La Santé – Unité 1 – Les Résolutions Du Nouvel An – French KS3

Teaching Guidance

Learning Intentions / To identify the future tense using ‘Aller’ and to discuss patterns in the language.
Success Criteria / Pupils will be able to work out how to form and identify the future tense.
Starter Activity
/ Pupils are able to listen to Nicole describing her New Year’s Resolutions, whilst reading the text at the same time. They can then be put in to pairs/groups to discuss and answer the questions on the right of the screen. The purpose of this activity is to encourage pupils to discuss the language in the text, to look for patterns and for them to work out meaning themselves. By discussing and analyzing the text in pairs, and then going on to do the gap-fill activity, they are hopefully gaining the confidence and skills required to deal with unfamiliar language. The focus here is on how ‘Aller’ + infinitive can be used to form the future tense and for the pupils to work out the structure themselves and go on to apply it in subsequent activities. A paper copy of the text ‘Bonne Année’ can be printed – see Worksheets 1 and 2.
Learning Intentions / To practise language associated with New Year Resolutions, using ‘Aller’ + infinitive.
Success Criteria / Pupils will be able to match the sentences to the pictures and consolidate their understanding of the use of ‘Aller’ with a variety of infinitives.
Section 1 – Matching activity
/ After discussing and working out the use of ‘Aller’ + infinitive during the starter activities the pupils can now practise and familiarise themselves further with the structure, by matching the sentences to the pictures. This can be a whole class activity or individually, pupils can come to the IWB to place the sentences themselves. Pupils should be encouraged to discuss meaning in pairs, read the sentences aloud and then check pronunciation by clicking on the image. Pupils can then go on to the gap-fill activity, look at the 12 sentences again and consolidate their understanding further by working out which word is missing. A paper copy of the 12 sentences is available to print – see Worksheet 3.
Learning Intentions / To listen attentively for gist and detail and to decide whether the sentences (New Year Resolutions) make sense or not.
Success Criteria / Pupils will show a good understanding of the sentences they hear and will be able to decide whether they are sensible or silly New Year Resolutions.
Section 1 – Listening activity
/ The purpose here is to highlight the use of ‘Aller’ and infinitive in each sentence that is heard. Pupils are given a paper copy of the grid featured on the screen (see Worksheet 4) Once they have heard and made a note of all sentences, the numbers in the grid are clicked upon to reveal the sentences. The pupils must then decide if the sentence makes sense or not. Encourage pupils to put their thumbs up or down to give their opinion and then to give reasons for their answers. Click on the ‘thumbs up’ symbol if the sentence makes sense and on the ‘thumbs down’ symbol to show that it doesn’t. The pupils can then go on to re-write the ‘silly’ sentences, deciding which words need changing.
Learning Intentions / To consider and discuss the meaning and order of specific words in a sentence by translating from English to French.
Success Criteria / Pupils will be able to translate the 9 sentences, showing a good understanding of the language.
Section 1 – Translation activity
/ The aim of this activity is to translate the 9 sentences appearing at the bottom of the screen, by clicking upon the correct words featured on the school desks! Only one word from each row of desks can be clicked upon and the words must be clicked in the correct order. This can be a whole class activity, with pupils coming to the IWB to click on the words themselves. Alternatively, in order for every pupil to be actively involved, Worksheet 5 can be cut in to strips, laminated and distributed to the pupils, and working in pairs they can arrange and position the sentence strips themselves, in order to translate the sentences. This activity is designed to encourage pupils to consider and discuss the meaning of every word in the sentence.
Learning Intentions / To discuss and analyse unfamiliar language within a text, focussing on the use of the verb ‘Aller’ + infinitive.
Success Criteria / Pupils will be able to work out meaning, identify patterns and understand how ‘Aller’ is used to form the future tense.
