Revised 2016
(843) 764-4549
(Corner of Crowfield Blvd.Londonderry Rd.)
Director, Dawn Malcolm
(Corner of Crowfield Blvd.Londonderry Rd.)
(843) 764-4549
Dear Parents:
On behalf of the Session and the Congregation of Peace Presbyterian Church, we want to welcome you and your children to our school. We consider it an honor and a privilege to be involved in this important part of your children’s early years.
We see this effort as our way of ministering to you and to your family, and we do this out of love for and allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ. Along with our excellent school staff, and our pastoral counselor, we are ready to serve you.
Please know that we are here to serve you and to be available for you and your family. May God richly bless you in your year with us.
The Officers and Members of
Peace Presbyterian Church
Thank you for enrolling your child at Londonderry Christian Montessori School. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school and to acquaint you with our school policies and objectives. You will want to keep this handbook in a convenient location, as you may want to refer to it at a later date. You can also access the handbook on the school website. It will answer many questions.
The purpose shall be to provide educational experiences, in a safe and accepting Christian environment. The school curriculum shall attempt to introduce children to a Christian way of living, learning, and playing together.
Exploration shall be an integral part of the classroom, encompassing the entire child’s learning activities. Children will learn through cooking, art, music, movement, and experimentationin a relaxed, nurturing environment. Realizing that each child comes to school with a unique set of experiences, the curriculum shall deal with children at their individual developmental stage.
It is our intention to:
- Provide a loving Christian environment.
- Foster emotional stability.
- Educate and help the child grow in a relaxed, fun environment.
- Respect the individuality of each child and help children reach their full potential.
- Provide social experiences which will stimulate a sense of personal responsibility and an awareness of the rights of others.
- Help the child develop behavior and skills that will lead to successful relationships.
- Provide a wide range of creative experiences.
- Encourage the development of language and conceptual skills.
- Help the child develop habits which lead to effective learning.
- Offer a variety of experiences that will stimulate and satisfy the child’s curiosity about the world.
- Help parents achieve increased understanding of children.
Our effort is to promote learning through exploration. Age appropriate curriculum has been planned to develop the child’s “Joy in Learning” in a stress-free environment of exploration and play. The educational equipment, activities, centers, and group learning circles are designed to stimulate and to develop spiritual, social, living, listening, language, pre-reading, reading, pre-math and math awareness and skills.
Bible verses and stories will be a daily part of our curriculum.
Our pre-school program will use the Montessori curriculum. A balance of Whole Language, Phonics, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Movement, and Computers will be taught. All Pre-school children will participate in chapel time daily.
The Kindergarten will use the Montessori curriculum. A balance of Whole Language, Phonics, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Movement, Spanish, and Computers will be taught. All Kindergarten students will participate in chapel.
The after school program will include the following activities:
Snack Homework Workshop
PlaygroundPlanned Activities
ChapelFree play
Children’s creative arts and craft projects represent serious efforts on their part. It is very important to treat these creations in this light. Therefore, we emphasize the process, rather than the finished product. Look for your child’s work in his/her cubby each day. Please do not let it stackup at school. Take these projects home and display them where all of the family can see. Praise your child for his/her creative accomplishments.
The school faculty does not try to replace the parents in their responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go”(Proverbs 22:6), but rather, we are here to assist parents in their efforts to develop their children in Christ. Good communication between the parents and the school is essential. Londonderry encourages frequent and informal parent/teacher communication.
The children will be expected to display respect for their teachers, students, and for the rules of the school. Acts of kindness, courtesy, friendliness, cooperation, and love should be evident in each student’s life.
“I obey your teachings, I love them with all my heart” (Psalms 119:167).
A successful school experience begins at home. Your child’s success in school now and in the years to come will be largely determined by their behavior. A child who comes to school well disciplined is better prepared to cooperate with class activities, follow instructions and to listen for new information.
Children cannot learn, and will not be happy, if they come to school tired, hungry, dirty or worried. Children need to have a consistent schedule that allows plenty of time for rest, nutritious meals, time with parents, and a happy home environment. The child who comes to school without his/her basic needs having been met will have a hard day.
As a parent you can help to prepare your child by:
- Encouraging your child to do things for themselves whenever possible.
