NCEA Level 3 Spanish (90591) 2011 — page 1 of 4

Assessment Schedule – 2011

Spanish: Read and understand complex written Spanish, containing complex language, in less familiar contexts(90591)

Evidence Statement

Higher level information: Merit level information is underlined, and Excellence level information is in bold.

Note: As judgement is across the question as a whole, mobility of evidence within the question is acceptable, so long as this information relates to the question.

Question One

Discusses human drives and importance of laws with reference to AI development
  • the human need to create, converting AI into something resembling a human
  • our sense of being alone in the universe and, therefore, seeking companionship in artificial intelligence (a third wave of evolution)
  • military advantages
  • to ensure robots are not used by some humans against others
  • so robots have rights as well as humans
Explains human drives and importance of laws with reference to AI development, without making the links
  • to realize the dream of creating a being with artificial intelligence that appears like us
  • the laws will resolve problems that arise
  • to ensure human security
  • because of human’s increasing dependence on robots
Conveys some of the basic information from text with reference to AI development, such as:
  • greater computing capacity
  • our sense of being alone in the universe
  • the desire to have increasingly more leisure
  • to establish rules for interaction/that are mutually beneficial
  • protect humans from robots/robots from humans.

3 pieces of information / Achievement with Merit
3 pieces of higher level information / Achievement with Excellence
2 bold

Question Two

Discusses several dilemmas and steps taken to resolve these, linking valid information from texts
  • Having robots with artificial intelligence that resemble us, but must obey us, raises questions of slavery and robot rights; other dilemmas are military deployment, computer hackers, the laws themselves
  • Laws resolve these by protecting robots to some extent, but we need to extend these.
Evaluates conclusions the texts make to respond to final question, with close reference to texts.
  • We already depend on robots for a range of functions important to our society/we already have them in our home (water supply/banking/energy), so it is a moot point.
  • Our need for them will overcome our fear.
  • Robots will or may supersede us/turn on us/we will become useless.
Explains a dilemma and steps taken, referencing relevant information from texts
  • Humans are threatened by robots,which can be stronger and more capable.
  • Humans increasingly depend on robots. This dependency makes the robots dangerous.
  • The laws are problematic/conflictive with regard to military robots/reasons/purposes.
Responds to final question, but does not make links required for Excellence. Conveys ideas such as:
  • Robot laws ensure they won’t harm us.
  • Robot laws won’t work or protect us.
Describes a dilemma and steps taken to resolve it, with some reference to at least one text
  • Whether or not robots remain obedient/controlled
  • Humans have resolved these through Asimov’s three laws.
Conveys some of the basic information, such as:
  • Robots are useful.
  • We will depend on one another.
  • Humans and robots will have a close relationship in the future.
  • Robots like the “Terminator” are frightening.

3 pieces of information / Achievement with Merit
3 pieces of higher level information / Achievement with Excellence
2 bold
Question Three
Draws conclusions about negative influence of sport on individuals based on inferences drawn from text
  • Sales will be reduced after sport losses.
  • Job can rely on your fitness/be dependent on fitness for work.
  • Sport can contribute to the perception of other countries as enemies.
  • Sport can put too much pressure on individuals to defend the country’s pride.
Explains negative influences of sport on individuals with valid reference to text
  • Lack of sport will make it harder to achieve a good body image.
  • Sport can create pressure to conform to beauty norms.
  • Lack of sport can create self-esteem problems.
Describes basic information about negative influence of sport on individuals such as:
  • There is a lot of social pressure to be involved in sport[not “pressure on athletes, players”].
  • Lack of sport can mean that you aren’t fit.
  • Lack of sport reduces opportunities to form social networks.

2 pieces of information / Achievement with Merit
2 pieces of higher level information / Achievement with Excellence
2 bold
Question Four
Discusses the links of sport with national identity, and how sport and war are connected, with a range of reference to text. Conveys ideas that infer meaning from text.
  • National mood/economy/daily life is influenced by sporting wins – sales decrease after losses.
  • War and sport decide a country’s international standing.
  • Sport winners become heroes, just like soldiers.
  • It seems that despite the opportunity sport offers for peaceful confrontations, the amount of war has not decreased, so one could conclude that sport does not help reduce armed warfare.
  • Even though the number of wars has not decreased, we don’t know if without sport there would be even more.
Explains some connections between sport and national identity, and sport and war, without links required for Excellence. Conveys ideas such as:
  • Sport victories become part of national identity.
  • National pride gets reinforced/defended by sport.
  • War/aggression has not diminished (since Olympics).
  • Sport is presented as a kind of (peaceful) war.
  • They both represent rivalry/conflict.
Describes how sport relates to national identity and the connection between sport and war. Conveys basic information such as:
  • Opponents are the enemy.
  • Athletes and sports teams are like soldiers or armies.
  • Raises a question of whether or not sport reduces war.
  • Friendly encounters don’t exist in either sport or war.

3 pieces of information / Achievement with Merit
2 pieces of higher level information / Achievement with Excellence
2 bold

Judgement Statement



Achievement with Merit


Achievement with Excellence

3 A / 2 M / 2 E