BLC Council Minutes September15, 2015

Council meeting started with a 6 p.m. potluck dinner to honor our Tanzanian visitor, WillbaldMvungi, and to welcome Pastor Bryan Simmons. Council President Keith Robinder called the official meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present were Keith Robinder, Joel Brinkmeyer, Bob Hein, Donna Kienzler, Ron Morgan, Carla Peterson, Julie Pike, Norm Scott, MarnetteWarth, Pastor Bryan Simmons, and Deb Anderson. Our guestswereWillbaldMvungi and Gerald Klonglan. Pastor Bryan led the opening prayer and Marnette the devotions.


Pastor’s Update

Pastor Bryan thanked people for his warm welcome and noted that the process of strengthening our youth ministry program has already begun. Sunday School, Super Wednesday, and confirmation plans are all moving forward. Pastor Bryan’s full report is submitted separately.

Treasurer’s Report

Brinkmeyer reported that as of August 31, we are 67.6% through our fiscal year. By comparison, our offering receipts are at 68.9% of total budgeted offering income; expenses are at 64% of total budgeted expenses. Because our giving has continued strong through the summer months and our expenses are lower than budgeted, Bethesda’s operating account stands at $11,031. Ministries Support spending was up to help establish Pastor Bryan in his new position, as well as prepare for the upcoming program year. Norm moved and Marnette seconded to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.


After two editorial changes, Joel moved and Ron seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Board Reports

Norm Scott: Christian Education and Youth has been working hard.Members have been setting the stage for the Super Wednesday program. They have been active in getting people to serve on teams; Congregational Life and Women’s Ministries have helped them. They have put together a list of adult education opportunities. Taylor sent impressive info about WOW and LYFFT program. We have to think about the future of the preschool.

Ron Morgan: Worship Music and Arts did not meet, but members have expressed much concern about the Director of Music Ministry position. After council discussion, Ron was asked to convey a request to the WMA board to review existing music ministries staff positions and make a recommendation regarding both type of positions needed and hours required. They will be putting together a proposal for next council meeting.

Julie Pike: Finance and Administration had its first meeting this month and will be meeting on the second Monday of every month. Open positions have been filled.

MarnetteWarth: Congregational Care did not meet, but members helped with the lunch on Rally Sunday.

Bob Hein: Stewardship is planning to devote a specific Sunday when staff will help members set up electronic giving. Pastor Bryan is in favor of fall campaigns, but is supportingthe spring one set up for this year.

Old Business

Facility Access Policy

Deb Anderson walked council through the nine-page policy. There was praise for the plan and its inclusiveness.Discussion centered on the room charge for non-members, extra custodial hours, and temporary keys. It was felt that atemporary key should not open every door, because if it is lost, the church will have the major expense of re-keying everything. This issue was sent back to the Facilities MT and tabled until they respond. Deb is to return to council with procedural details worked out.

Council discussed extra custodial hours as part of the overall security strategy. To keep a custodian in the church during standard building hours, plus 30 minutes after the building closes to check rooms and lock down the building, we need an extra 10 hours of custodial service at $10 per hour. Deb is to write the job description. Deb will work with the Facilities MT and Shawna Thompson and present a custodial staffing schedule and job descriptions at the next meeting.

Mortgage Refinance Options

Because of the critical need for repairs(estimated to be $425,000) to our building’s roof, windows, and doors,council discussed refinancing our mortgage. The original loan ($1,780,000) terms were 25 years at an initial interest rate of 4.875%, with the rate to be adjusted every 5 years to MIF’s current interest rate. The mortgage loan payment is included in the annual general budget. Money received as pledges or designated gifts for debt reduction is sent in monthly and applied directly to the principal. Deb Anderson has investigated two possible sources (Mission Investment Fund and First National Bank) for a new mortgage for $1,100,000 ($675,000 current balance plus $425,000 to pay for roof, windows, and doors repairs). Both sources have a current interest rate at least a full percentage point lower than what we currently pay.

After considerable discussion, Peterson moved and Morganseconded to call a special congregational meeting to approve refinancing our current mortgage and borrowing additional funds for a total new loan of $1,100,000 to finance the repairs of the roof, windows, and doors. Motion carried.

Deb was directed to continue investigating possibilities, including a fixed rate loan and a 15-year loan. The special congregational meeting will beOctober 18; Keith will get the information in the October Wellspring.

Personnel Manual/Employee Handbook Update

The Personnel Manual/Employee Handbook is now at the Nyemaster law firm with Frank Hardy. We will get an estimate of the number of hours needed to review it; early feedback is that it is well put together and won’t need many hours.

Budget/Personnel Realignment

There has been talk among church members about personnel duties, including those of the Director of Music Ministry. Marianne Chalstrom sent an email to whole choir; it said we can’t lose the director. His position is a term position; his contract lasts through December.Originally the position was intended to be part-time choir director position; we upgraded it to full time because it was to cover twoSunday services, bell choirs, children’s choirs, and special music. Now we are stepping down to one Sunday service, Zach is being paid to do the bell choir, no youth choirs developed, and special music has been spotty. The remaining work does not seem like a full-time position, yet we have to find 30 hours of work for the position for it to have full benefits. Council asked for recommendations from Music Worship Arts on what the church needs, and how many hours that will take; council would like a multi-option plan.

New Business

Review Pastor’s Job Description/Expectations

The pastor’s job description, approved by the council in February, was reviewed.The importance of boards being high functioning was also discussed.

2016 Budget Process

Deb is working on the 2016 budget. Budget forums will be held the first weekend in October to gather input. Board chairs were to have new budgets submitted by tonight. She will be phoning to follow up. The budget team is meeting; all of its members are experienced. Our transparency about the budget process is appreciated by our members. Board liaisons were instructed to get their respective budgetscompleted.

Elections Committee

Currently we don’t have an Elections Committee. The Gifts in Ministry team was in charge of nominating candidates for positions, but elections took too muchtime so they were dropped from the team’s duties so the team could focus on helping people serve the church in other ways. Brinkmeyermoved and Morganseconded a new Continuing Resolution: that a nominating team will be formed, consisting of outgoing members of council plus some members of GIM. The outgoing council president will chair it, and it will be responsible to council. Motion carried.

Presidential Appointment

Jean Jahren has been appointed to chair the Staff Support Ministry Team.

Marnette led the closing prayer. Council adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Kienzler, Secretary