- Setting up a system of rules and expectations for conduct.
- Providing your child with organization, consistency, and a reliable routine.
- Encouraging your child to verbalize emotions such as anger, fear, frustration, and being sad.
- Protecting your child from inappropriate toys, games, television and movies. (Inappropriate exposure will affect social, emotional and intellectual growth.)
It is our desire to help the child become a self-disciplined person. This will be accomplished through well-planned lessons, positive rewards for good behavior, and a system of “time-outs” for the child to think about alternative methods of problem solving.
It is important to remember that we do not expect the children to have perfect behavior. However, we will work consistently towards teaching appropriate behavior and will consistently correct inappropriate behavior.
Incentives will be given out for good behavior and privilegeswill be taken away if improvement in behavior, listening, or cooperation is needed. This is a tool for the teachers use and should not be taken too seriously. If the teacher believes that the parent’s intervention is necessary, a note will be sent home requesting that the parents discuss the behavior with their child. It is a mandatory rule for all of the teachers to send a note home if a child hurts another child or displays behavior that could potentially risk the child’s personal well being. Minor physical aggression can be expected when working with young children; however, it is not acceptable behavior and must be addressed. Therefore, injuring another child will result in a one day suspension. Your child’s teacher will request a conference if it becomes necessary. Following this procedure will help parents and teachers effectively partner together in matters of discipline.
We do not feel it is our place to spank your child. If other forms of discipline are needed, parents may be asked to come to the school to take their child. Parents will be called to the school to pick up their child if aggressive behavior results in an injury to another child.
“Our objective is not only to shape the will of the child but to do so without breaking his/her spirit” -Dr. James Dobson
The school is a non-profit organization registered by the State of South Carolina. Children are accepted on a non-discriminatory basis. However, we do not have special educational programs or trained staff for children with severe learning, emotional, or physical handicaps. Priority will be given to children of Peace Presbyterian Church, according to date of application, and in consideration of a reasonable balance of children’s ages and sex. Once a child is enrolled, his/her position is secure regardless of church membership. Children who are three years of age through children attending fourth grade will be accepted. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE FULLY TOILET TRAINED.
Londonderry may require a student to seek professional testing in order to continue enrollment if the student becomes a risk to either the learning environment or the physical and/or emotional safety of others.
Attendance at LondonderrySchool is a privilege. Children will be expected to show an attitude of respect for the staff, other children, school property and all school rules. Individual children will not be allowed to take a disproportionate amount of the teacher’s time or to disrupt the learning environment of the class; ALL of the children’s needs must be met. Parents will be called to the school to pick up their child if aggressive behavior results in an injury to another child or if the aggression does not cease after correction. Parents will be expected to support the staff and school policies. Failure to do so will be cause for dismissal.
Reasons for Expulsion
- Continued aggressive behavior
- Continued class disruption
- Lack of respect
- Cursing
- Lack of parental support
A conference will be held with the child’s parents to create a behavior improvement plan before expulsion becomes necessary. However, immediate expulsion may occur in severe cases.
1)An Open House will be held for the children to show their parents their classroom and their work.
2)A bulletin board by your child’s class will be available for announcements. There will be a place where you may leave notes, or where notes may be left for you.
3)The teacher’s time and attention belong to the children. Please limit conversations on arrival and departure to the information or instructions necessary for the welfare of the child.
4)If you desire a parent/teacher conference, we will be happy to make an appointment for you.
5)Calendars and parent notes will be written and sent home with the child in order to keep parents informed of activities. Information will also be available on the child’s class page on the school website.
6)We would appreciate being informed of any changes in the family that might affect the child’s emotions or behavior during the day.
7)You may observe our program at any time. Please check in at the office before going to your child’s classroom.
8)Parent programs are planned throughout the year, such as the Open House and a Meet and Greet event. Details will appear on class calendars, and will be posted on the front door, bulletin boards, and on the school website.
9)All concerns about your child or school procedures will be handled in the following manner:
a)Conference with the child’s teacher
b)Conference with the director
c)Application to the school board to be put on the agenda
Entering school is a big step for the child, and sometimes for the parents. Children react to it in different ways. If the child cries or clings do not be upset, be calm and reassuring. Sit down with the child until he/she is more confident or interested in other children or activities. After a short period of reassurance, it is best to say a loving “goodbye” and leave. The teacher will help guide you in the separation. When children do cry, they rarely continue after the parent leaves.
