Creative Access Application

Idaho Parents Unlimited/VSA Idaho, Artist in Residence

Name of school/site-




Phone -

Name of teacher-

School Phone-

Home Phone-


Name of teaching artist-



Zip Code-


Artist Signature ______Date______

Teacher’s Signature ______Date______

Principal Signature______Date______

Teaching artist information:

  1. New teaching artists will need to provide:

1)a resume,

2)a biography, work history and support materials and:

3)a letter stating his/her intent to work with the project.

4)a current background check

5)a W-9 tax form


Provide a brief narrative including the following:

(Please provide answers in 2-5 sentences).

  • Purpose of Project
  • Overview of Key Components
  • Specific activities for this group of students (components of visual, literary, performing or media arts education)
  • Why and how it meets their special education needs/ IEP goals
  • Please explain how the residency is linked to their Core Curriculum/general education requirements.
  • Why is residency important for this group of students?
  • What teaching methods do you utilize?
  • What learning outcomes for students do you plan to achieve through this residency?

A final showcasing of the residency is required.

Please describe the culminating event for the proposed project. A performance, art show, reception etc. and who will be in attendance (student body, parents, public etc). Please include how the program will be publicized.(Student newspaper, flyers, radio, invitations to parents and so on).

*Approved applicants will include the statementon all printed material, press releases and social media:

This project was fundedby Idaho Parents Unlimited/VSA Idaho with support from:

IdahoState Dept. of Education,

Idaho Commission on the Arts

The Kennedy Center -The International Organization on Arts and Disability.

*Photos of students must be included in final reports. If photo releases are not viable please include photos of student work or performance without showing student identity-such as hands, arms and back view of students are all allowed.

Provide an estimate of how many people will participate in the proposed project:

Total number of students:
Number students with disabilities:
Number of students without disabilities:
Is it a low income / title one school?
Number of teachers:
Number of artists participating:
Number of paraprofessionals:

Did you partner with any other organizations besides IPUL/VSA in your residency?

Please describe how your residency will be inclusive of children with a range with disabilities, as well as how you will be including their non-disabled peers.

(For example, Special Education students will be performing for their entire school at an inclusive event in dance, puppet show etc. Or students will combine their residency with a regular classroom of art students who are painting a background for their final show)

Residencies must all include the following Idaho State standards for Arts and Humanities:

  1. Communicate in humanities disciplines through creative expression
  2. Communicate in humanities discipline through application of knowledge and skills. Specific Activities and Timelines:

Beginning Date of project:
Ending Date of project:
Number of days for project:
(Example: students will meet twice a week with the artist for 8 weeks which equals 16 days total)
How many hours per day the artist will work with the students?
What days of the week the artists will be working in the classroom?
Number of Artists direct contact hours with students:
(Example: Artist works with students twice a week for 2 hours each, for 6 weeks which equals 24 hours)
total number of hours with each group of students.
*If you are working with one than one group in a school, please list each group separately
Number of additional hours for the project:
Please include work that students may do in class in between artist’s visits or at home.
Total Number of hours for the project:

Goals and objectives for your residency must include:

Increased access to the arts for students with disabilities

Increased artistic skills of participants

Increased social skills of participants

  • Improved teaching skills of professionals (teachers, artists and paras)
  • Increase participants’ awareness of the importance of and need for inclusion of people with disabilities in the arts

8. Support and communication

During the process of applying, conducting and finalizing your residency communication with our staff is extremely important. Please let us know if you encounter any challenges or stumbling blocks in the course of your residency. Each residency is unique and we are here to support and assist you.

Please complete ALL paperwork in a professional and timely manner:

~The current Creative Access application

~The current Final Report form

~The current Teacher Report form

~Photo release forms for students (if possible)

~photos or video from your residency

Should the circumstance arise that you cannot or do not complete these requirements, please relay information immediately to the Arts Program Coordinator Heather Kirk Skinner at 342-5884 x104 or heather@ipulidaho,org. Failure to do so may result in a reduction in the amount of your residency salary.


We agree to abide by the following regulations;

  1. All funds will be expended according to the proposal request.
  2. Artists will be paid upon completion of residency
  3. Residency will take place as written in this application unless otherwise approved by Idaho Parents Unlimited.
  4. Preference will be given to residencies with 12+ students receiving special education or on 504 plans.
  5. A minimum of 10 hours of direct teaching (unless otherwise approved)

by the artist in the designated classroom

  1. All required paperwork must be submitted with in an appropriate amount of time.

I understand that the award may be forfeited should I fail to do this.

*Please complete the budget page and be certain to have all parties signature on the front page. Contracts are not valid unless signed.


Grant amounts are $1000. This includes supplies, mileage and salary of artist.

Additional allotments up to $500 can be requested for travel or special projects involving a residency and are subject to approval prior to start date.



$ 1000 Amount requested from Creative Access Residencies.

Other Grant Money; specify:

______Donations of supplies, space or time- (estimates are fine).

$ TOTAL Cost of residency

Add Total Cash, In-Kind Donations and Creative Access Residency

For Information or questions please call or write to Heather Kirk Skinner at

208-342-5884 x 107. Mail, email or fax your proposal application, budget information and supporting materials to:

Idaho Parents Unlimited/Creative Access residencies

4619 Emerald, Ste, E. Boise ID. 83706



Email at: