We will link much of our work in English this term to our history topic about the ancient Greeks, considering and writing a range of different text types. We will start by learning, retelling and discussing a range of Ancient Greek myths and take inspiration from their heroes and villains to produce a myth of our own. We will look at sections of the poem ‘The Iliad’, thinking about what it can teach us about events from that time. We will write discussion texts related to Athens and Sparta and reports about daily life in Ancient Greece.
We will try to have distinct opportunities for independent writing each week, giving the children opportunities to produce evidence of the skills assessed at the end of primary school and helping me identify personal targets for them to work on. In addition we will have discreet sessions learning grammar, punctuation and spelling patterns, and for reading activities. We will start our grammar work by learning about modal verbs and relative clauses, which are easier than they sound! We will look at cohesion between paragraphs and will practise spelling patterns associated with silent letters (T1) and words that break the rule, ‘i before e…’ (T2) Each week I will send home a spelling list that combines some Y5/6 spelling words, some spelling pattern words and some topic words. These should be practised using look/ cover/ write/ check and handed in with homework and will be tested on Friday morning.
I hope that most children are now reading for pleasure, they should continue to read at home and at least 3 times a week to an adult or discuss with an adult what they have read by themselves, which should be recorded in their reading record that will be collected on Friday morning. We will complete a carousel of guided reading activities which includes guided reading with me, comprehension, handwriting and typing practise.
Every Friday I will collect four things from each child: grid homework, maths passport, spellings and reading record. I expect children in Year 6 to take responsibility for their own out-of-school learning, and to accept the sanctions for failure to comply.
Homework grid: As we introduced last year, each term the children will be given a homework grid containing enough tasks for one to be completed each week. These tasks will vary in subject, difficulty and expected duration; one task should be handed in each Friday.
Maths passport: Each week I will assign a mental maths target from your child’s passport to be worked on, either by playing an online game, completing a practise sheet or playing the card/ dice/ paper games originally included in your child’s maths passport pack. (Additional/ replacement resources can be made at home or may be purchased from the school office for a small fee.) I will date the task that needs to be done and ask parents or helpers to write what activity was completed (e.g. ‘Practice sheet completed’). I will initial to acknowledge completion of the task.
Spelling: Each week I will send home a spelling list that combines some Y5/6 spelling words, some spelling pattern words and some topic words. These should be practised using look/ cover/ write/ check and four sentences written applying some of the week’s words.
Spelling and maths passport tests will be on a Friday morning.
Reading records: Please continue read at home with your child regularly, at least 3 times a week. As children become more fluent, confident and independent readers this may develop into more of a discussion about the text they are reading. I would be delighted to receive any book reviews of completed books too.
This autumn we will learn about the parts and functions of the circulatory system, including how nutrients and other substances pass into the blood from the digestive system. This leads to learning about the benefits of exercise and a healthy diet and discussion of the damage caused to the heart, lungs and blood vessels by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. In term 2 we will learn about classification of living things and will find out about the standard system of classification first developed by Carl Linnaeus, introducing the terms Kingdom, Order, Family, Genus etc. We will practise using sorting keys and recognising how organisms are classified. We will learn about micro-organisms consider how and why to classify them.
Our science lessons will mix practical experiments, demonstrations, and exploration of the local environment with theoretical knowledge. Science is all about being inquisitive and asking questions and I will encourage the children to both ask lots of questions and to think about how to find out the answers- the journey of discovery often being as important as the answer itself. To this end I will set some optional home-learning tasks that I hope interested children will investigate themselves.
History, Geography & DT:
This autumn we will be learning about Ancient Greece, thinking about who Ancient Greek people were, when they lived and how they were able to establish their empire. We will learn how the political system worked in Ancient Greece, investigate the legacy of Athenian Democracy and compare it with the political systems we have today, also participating in UK Parliament week in November. We will learn about and order events from Ancient Greece using timelines, including the Battle of Marathon and the Trojan War, and will research Ancient Greek gods and Goddesses and learn about Ancient Greek religion. In DT we will investigate, prepare (and hopefully eat) some traditional Greek food.
In general this year, P.E. will be on Monday mornings before lunch, and Thursday afternoons, though this may be subject to change in the event of very poor weather. In term 1 the Monday morning session will switch to Tuesday afternoon in order that we can benefit from the specialist coaching of Miss Matthews for netball. Our other activities this term will include hockey, sports leadership and compete online- a series of activities to develop agility, balance, co-ordination and teamwork. We will also explore two new sports we were introduced to in Sports Week last year, Aussie rules and Tchoukball.
For both hygiene and safety reasons, and for good practise before they start secondary school, please ensure your child has the correct kit in school to change into at all times. Kit should be as follows:
· Plain white t-shirt (additional to normal school uniform polo shirt)
· Plain black/ navy shorts and/or tracksuit trousers (depending on weather)
· Trainers (*Plimsolls/daps are suitable for some indoor activities though not for many outdoor invasion games, athletics etc. Dance/ gym are done barefoot.) & socks if needed.
