1. Journalists taking part in electronic coverage of courts in Maine will observe these rules and procedures, and will insure that all station staffers and stringers assigned to court coverage have read and understand the enabling order of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, and that they adhere to the standards of conduct, procedure and appearance mandated for coverage inside the courtroom.

2. In cases where a mult box is in use, any television station desiring picture and sound coverage must be present to record off the mult feed. The pool camera operator cannot fill this role. A television station is not entitled to request a dub of courtroom material unless the distribution system fails, in which case all stations must receive dubs as quickly as possible. In such a case, no station will air any portion of coverage until all stations have the opportunity to do so, and no station will have the right to request a dub unless it has had a representative present at all times during the court proceeding in question.

3: In cases where a mult box is not used, any television station desiring picture and sound coverage of a proceeding must have a representative present in the courtroom at all times during the proceeding. The pool station must provide dubs to all qualifying stations as quickly as possible. Providing dubs must take priority over any and all other assignments.

4. Any radio station desiring sound coverage must be present or must make arrangements with a journalist who is present to record and supply coverage. No radio station is under any obligation to provide dubs of courtroom coverage after the fact.

5. Stations may supply courtroom material to networks, stations, programs or news services outside the local area, but are expected to make the recipients of such material fully aware of provisions in the court order or pool rules which may apply.

6. In the case of courtroom proceedings in Aroostook County, the news director of WAGM-TV, Presque Isle, should be contacted sufficiently in advance to work out an equitable schedule of coverage inside and outside the courtroom.

7. Stations are expected to assume their fair share of responsibility in conducting pool coverage and to approach pooling arrangements in a spirit of cooperation and common sense.


