Table of Contents
Page No.
Welcome...... 1
Schedule...... 2
School Calendar...... 3
Discipline Program/Plan……………………………………………………………………4,5,6,7,8,9,10
School's Philosophy...... 11
Mission Statement (For the System)...... 11
Mission Statement (For C.C.E.S.)...... 11
Mission and Beliefs Statement...... 12
C.C.E.S. Statement of Objectives...... 13
Expectations of all Teachers…………………………………………………………………………...14, 15
Job Description for C.C.E.S. Teachers...... 16, 17
Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (10 Performance Standards)………………………………….18
Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TAPS Process)………………………………………………...19
Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TAPS Process Full/Flexible)…………………………………20
Procedure...... 20
Faculty Meetings...... 20
Responsibility to School...... 20
Fund Raising...... 20
Accounting Procedure...... 21
School Functions...... 21
Absence from School...... 21
Plans for Substitute Teachers...... 21
Emergency Lesson Plans...... 22
Field Trips...... 22
Classroom Supervision and Discipline...... 22
Visitors/Parents in the School...... 22
Care of Classroom...... 23
Grading System...... 23
Report Cards...... 24
Honor Roll...... 24
Textbooks...... 24
Requisitions for Supplies and Materials...... 24
Roll Books...... 24
Library/Media Center...... 25
Faculty and Staff Lounges...... 25
Buses...... 25
Medication...... 26
Clinic...... 26
Accident Reports...... 26
Bank Deposits...... 26
Disaster Drills...... 26
Parent Conferences...... 27
Hospital/Home-Bound...... 27
Lost or Found...... 27
Lunchroom...... 27
School Insurance...... 27
Attendance Letters...... 28
Leaving the Campus...... 28
Student Dress Code...... 28
Duties of Grade Representatives...... 29
Instructional Program...... 29
Grading...... 29
Use of Telephone...... 29
Lesson Plans...... 30
Supervise Playgrounds...... 30
Office Gathering...... 30
Workroom...... 30
Withdrawal Forms...... 30
Absentee Reports...... 30
Special Education Request...... 31
Transfer Students...... 31
Fire Drills...... 31
Leave...... 31
Refrain from Going to Kitchen...... 31
Attendance Incentives………………………………………………………………………………….31
Professional Leave Forms...... 32
Common Formative Assessments...... 32
Schedule of Progress Reports, End of Nine Weeks, Report Cards...... 32
Signed Papers...... 32
Be In Classrooms...... 33
Student Support Team/504 (SST)...... 33
Citizen of the Month, Student of the Week and "Eagle Claw" Award...... 34
Promotion Policy……………………………………………………………………………………….35
Georgia Teacher Duties and Responsibilities Instrument...... 36
Teacher Dress Code...... 37
Policy Notification...... 38, 39,40
Video Approval Form………………………………………………………………………………….41
C.C.E.S. Guest Speaker/Presenter Form……………………………………………………………..42
Faculty and Staff:
Welcome back to school! I hope you had a good summer. I know a lot of you have been busy with educational workshops and staff development classes. This training will really benefit our students throughout the school year.
I would like to thank each of you for your hard work and dedication. I encourage you to look forward to the new school year with plans to further improve our school and encourage our students here at C.C.E.S.
Have a great year!
Paris Raines
7:45 A.M. - Teacher/Staff Sign-In
7:50 A.M. - Teachers Report to Rooms
Student Dismissal
2:50 P.M. –Car riders at CCES
3:15 P.M.- Car riders at Eagles Nest
3:00 P.M.- Bus riders at Eagles Nest
3:20 P.M.- Bus riders at CCES
3:45 P.M. - Teacher Dismissal (M, T, W, Th)
2017-2018 School Calendar
August 1-10...... Pre-Planning/Professional Learning Days
August 8...... Open House (4:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
August 11...... First Day for Students
September 4...... Labor Day Holiday
September 13...... Progress Reports
October 6……………………End of 1st Quarter
October 9...... Columbus Day Holiday
October 10-11...... Professional Learning Days
October 13...... Early Dismissal for Students
Parent/Teacher Conferences: 5:00- 8:00 p.m.