Pre-school and Kindergarten children receive a morning, mid-morning and afternoon nutritious snack. Parents are welcome to send other snacks to be shared by their child’s class. Providing snack will become the responsibility of the parent if their child is on a restricted diet. Suggested snacks are fruit and vegetable wedges, raisins, cheese cubes and other healthy food. Before bringing any snacks in, please check with your child’s teacher for any possible classroom allergies. Extendedday children will need to bring a nutritious lunch, which should include a drink. The children will be required to eat their nutritious foods first. The child’s lunch must include nutritional foods to include at least two of the following food groups, meat, dairy, fruit, and/or vegtable. The children are allowed one “sweet/snack food” out of their lunch each day, however, candy of any kind is not allowed. Fruit snacks will be considered a snack food. Drinks with caffeine are also not allowed – this includes any soft drinks and tea. Foods that need to be served warm should come in a thermos, as the staff can not leave the lunchroom to warm food. A lunch box marked with the child’s name is recommended. A lunch prepared by you is an extension of home, and is sure to meet your child’s individual needs.
Each child must have a South Carolina certificate of Immunization form signed by a physician, which includes dates of all staterequired immunizations and a statement of health. This must be in our files on the child’s first day, or he/she cannot attend school. If the teacher who greets the child feels he/she is not well, she may ask the parent to take the child home. Parents are asked to be considerate of their child’s health, as well as that of the other children, and of the teaching staff. Your child should be sent to school clean and in clean clothes. Your child should be kept at home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- Fever in preceding 24 hours (DSS law requires that a child be free of fever without the use of medication for 24 hours before returning to school)
- Sore throat
- Swollen gland
- Sneezing, running nose, watery eyes, coughing (The first three days of a cold are considered contagious. A child should not return to school if he/she still has or has had a temperature in the past 24 hours. (DSS law requires that a child be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school) Sinuses and coughing must be under control so as not to interfere with school activities or effect his/her physical being)
- Unexplained rash or skin eruptions
6. Vomiting or diarrhea in preceding 24 hours (DSS law requires that a child be free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school)
7. Flushed face, listlessness, headache, lack of appetite
8. Any behavior signs that are out of the ordinary
9. Any contagious condition
10. Lice (The school has a no lice no nit policy. The empty bottle of medication must be brought to school as proof of treatment and the child’s head must be checked by the teacher before entering the classroom. Your child must be completely lice and nit free for a complete 24 hours before returning to school. Approved products are Nix, Rid, or prescription medication from the doctor.)
If a child becomes ill during the day, the parent or adult indicated on the application form will be contacted. The child will rest in isolation while waiting to be picked up. The school is equipped and staffed to care for well children only.
If a child is ill enough to be on medication, special consideration should be given as to whether the child should be brought to school. Please discuss this with the director. Medication is given with written consent only. Medications are given at lunchtime and afternoon snack time only. The only medications that the staff will administer are medications in individual, pre-measured doses, packaged with the child’s name, the date, and instructions on the container and on the medicine sign-in sheet. Please give all medicines to your child’s teacher to be placed out of reach of the children. If your child is on a mood altering medication, please keep him/her at home.DO NOT FOR ANY REASON PUT MEDICATIONS IN LUNCHBOXES!
Please call to report the first day of a child’s absence. Report any contagious diseases immediately so we can inform other families. A simple written or verbal explanation is requested when a child returns to school, whether the absence was for illness or for other reasons.
In case of an accident, the parent will be called immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, the next step will be decided according to the circumstances or seriousness of the situation, which will include any or all of the following:
- Attempt to contact parent or person listed on emergency medical form.
- Attempt to contact child’s physician.
- Call EMS or take the child to the emergency room of nearest hospital.
An emergency medical form signed by parents must be on file at school before the first day. The parent will accept full financial responsibility for all services needed. It is the parent’s responsibility tokeep the school informed so that names, addresses and phone numbers on the child’s application are kept up-to-date.