Day 4- Math- K.15/16: The student will sort and classify objects according to attributes. The student will identify, describe, and extend repeating patterns.
Fine Arts/ Music- K.5: The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include sounds and silences, using instruments, body percussion, and voice
●Read It Looked Like Spilled Milk by Charles Shaw
○Create own Spilled Milk artwork and identify which cloud is shaped closest to their work: cirrus, alto, stratus
●For Advanced Students: Identify, discuss, and draw different types of clouds: cirrus, alto, stratus
○Discuss when each type of cloud is seen: storm, sun, wind, etc
●Draw the water cycle and rearrange flashcards to show correct procession, identify the pattern
○evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection
●“Make a Storm” song using snaps, claps, voice, etc
Day 5 (Katie)- Language Art- K.5: The student will understand how print is organized and read. (A) Hold print materials in the correct position (B) Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book (C) Distinguish between print and pictures (D) Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.
Fine Arts/ Visual Arts- K.7: The student will identify and use the following in works of art: 1. Color—red, blue, yellow, green, orange, violet, brown, black, white 2. Line—straight/curved, thick/thin, long/short, up/down/across 3. Shape—circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval 4. Texture—visual, tactile 5. Pattern—occurring naturally, made by people
●Create a book that describes different clouds/ rainbow formation
○Discuss parts of a book (title, front/ back cover, author, etc) and how to properly create one
○Clouds, rain and sun produces… what?
●Discuss ROY G. BIV, draw rainbow and label colors
○Correct arrangement of colors/ clouds of cotton balls/ curved lines of rainbow and clouds/ shapes of sun
Day 6- Assessment
1) Circle the pictures that represent the seasons
2) Draw a characteristic of Spring
3) In the summer it is very cold outside. (Draw a picture of a characteristic of summer)
a. Yes
b. No
4) In the autumn or fall the leaves change color. (Draw a picture of a characteristic of fall)
a. Yes
b. No
5) Draw a rainbow with the colors in order. What is the rainbow’s name? (First, middle, last)
6) Draw 3 things a plant needs to grow.
7) Number the seasons in order starting with Spring (1-4)