October 18...... Report Cards Sent Home
November 15……………….Progress Reports
November 20-24...... Thanksgiving Holidays
December 14...... End of 1st Semester
December 15...... Professional Learning Day
December 18-January 1....Christmas Holidays
January 2-5...... Professional Learning Days
January 8...... Students Return from Christmas Break
January 10...... Report Cards Sent Home
January 15...... Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
February 14...... Progress Reports
February 16-19...... President’s Day Holiday Weekend
March 12...... End of 3rd. Grading Period
March 21...... Report Cards
March 22...... Early Dismissal for students
Parent/Teacher Conferences: 2:00- 7:00 p.m.
March 29-30...... Professional Learning Days
April 2-6……………………Spring Break Holidays
April 25...... Progress Reports
May 24...... Last Day for Students
May 25...... High School Graduation
May 25...... Post-Planning
May 28……………………..Memorial Day Holiday
May 29-30 ……………….. Professional Learning Day
Appropriate student discipline is essential. Student misbehavior distracts from a teacher's ability to teach and our students' ability to learn. Students are to be disciplined as necessary, employing techniques of assertive discipline. The following considerations are to be taken into account relative to discipline at CCES:
---Any adult school system employee should correct any child.
---Teachers must instruct students about disciplinary procedures during the
first week of school and periodically throughout the year (especially each
time a new student arrives).
---By the end of August, teachers are expected to make telephone calls to parents.
These are to be positive phone calls, especially the very first one (see “Parent Contact
---Administrators will document discipline referrals as appropriate in office computers.
---Teachers will follow all steps in PBIS plan before sending students
to the office unless the infraction is severe and cannot be handled in the classroom.
This includes a phone call to parents.
---A teacher may send a BLUE form letter home requesting an immediate visit from the parent.
The parent must bring the child back to school in order for him/her to return.
Misconduct is the conduct, which interferes with the maintenance of good order and discipline in the schools, and negatively affects the morale and good conduct of students.
Acts of misconduct include, but are not limited to:
*Violation of Student Code of Conduct
*Bringing a weapon to school
*Violations of the criminal laws of this state regarding drugs and alcohol or
coming to school or a school-sponsored or school-related activity under the
influence of drugs or alcohol
*Verbal and physical misconduct, including, but not limited to, causing bodily
harm, extortion, insubordination, coercion, fighting, sexual harassment or abuse,
obscene language or gestures, either oral or written, theft, deceit, disrespect for
the rights and property of others, vandalism, and acts which are punishable as a
felony under the laws of Georgia or the United States if committed by an adult
Misconduct may be punished by expulsion for at least one year if a student:
*Brings a firearm/weapon to school or a school-sponsored or school-related
*Engages in an act of misconduct which, if committed by an adult, would be
punishable as a felony under the laws of Georgia or the United States
*Commits any other act which, in the judgment of school administrators, is like
to result in material and substantial interference with the rights of all students in
a safe and healthy environment
Misconduct, which may be punishable by out-of-school suspension, includes:
*Violations of the Student Code of Conduct, which are, in the opinion of school
administrators, serious violations
*Verbal or physical misconduct as defined above, which, in the opinion of school
administrators, is serious
*Being in school, on school grounds, or on a school-related or school-sponsored
activity while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Other acts of misconduct, which are less serious than those which would justify expulsion or suspension, may be punished by school administrators in their discretion and pursuant to school district policy by detention, probation, in school-suspension, or by removing student privileges such as the right to participate in extracurricular activities sponsored or promoted by the school, or by any other punishment as may be determined appropriate by the principal. (Administrators)
While effort will be made to use detention, parent conferences, in-school suspension, or order to avoid having to suspend students in grades PreK-5, there are some offenses that require immediate suspension. Students in grades PreK-5, who have committed a suspendable offense (excluding those that must be recommended for expulsion) will be disciplined according to the Student Discipline Handbook.