Section 2 – Listening & Reading activity
/ After listening to the text, encourage pupils to read the text aloud to each other in pairs. A paper copy of this text should be given to the pupils (see Worksheet 6) They can then go on to the 4 tasks on the next page e.g. Highlight the verbs in blue/Circle any words you don’t understand. The aim of this activity is to encourage pupils to analyse and discuss the language in pairs/groups and to identify meaning and look for word patterns. The focus here is on recognising and learning the verb “Aller”, how it is formed and the use of the infinitive. On the next screen, the verb “Aller” is in bold – encourage the pupils to discuss meaning, ask and answer questions and identify patterns.
Learning Intentions / To consolidate understanding of the verb ‘Aller’ by conjugating the whole verb in stages and discuss patterns.
Success Criteria / Pupils will show a good understanding of the formation of the verb and will able to apply the verb in written work.
Section 2 – Grammar
/ Worksheet 7 can be cut out, laminated and used in this activity. At this stage, the pupils will be familiar with the verb “Aller”, so the aim of this activity is to consolidate their understanding by conjugating the whole verb in 3 steps. The sound file of the verb being conjugated could be listened to before it is seen on the screen, to test what they remember, or indeed, after they have seen it on the screen, to practise pronunciation. Further discussion, whole class or in pairs, should then take place by clicking on the ‘Questions?’ button, where pupils are again encouraged to look for patterns and work out meaning. The ‘Scramble?’ button can then be used to further test their understanding, and pupils can use the laminated strips to put the verb back in to the correct order. Worksheet 8 is used in the subsequent gap-fill activity, where pupils can work in pairs to fill in the missing parts of ‘Aller’.
Learning Intentions / To identify and understand the use of the infinitive after ‘Aller’ in order to form the future tense.
Success Criteria / Pupils will show knowledge of a variety of infinitives and understand the use of the infinitive within the sentence.
Section 3 – Listening activity
/ Having practised the verb ‘Aller’ in the previous section, the aim of this activity is for pupils to identify and understand what kind of word follows ‘Aller’ in order to form the future tense i.e. the infinitive. This can serve as a simple listening activity, where pupils make a note of the infinitive they hear for each part of ‘Aller’. Alternatively, an element of fun may be introduced, where the pupils are asked to predict the kind of words they are going to hear, before listening to the audio. Points could then be awarded points for each verb they predict correctly. Pupils then proceed to the speaking activity, asking 6 classmates about their New Year resolutions, using the question “Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire?” and to the writing activity, where they can use the dictionary to write 5 resolutions for Henri, using “Il (ne) va (pas)”.
Learning Intentions / To produce extended writing and evaluate and improve the quality of their writing through drafting and redrafting.
Success Criteria / Most pupils will be able to use ‘Aller’ correctly and extend their sentences using a variety of connectives.
Section 3 – Writing
/ This interactive email can be used as an end of unit assessment task. The option to type directly on to the screen and then to print their work afterwards means that the pupils can work independently on their writing task in the ICT suite. Alternatively, Worksheet 9 can be used as a template in the classroom. More able pupils will be able to describe other people’s resolutions, by using the correct part of ‘Aller’, whilst less able pupils may just write in the 1st person. Encourage pupils to expand their sentences by using connectives and to read over and evaluate their work. Once completed, pupils could also assess each other’s work.
Learning Intentions / To consolidate learning using a variety of skills.
Success Criteria
Plenary activities
/ The 4 plenary activities can be used at any stage in this series of lessons, and would also be suitable as starter activities. In order for pupils to be more actively involved, Worksheet 10 can be cut out and laminated for the ‘Trouvez les 5 phrases!’ activity. Worksheet 11 accompanies the translation activity, making it an ideal homework task. ‘La Machine à Sous’ is an ideal way to revise the infinitive, at the end (or the beginning) of the lesson. This can be used as a whole class activity, or indeed, pupils could compete against each other in groups to provide the most interesting/longest sentence in the future tense. Finally, open the homework diary to reveal a number of tasks, allowing pupils to reflect on what they’ve learnt by describing, memorising and presenting the verb ‘Aller’ to their classmates.