Year 6 children will be expected to take responsibility themselves for having PE kit in school on the correct days.
This term we will outline the importance of Creation on the timeline of the ‘big story’ of the Bible, looking at Genesis 1 suggesting what it might mean, understanding and comparing different Christians interpretations. We will make connections between Genesis 1 and Christian belief about God as Creator and will show understanding of why many Christians find science and faith go together. We will consider how far the Genesis 1 creation narrative is in conflict, or is complementary, with a scientific account.
Much of our use of information technology and computers will be integrated into other aspects of the curriculum. We will use the iPads, lap-tops and a number of computers in the classroom to enable us to do this, and to give the children experience using word processing programs and the internet with increasing confidence. With regard to independent web-based research we will consider copyright and giving due credit for information and images found online, will discuss how we can assess the reliability of information and think about how to make our search results more focussed and useful. We will focus on e-safety and anti-cyberbullying, including learning about and minimising risks when using phones and tablets at home. We will introduce blogging and other methods of communication and collaboration online, learning about how to act and behave in the virtual world. We will learn about using and combining digital video and audio technology and multimedia software, and about creating presentations in different formats.
In year 6 we will continue to develop our Spanish vocabulary around different topics and will build our ability to form sentences and short phrases including expressing and justifying opinions. Most of our work will be speaking and listening, developing into conversations. We will also include reading, translating and writing Spanish sentences.
Art & Music:
On Friday afternoon Cherry class will be taught art by Mrs Hughes and music by Mrs Gooding.
We start in term 1 with lots of work on number and calculation, firstly comparing 6, 7 and 8 digit numbers and numbers with up to 3 decimal places. We will use mental and efficient written methods for adding and subtracting 5 digit numbers, and will use short and long methods of multiplication and division, working up to multiplying 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers and dividing including remainders. We will work with negative numbers and practise rounding numbers, including decimals, to the required accuracy. We will learn about the order of operations and will consolidate our understanding of mathematical vocabulary including prime, square, factor and multiple.
In term 2 we will do lots of work on fractions: finding equivalent fractions; calculating fractions of quantities; compare fractions and decimals; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. We will also develop our learning about position and direction in geometry including reading and plotting co-ordinates in all four quadrants, translating and reflecting shapes.
I have the records of previous achievement towards maths passport targets, which we will continue. If children do not yet know their tables facts to 12x12 it is vital that they try to learn them as quickly as possible. I will set a specific aspect to practise for homework each week. On completion, this should be signed by an adult in the homework booklet. Targets will be tested on a Friday each week through short, timed tests that require speedy mental recall of the facts. (Most targets aim for about 80 answers in 4 minutes.) We have a stock of practise sheets in the classroom that children are able to take home to use whenever they wish.
We will also have regular opportunities to demonstrate problem solving and independent learning skills in small group sessions.
School Citizen:
In previous years at school children will have earned a session of golden time each week, usually on a Friday afternoon. Rather than a weekly reward, for year 6 I am introducing a larger end-of-term reward scheme which I hope to include low-cost or free off-site trips. To earn the right to attend these trips, pupils in Cherry Class must earn ‘School Citizen points’, both by setting an example to other children, and by leading the school.
Points are awarded for ‘daily’ activities (e.g. attendance with good conduct, handing in homework on time etc.), ‘leadership’ activities (e.g. School Council, Digital Leaders etc.), ‘performance’ activities (playing in sports tournaments, presenting/ playing an instrument in assembly etc.)
For more information please see your child’s ‘School Citizen’ sheet.
Year 6 independence:
In my opinion, a vital part of the year 6 experience is developing the independence skills that each child will require when they transition to secondary school next year. There are many aspects of this, for example: being able to learn independently within the classroom; having the correct equipment for learning and using it appropriately; taking responsibility for and remembering PE kit, homework, lunch, letters etc.; completing set homework tasks in good time. Many children also use year 6 to begin to travel home unaccompanied if this is appropriate to where they live. If you intend for your child to do this, please ensure you inform Mrs Tight and our end-of-day collection records can be amended.
4th September 2017
Dear Parents,
Hello and welcome to Cherry Class! Year 6 is always a really key year for young people and I am looking forward to helping the class make the most of all the opportunities available to children at the top of the school. I hope the fact that most of us were in Rowan Class together means we should be able to hit the ground running straight away, while I am also looking forward to getting to know our new children.
I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer holiday and are ready for another exciting school year and a busy term ahead. In this newsletter I will outline the topics we will be covering up to Christmas, and provide you with some general information about our class. Extra information will be handed out in due course as we get into term and I will update our class blog (http://netheravoncherry.primaryblogger.co.uk/) weekly with news and photos of what we have been up to in class as well as adding copies of letters, homework sheets etc. where possible.
While formal parent consultations will take place in Term 2, there will be an open afternoon from 3:30pm on Wednesday 20th September to come and have a chat and see what we are doing in class and I look forward to seeing you then.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ross Nashwalder