Student Offenses and Discipline Procedures or OFFENSES AND DISPOSITION
The following disciplinary measures may be imposed at the discretion of the principal or his designee. The disciplinary measures will be imposed in a progressive manner depending on the severity of the offenses and the number of occurrences.
1. Possession of a Weapon on School Property: (See Weapons Policy.)
Immediate suspension with recommendation for expulsion for a minimum of one year
and/or criminal prosecution. The principal is required by law to report the incident to
the Superintendent of Schools, the appropriate police authority and the district
2. Possession or use of drugs or alcohol, or being under the influence of illegal substances on school property or at school related activities:
Law officers or juvenile officers, and parents are notified. Student is suspended
until hearing before the tribunal committee.
3. Sale of drugs or alcohol on school property or at school related activities:
Law officers or juvenile officers and parents are notified. Student is suspended untilhearing before the tribunal committee with recommendation for expulsion.
- Smoking, Use and/or possession of tobacco products:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, 1 day OSS and 3 days ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 2 days OSS and 5 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days OSS and 5 days ISS
- Profanity/Bad Language/Obscene Words, Vulgar Gestures or Racial Slurs, Possession of Pornography:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to counselor, 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - -Parent contact, 3 days ISS
3rd Offense - -Parent contact, 5 days ISS
- Profanity or threat towards a teacher or any adult school employee:
1st Offense - - 3 days OSS
2nd Offense - -Immediate suspension with recommendation for expulsion; Referred to the Tribunal Committee
- Refusal to follow instructions of staff; defiance or disrespect:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to counselor, 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - -Parent contact, referred to counselor, 3 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, referred to counselor, 3 days OSS
- Bullying:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to the counselor, verbal warning
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 2 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS
- Horseplay:
Any behavior that is subversive to orderly and safe behavior and causes a disruption to the school environment (pushing, shoving, throwing, tripping, kicking, thumping, running in the building, destroying or damaging property in the act of playing, causing physical injury to another while in the process of playing, etc).
1st Offense - - 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - - 3 days ISS
3rd Offense - - 5 days OSS
- Assault on a student/Fighting:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days OSS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 4 days OSS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days OSS
- Physical assault on a staff member:
1st Offense - - Parent contact and referral to Disciplinary Hearing Tribunal and referral to law enforcement. Out-of-school suspension until Tribunal.
- Damage to property of student:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, restitution and 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS and restitution
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days ISS and restitution
- Stealing:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days OSS
- Skipping (leaving class without teacher’s permission):
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to the counselor, 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days ISS
- Public Display of Affection (PDA):
Behavior that is not allowed includes, but is not limited to: holding hands, kissing, romantic embracing, and intimate touching. The consequence is at the discretion of the administration with the minimum being 1 day ISS.
2nd Offense – Parent contact, 3 days ISS
3rd Offense – Parent contact, 3 days OSS
- Sexual Misconduct:
Principal’s discretion with possible suspension or expulsion; law enforcement may be contacted.
- Bomb Threats or Terrorist Threats:
Immediate suspension with recommendation for expulsion. Law enforcement will be involved and will investigate.
- Cheating (giving or receiving help on any assignment):
Cheating will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified; child counseled by teacher/counselor and receives a zero on test/assignment.
- Forging signature:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to counselor, 3 days ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days OSS
- Classroom disturbance:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, verbal warning/referred to counselor
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 1 day ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS
- Theft, damage or vandalism of school property:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, restitution, 3 days ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, restitution, 5 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, restitution, 3 days OSS, Referral to Tribunal
- Pulling the Fire Alarm in a Non-Emergency Situation:
1st Offense - - Parent contact, referred to counselor, 3days ISS/Law enforcement
2nd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 5 days OSS
- Chewing gum/eating in class:
1st Offense - - Parent notification, verbal warning, referred to counselor
2nd Offense - - Parent notification, 1 day ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent contact, 3 days ISS
- Misbehaving in ISS:
1st Offense - - 1 day extension in ISS
2nd Offense - - 2 days extension in ISS
3rd Offense - - Complete punishment in OSS
24. Biting
1st Offense - - Parent notification, 1 day ISS
2nd Offense - - Parent notification, 3 days ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent notification, 3 days OSS
25. Dress Code Violations
1st Offense - - Parent notification, verbal warning
2nd Offense - - Parent notification, 1 day ISS
3rd Offense - - Parent notification, 3 days ISS
26.Cell Phone Usage at School
Students will be allowed to possess cellular telephones
under the following conditions:
a. Telephones must remain off during school hours.
b. Telephones must remain in the student’s book bag, purse or locker during the school day
c. Telephones can only be used once the student has exited the campus or with the permission of the supervising teacher if the student is staying on campus for an extra-curricular activity
d. Cellular telephone use on the bus will be at the discretion of the driver.
e. Telephones should be used for important or emergency purposes and not just casual conversation.
Students who violate the conditions of the cell phone
policy are subject to the following disciplinary actions:
1st Offense – 3 days ISS/confiscate phone/returnat the end of the day
2nd Offense – confiscate phone/parent contact and pick-up/loss of cell phone privilege
3rd Offense – 1 day OSS/confiscate phone/parent contact and pick up
NOTE: any 4th or more offense will be dealt with at administrators’ discretion. Cell phones will be kept until the last day of June and then donated to charity if they are not picked up.
Any other misbehavior not covered above and/or which may be included in
Teachers’ classroom rules:
Principal’s discretion
AlcoholPagers/BeepersElectronic Devices
Tape Players/RadiosDrugsToys or Games
Noise Making DevicesChemical IrritantsTobacco Products
Look like Drugs, etc.Weapons/Toy WeaponsTelephones
Cell PhonesMatchesFireworksLighters
Laser PointersCards or DiceBox Cutters
KnivesVideo games
Any other item that might pose a threat or be a distraction to students.
The principal or designee will confiscate items not allowed at school and retain them until the end of the school term. Some of the items not allowed at school will be confiscated and retained by law enforcement as evidence.
- A student’s disciplinary actions are subject to change at the administrator’s discretion.
- Chronic disruptive behavior will not be tolerated this year. If a student is sent to the office more than 5 times they will be put on a Chronic Behavior Contract. The Chronic Behavior Contract could possibly lead to a Tribunal Officer hearing, who will then decide upon a reasonable/fair punishment.
- All disciplinary actions not listed will be dealt with at administrator’s discretion.
The staff of CrawfordCountyElementary School believes that every person is a valuable member of society and each child is unique in that his/her potential is unknown. Therefore, having these beliefs as our guide, we, as educators sincerely strive to provide the necessary curriculum, experiences, and environment to help each individual child realize his/her potential intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and morally.
We believe that each child should understand his/her rights and duties as a citizen in a democratic society. Each must be encouraged to fulfill his/her obligations as a member of this society.
Providing an adequate educational program and cultivating an open-minded attitude so that the child is ready to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world are responsibilities, not only of professional educators, but also of all citizens of Crawford County.
The mission of the Crawford County School System is to provide our students with the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential by providing a safe learning environment where the teachers are empowered to encourage and to challenge students to be successful members of their community.
The vision of CCBOE is that Crawford County Schools will unite with the community to be a system of excellence.
We Believe:
- All students can be successful members of society.
- All students can graduate.
- All students are worth it and important.
- Our teachers and staff genuinely care about student success.
- Teachers and staff should have the opportunity for professional growth.
- Our leaders have the responsibility to foster an environment for learning and growth.
- Our leaders will communicate transparently throughout the staff, community, and all stakeholders.
- Our stakeholders will support a valuable education system that produces productive citizens.
Strategic Goals:
- Student Achievement
- Stakeholders and Community Engagement and Loyalty
- Efficient and Effective Organizational Processes
- Continuous System and School Improvement
- Enhanced Technology
The mission of CCES is to produce students who grow academically, socially, & creatively in preparation of becoming lifelong learners.
The vision of CCES is to ensure that all students receive an excellent education by giving them the necessary tools to excel in society.